Bible Stories Listed by Historical Eras
with Related Stories and Topics

Part 1  Adam, Noah, Babel, and Corresponding New Testament Stories

Part 2  Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Corresponding New Testament Stories

Part 3  Joseph, Moses, and Corresponding New Testament Stories

Part 4  Moses on Sinai, the Tabernacle, and Corresponding New Testament Stories

Part 5  Israel in the desert, Joshua, Gideon, and Corresponding New Testament Stories

Part 6  Ruth, Job, Samuel, and Corresponding New Testament Stories

Part 7 Jeroboam, Ahab, Elijah, and Corresponding New Testament Stories

Part 8  Esther, Daniel, Jesus, Paul, and Corresponding New Testament Stories


Part 1. Adam, Noah, Babel
and Corresponding New Testament Stories


Historical Events in the Time of Creation and the Ancient Patriarchs,
and Similar Later Events

Old Testament

Creation. God created the physical, temporary universe, and Gen. 1-2.

New Testament

 God began His new creation, which is spiritual, eternal, and without sin:

·        Jesus' resurrection, in which believers participate, began the New Creation. Matt. 28.

·        It will be complete with the new heavens and earth that await us, Rev. 21 -22.

·        We are reborn spiritually into it (Jesus with Nicodemus), John 3:1-7.

Our Response

Give thanks to God for the good things He created for us in the old creation.

Proclaim with joy that we enter God's new, spiritual and eternal creation by participating in Jesus' resurrection, who was the ‘firstfruits’ of the new creation, (1 Cor. 15; 2 Cor. 5:17). There is no other way (John 14:6).


Old Testament

The first Adam yielded to Satan's temptation and disobeyed God, bringing death upon man and separation from the God (original sin): Gen. 3.

New Testament

The final Adam Jesus spurned Satan's temptation, bringing life and reconciling mankind with God:

·        Jesus the "final Adam" (1 Cor. 15:45) resisted Satan's temptations, Matt. 4.

·        Jesus, living in us, enables us to resist Satan and overcome the world, John 16 - 17.

·        Jesus obeyed the Father's will in Gethsemane, even to death (the supreme test), Matt. 26:36-42.

Our Response

Confess our sins to God and repent (1 John 1:8-10).

Resist Satan, using the armor of God in the power of the Holy Spirit (James 4:7; Eph. 6).


Old Testament

Old Testament worship required the shed blood of an innocent victim:

·        The first murderer Cain slew Abel when God rejected his bloodless offering but accepted Abel's, Gen. 4.

·        God slew the High Priest's sons who entered His presence without the blood--Lev.1 0.

New Testament

Worship includes the blood of Christ the eternal 'Lamb of God':

·        Jesus shocked the Jews saying we must eat His flesh and drink His blood, John 6:26-59.

·        Jesus told a Samaritan woman that we must worship God in Spirit and in truth, John 4.

Our Response

Worship recalls Jesus' blood sacrifice for our sins (Matt. 26:26-28).

·        Celebrate Communion the way He requires (1 Cor. 10:16-17; 11:27-32).

·        We can praise God with our lips until we're hoarse, but if we don't obey Him our praise is vain (Matt. 15:6-9).


Old Testament

God sent a flood to punish the wicked human race with physical death (Noah), Gen. 6 - 9.

New Testament

God warns of a "second death" if we fail to repent--eternal separation from God in hell:

·        John the Baptist called men to repent, in preparation for Christ the promised Messiah, Matt. 3.

·        God punishes unrepentant sinners in the lake of fire (final judgment and 'second death'), Rev. 20:11-15.

Our Response

Let our Heavenly Father's compassion and kindness leads us to repentance (Rom. 2:4).

·        Repent from our sins and believe in Christ (Mark 1:15).


Old Testament

God created races and different cultures at the tower of Babel:

·        Men tried to remain united in one proud society but God separated them into many languages, Gen. 10.

New Testament

All races and cultures praise God before His eternal throne in glory, Rev. 7:9-17.

Our Response

Make disciples of all nations (cultural people groups, Matt. 28:18-20).

·        Trust in God, not in man's political power (Zechariah 4:6).

·        Appreciate the different races and cultures, which are recognizable in heaven throughout eternity. Their God-given variety beautifies the 'Bride of Christ--people of all nations, tribes and languages (Rev. 7:9-12).

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Part 2, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
and Corresponding New Testament Stories

Old Testament

God promised to bless all nations in a descendant of the believer Abraham:

·        Abraham believed God, who counted his faith as righteousness, and God promised the blessings through the believer Abraham's seed--a descendant, and seals it with a serious covenant, Gen. 12:1-7; Gen. 15.

·        God promised Abraham a son through a miraculous birth, and Abraham believes Him, Gen. 15:1-6.

New Testament

God fulfills His promise to bless all nations through Abraham's seed Christ, who saves from sin and heals:

·        Mary accepted to give birth in a miraculous way to a Son and her Savior, Luke 1:26-56.

·        Jesus healed a demonized man and many others because they have faith, Mark 1: 21-34.

·        Jesus healed, and forgave the sins of, a paralytic because of the faith of his caring friends, Mark 2:1-12.

·        God poured out his Holy Spirit on Jews from many nations, who receive Christ (Pentecost), Act 2.

·        God poured out His Holy Spirit on gentiles, opening the way for all races to be saved, Acts 10:44-48.

Our Response

We receive God's forgiveness through faith, not by our own merits (Eph. 2:8-10).

·        We are Abraham's heirs. We receive the blessing promised to him, by believing as he did (Gal. 3:6-12; 4:21-31).

·        We witness for Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit to people of all nations (Acts 1:8).

·        We pray for physical healing in Jesus' name (James 5:14-16).

·        Allow God to heal or give us another form of grace instead, as he did for Paul (2 Cor. 12:7-10--God does not heal everybody, or no one would die and be with Him in heaven!)


Old Testament

Abraham's faith led to good works and God's promises that gave the basis for both the Old and New Testaments:

·        Abraham let his selfish nephew Lot choose the richest grazing lands, Gen. 13.

·        Abraham by faith took his workers to battle against five kings to rescue Lot, Gen. 14.

·        Abraham's faith resulted in the birth of Isaac, through whom God established his covenant of grace, Gen. 21.

·        God tested Abraham's faith, telling him to offer his only son Isaac--the heir of the promise--as a sacrifice, Gen. 22.

·        In a temporary lapse of faith Abraham tried to fulfill God's covenant of grace by his own efforts Gen. 16 - 17. The result is that Arab Muslim descendants of Hagar's illegitimate son Ishmael still fight against Abraham's descendants through Sarah.

New Testament

Jesus requires faith for us to be born again, receive healing, and find God's blessings:

·        Jesus explained to Nicodemus that by faith we must be born again of the Spirit , John 3.

·        Jesus healed the servant of a believing army captain, Matt. 8:5-17.

·        Jesus healed two blind men because of their faith, Matt. 9:27-38.

Our Response

Our salvation by faith results in good works, or our faith is not genuine (Eph. 2:8-10; James 1:22-24).

·        Resist the doubts such as caused Abraham to try to fulfill God's covenant of grace by his own works, which led to Ishmael's birth and, through his Arab descendants, gave rise to Islam, the world's most legalistic religion (Gal. 3:6-12; Gal. 4:21-31)

·        Seek daily renewal--pray and read God's Word daily--let God's Holy Spirit renew us day by day (2 Cor. 4:16).


Old Testament

God rewarded those who were good stewards of what He had given them:

·        Abraham gave tithes of property recaptured from raiders to the Christ-like priest Melchizedek, and refused to take any of the property of the captors, Gen. 14:11-24.

·        Boaz instructed his reapers to leave grain on purpose for the poor gatherer Ruth, Ruth 2.

New Testament

God promises treasure in heaven for those who give generously for His work and for those in need:

·        The poor widow gave even though she needed the coins for her own living, Luke 21:1-4.

·        Barnabas sold his property and gave it to those in need, Acts 4:33-37.

·        The Good Samaritan cared for his enemy, Luke 10:25-37.

·        Jesus illustrated good stewardship with His parable of the faithful stewards, Luke 19:11-27.

·        Jesus illustrated bad stewardship with His parable of the unfaithful steward, Luke 16:1-8.

Our Response

Be good stewards and manage well what God has given us, whether money or goods (1 Cor. 4:2).

·        Give cheerfully. God does not want what we give grudgingly (2 Cor. 9:6-15).


Old Testament

God answered prayers of faith:

·        Abraham made a magnificent plea of intercession for Lot and his family (Sodom and Gomorrah), Gen. 18 - 19.

·        Solomon made a moving prayer of dedication of God's temple and His people, 2 Churn. 6; 7:1-4.

·        Ezra's made a heartfelt prayer of confession of sin on behalf of his people, which resulted in a national renewal, Ezra 9; Ezra 10:1-19.

New Testament

God answers our prayers of faith:

·        Peter and John healed a lame man by praying in Jesus' name—and were jailed for it, Acts 3 - 4.

·        A Fathers' simple prayer for faith and healing of his demon-oppressed son, Mark 9:14-29.

·        The sinful tax collector's brief prayer, Luke 18:9-14.

·        Jesus told us how to pray (including the Lord's Prayer--'Our Father'), Matt. 6:1-15.

·        Jesus prayed for His apostles and for us, John 17.

·        Jesus yielded in prayer to the will of His Father, to give His life for us, Matt. 26:36-46.

Our Response

Jesus told us to pray in His name, so that our joy may be full (John 16:24).

·        The apostle Paul told us to pray without ceasing (1 Theses. 5:17).

·        The apostle John told us to confess our sins to God (1 John 1:8-10).


Old Testament

Abraham sent his servant afar to seek a believing bride--Rebecca--for his son Isaac, Gen. 24.

New Testament

God sent the Holy Spirit to seek a believing bride--the church--for His Son Jesus:

·        Jesus promised the Comforter, who will convince us of sin and reveal Christ to us, John 14:15-26; John 16:7-16.

·        The Holy Spirit came at Pentecost and the first church is started among the Jews, Acts 2.

·        The Holy Spirit came to the gentiles and the first gentile church is born in Cornelius' house, Acts 10.

Our Response

Seek those that God has chosen to be His bride, the faithful, even in distant lands (Matt. 28:19-20).


Old Testament

The sovereign God granted grace to those he chose, not because of their good works:

·        Jacob deceived his brother Esau but still receives God's blessing, Gen. 27 - 33.

·        The following long story provides insight into ancient Hebrew culture, before they received God's law:

Ψ      Jacob deceitfully robbed Esau of his birthright, Gen. 27.

Ψ      Jacob worshipped God and saw a ladder to heaven; God repeated to Jacob promises made to Abraham. Gen. 28.

Ψ      God punished Jacob's deceit--Laban deceived him, Gen. 29.

Ψ      Because of Jacob's faith God blessed him with wealth and children, even though he did bad things, Gen. 30.

Ψ      God protected Jacob from the wrath of both Laban and Esau; Jacob wrestles with an angel, Gen. 31 33.

New Testament

Jesus forgave and blessed bad people because of their faith, not their works:

·        Jesus forgave a sinful woman, Luke 7:36-50.

·        Jesus explained with a parable that God calls both good and bad to feast with Him, Matt. 22:1-10.

·        Jesus ate and drank with sinners, whom He came to save, and was criticized, Luke 5:27-32.

Our Response

Thank God for forgiving us because of our faith, not our deeds (Rom. 8:28-30; 9:10-18).

·        Take the good news of salvation to bad people as well as good, because Jesus came to seek the lost (Luke 5:32).

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Part 3, Joseph, Moses
and Corresponding New Testament Stories

Old Testament

Joseph served as the advocate for the sons of Israel who had wronged him:

·        Joseph gained power and pleads with Pharaoh for his brothers who sold into slavery, Gen. 37 and Gen. 39 - 45.

·        The following is a long story and you may deal with it in small parts. It contains lessons on forgiveness, purity, family ties, intercession and God's provision. Joseph's was a prophetic figure of Christ:

He was a shepherd,
beloved by His father,
sold by His brothers the sons of Israel,
resisted temptation,
imprisoned unjustly,
raised up again to a place of honor at the right hand of the king,
interceded for his brothers,
reunited with them at a glorious banquet.

New Testament

Jesus serves as our advocate before the Father, even though we have sinned against Him:

·        Jesus is the Good Shepherd who seeks the lost sheep, Luke 15:1-10.

·        Jesus prayed to His Father to forgive those who crucify Him, Luke 23.

·        Jesus told His disciples why we must forgive others, Matthew 18:15-35.

Our Response

Pray in Jesus' name--He is our advocate with the Father, pleading for us (John 16:24; Rom. 8:33-39).

·        Forgive those who sin against us (Matt. 6:14-15; Eph. 4:32).


Events in the Time of Moses the Lawgiver,
with Similar Later Events


Old Testament

God prepared a deliverer to lead His people out of slavery in Egypt and bring forth a new, holy nation:

·        Miraculous events surrounded the birth of Moses, and the attempt to kill him, Exodus 1 - 2.

·        God prepared Moses in Midian to be a leader of his people, called him from a burning bush to return to Egypt and free His people, and gave Him miraculous powers to do so, Exodus 2 - 4.

·        Moses' first miracle was to convert water into blood--a curse upon Egypt's false gods, Exodus 7:13-25.

New Testament

God provides a savior to deliver His people from the slavery of sin.

·        Miraculous events surrounded the birth of Jesus, and the attempt to kill him, Matt. 1:18-25; Matt. 2.

·        Jesus' preparation and baptism, and recognition by the Father that He is God's beloved Son, Matt. 3:13-17.

·        Jesus' first miracle was to convert water into wine--a blessing (contrary to Moses’ first miracle) John 2.

Our Response

Trust in our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ to forgive and bring God's blessing (John 3:16).


Old Testament

God instituted the annual Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) for Israel, Exodus 12. Notice:

·        It was to help His people remember throughout the ages how He delivered them from slavery in Egypt.

·        The death angel saw the blood on the doorposts and passed over the houses of those who believed in God.

New Testament

Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper to affirm His New Covenant in His blood, Luke 22.

·        We celebrate this to help us remember throughout the ages how He delivered us from sin by shedding His blood.

Our Response

We take part in Jesus' body and blood when we celebrate this new Passover feast (1 Cor. 10:16-17).


Old Testament

God led Israel out of slavery through the Red Sea--the basis for the Old Covenant, Exodus 12 - 13.

New Testament

Jesus leads us out of the slavery of sin and death by His resurrection from the dead, Luke 24:

·        Christ gives us eternal life because believers join Him in His resurrection, John 11.

Our Response

We trust Christ alone--the only life-giver--to give us immortality (1 Cor. 15).


Old Testament

Moses provided food and water in the desert through God's miracles:

·        God provided manna to eat, from heaven, Exodus 17:1-7.

·        God provided water, from a rock, Num. 20:1-12.

New Testament

Jesus provides the bread of life (His own body) and the water of life (the Holy Spirit) to believers:

·        Jesus feeds 5,000 miraculously, then offers His flesh as bread from heaven for eternal life, offending many, John 6.

·        Jesus promises God's Holy Spirit, to live in us, John 7:37-39 and counsel us, John 14:15-26.

Our Response

Seek the true bread from heaven, not material, and receive God's Spirit (Matt. 6:31-34; John 20:21-23).

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Part 4, Moses on Sinai, the Tabernacle
and Corresponding New Testament Stories

Old Testament

God provided elders to shepherd his people, Exodus 18:12-27.

New Testament

God provides elders to serve as pastors or co-pastors in His churches, Acts 14 (notice verse 23).

Our Response

Church planters name and train elders in new fields that lack experienced leaders (Titus 1:5-9).

·        We obey the leaders that watch over us in God's churches (Heb. 13:17)


Old Testament

God engraved Ten Commandments in stone--the basis for Israel's conduct, Exodus 19 - 20; Exodus 31:18.

·        Those who disobeyed the Old Testament law were put to death, Num. 25:1-11.

·        God promised a New Covenant--His laws will be written in men's heart instead of on stone, Jeremiah 31:31-34.

New Testament

The Lord Jesus Christ our Supreme Commander ordered us to obey His commands--the basis for our conduct in the New Covenant, Matt. 28:18-20. we do:

·        Jesus is the rock foundation; obedience to His words is the only way we build on it Matt. 7: 24-29.

·        The first church obeyed all of Jesus' commands in their most basic form, Acts 2:37-47:

·        They repented, believed, and received the Holy Spirit, Mark 1:15; John 3:16; 20:22.

·        They were baptized and began the new transformed life that it initiates, Matthew 28:18-20.

·        They loved one another, as seen in their fellowship and care for the needy. Love includes God, our neighbor, fellow disciples, the needy--in a practical way--and enemies (forgive), Matt. 22:36-40; John 13:34-35, Luke 10:25-37; Matt. 5:43-48.

·        They broke bread (Communion, related to our worship), Matthew 26:26-28; John 4:24.

·        They prayed (this includes private and family devotions, intercession and spiritual warfare), John 16:24.

·        They gave (this includes stewardship of our time, treasure and talents), Luke 6:38.

·        They made disciples (this includes witnessing for Christ, shepherding, teaching the Word, training leaders and sending missionaries), Matthew 28:18-20.

·        Jesus' main commands for us are to love God and man, which sum up all the Old Testament laws, Matt. 22:33-40.

·        Jesus rebukes Pharisees enforcing commands of men and neglecting commands of God, Mark 7:1-23; Matt. 23.

Our Response

We are now led by the Holy Spirit, who produces the fruit of holiness in us (Rom. 8:3-16; Gal. 5:14-26).

·        We avoid the legalism of the old law of death, and embrace the New Covenant of life and freedom (2 Cor. 3:3-18).

·        Let the Holy Spirit convince us of our sin (John 16:5-15).


Old Testament

God's old covenant had a special day of rest and worship:

·        God set apart the seventh day, looking back at His rest after the old physical creation, Exodus 20:8-11.

·        God commanded His people to slay a man who gathered firewood on the Sabbath day: Num. 15:30-36.

New Testament

God's new covenant has a special day of worship:

·        Believers worship on the first day, when Jesus rose again, looking forward to the new, eternal creation, Acts 20:7.

·        Jesus announces the new covenant, Luke 22:13-20.

Our Response

We follow the New Covenant. It liberates us from the law of death, which we could not fulfill (2 Cor 3:6-9).

·        We avoid the legalism of old law, which required circumcision and keeping special days (Gal. 4:8-10; Gal. 5:5-14).

·        We are free to worship on any day: (Rom. 14:1-18).


Old Testament

God punished those who worshipped the golden calf, Exodus 32.

New Testament

God will punish those who worship idols with terrible plagues, at the end of the age, Rev. 9.

Our Response

Flee from idolatry of any form, which includes greed (1 Cor. 10:14; Col. 3:5).


Old Testament

God offered the Israelites the blessings of the Promised Land but for lack of faith they failed to possess it:

·        Twelve spies probed the land, but the people feared to do so and wandered in the desert for 40 years, Num. 13 - 14.

New Testament

The apostle Paul offered the message of salvation to King Agrippa, who refuses to believe, Acts 26.

Our Response

We seek the Lord while He may be found, Isaiah 55:6-7.


Old Testament

God ordered Moses to erect a sanctuary where He would meet with His people, in the Most Holy Place:

·        God gave strict instructions for making this tabernacle and the clothing of the priests, Exodus 25 - 31, Exodus 35 - 40.

·        The entire book of Leviticus explains the sacrifices and priests service in the sanctuary.

·        The sanctuary had three parts, each with its furnishings, listed below, Exodus 40.

Ψ      The outer court for worshippers. It had an altar for burnt offerings, and a water tank for priests to wash (Exodus 38). The altar symbolized the cross of Christ and his sacrifice that gained eternal salvation and ended the need for animal sacrifices (Heb. 9 -10). The tank may be compared to baptism, by which all believers wash and become priests of the New Covenant.

Ψ      The Holy Place for priests only. It had a table with the 'bread of the Presence ' (a figure of the Lord's Supper), a gold lamp that kept burning always with oil (a figure of the Holy Spirit) and an altar of incense (a figure of prayer).

Ψ      The Most Holy place--only the high priest could enter, once a year. A huge red veil, symbolizing Christ's flesh, separated it. It held the most sacred Ark of the Covenant, a box overlaid with gold, with cherubim (holy angels) on top. God's visible glory glowed above it--indicating the presence of God among His people, symbolizing Jesus.

·        The people offered blood sacrifices as a temporary atonement for their sins, in the tabernacle court, Exodus 29:36-41.

·        The High Priest's sons offered strange fire, without the blood, in the Most Holy Place and God slew them, Lev. 10.

·        Only the High Priest entered the Most Holy Place once a year to offer a blood atonement for God's people, Lev. 16.

·        King Solomon centuries later replaced the tabernacle, a huge portable tent, with a magnificent temple, 1 Kings 5 - 6.

New Testament

Jesus, by His death, resurrection and ascension, entered the heavenly tabernacle as our present High Priest:

·        Jesus, by becoming a man, being tempted and suffering, became our perfect High Priest, Heb. 2:14-18.

·        Jesus, who lives forever, replaces the old High Priest and all the related sacrifices and services, Heb. 7 - 9.

Our Response

Draw near to God with confidence, persevere and encourage other believers (Heb. 10).

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Part 5. Israel in the desert, Joshua, Gideon
and Corresponding New Testament Stories

Old Testament

Family. God instructed parents to teach their children his laws, Deut. 6:1-9.

New Testament

Jesus gave instructions for marriage and blessed little children, Matthew 5:31-32; Matt. 19:13-15.

Our Response

Cultivate loving, respectful family relationships.

·        Husbands are to love their wives, who are to submit to their husbands (Eph. 5:21-33).

·        Paul instructs children to obey their parents, and fathers to instruct their children in the faith (Eph. 6:1-4).


Old Testament

God told Moses to forbid witchcraft, contact with the dead or talking with spirits, Deut. 18:9-12.

·        King Saul consulted with the Witch of Endor about a battle and God ended his reign, 1 Sam. 28:6-25; 1 Sam. 31.

New Testament

Christ overcomes all evil spirits, including Satan:

·        Jesus cast many demons out of the Gadarene men, and into pigs, among many others, Matt. 8:28-34; Matt. 12:22-32.

·        Christ in the last days will destroy Satan and his reign forever, Rev. 12; Rev. 20:1-10.

Our Response

Avoid all witchcraft and pray in Jesus' name for demonized persons (Gal. 5:19-21; Luke 10:9).


Old Testament

God forbade unholy war booty to be brought in His holy camp; jewels and precious metals passed a trial by fire: Num. 31.

New Testament

God warns that we cannot take contraband into heaven--our works will be tried by fire: 1 Cor. 3:10-15.

·        Jesus warns against greed and clinging to riches, in His parable of the rich fool, Luke 12:14-31.

Our Response

Lay up treasures in heaven instead of riches on earth (Matt. 6:19-21).


Old Testament

Some used their wealth to serve God, others coveted it wrongly or used it selfishly:

·        Balak paid Balaam to curse Israel. God forced used a donkey and other ways, to make him bless them, Num. 22 - 24.

·        Wealthy Nabal selfishly denies food to David's hungry soldiers, but God changes the situation, 1 Samuel 25.

·        King Hezekiah showed off the royal riches to messengers from Babylon--and lost them! 2 Kings 20:12-19.

·        King Solomon had great riches, many wives, and indulged in every pleasure, but found it all empty, Eccl. 2:1-11.

New Testament

Jesus warned of hoarding wealth with a parable of a selfish rich man who woke up in hell, Luke 16:19-31.

Our Response

Believers with wealth, or who desire it, heed God's warning that wealth will cause us pain (James 5:1-6).


Events in the Time of the Judges of Israel, with Similar Later Events


Old Testament

Joshua conquered for God, defeating in battle the pagan nations that occupied the Promised Land:

·        God commanded Joshua to be courageous and drive out the idolatrous nations from the Promised Land, Joshua 1:1-11.

·        The pagan city Jericho fell, Joshua 6.

·        God let Joshua's army be defeated temporarily because of a traitor's idolatry, Joshua 7 - 8.

·        Joshua defeated several strong kings in military campaigns, to occupy the land, Joshua 9 - 11.

New Testament

The apostles conquered for God, defeating Satan as they take the gospel to the pagan nations of the world:

·        The church in Antioch commissioned and sends the first long-term missionaries, Acts 13:1-3.

·        Paul and Barnabas take long missionary journeys, into distant lands and other cultures, Acts 13 - 14; Acts 16 -21.

·        Paul proclaims Jesus to Jewish leaders and skeptic rulers Festus and Agrippa, even though it means prison, Acts 20 -26.

Our Response

Send the apostles that God gives your church to neglected fields (Eph. 4:11-12; Acts 1:8).

·        Today's apostles continue to drive Satan back as God's kingdom spreads throughout the earth (Rev. 15:4).

·        Face God's enemies with courage, and bear the suffering that it brings (Matt. 10:16-42).


Old Testament

God brought faithful aliens to be included among His people Israel:

·        Canaanite harlot Rahab hid God's spies by faith, and was spared when the city of Jericho fell, Joshua 2; Joshua 6:17.

·        Moabitess widow Ruth out of love for her mother-in-law Naomi came to Israel and trusted in God. Both Ruth and Rahab are in Christ's lineage; Ruth was the great-Grandmother of king David), Ruth--a beautiful love story.

·        Syrian army general Naaman, after battling his pride, bathed in Jordan River and God healed his leprosy, 2 Kings 5.

New Testament

Christ's church embraces all nations:

·        Jesus tested, and then rewarded, a Sidonian woman's faith, Matt. 15:21-28.

·        Jesus heals the servant of a Roman Centurion because of the army captain's faith, Luke 7:1-10.

·        The apostle Paul makes missionary journeys to many nations, Acts 13 - 14; Acts 17 - 20.

Our Response

Jesus commands us to evangelize and make disciples of all nations, Luke 24:46-48; Matthew 28:18-20.


Old Testament

God used weak persons to defeat the strong:

·        Gideon with 300 soldiers followed God's surprising instructions and defeated a huge army, Judg. 6 - 7.

·        The shepherd boy David defeats the Philistine giant, 1 Sam. 17.

New Testament

God uses weak and flawed persons to do great things:

·        Peter denied Jesus, but God used him mightily after he received the Holy Spirit, Matt. 26: 31-35, 69-75.

Our Response

Confess our sins and weaknesses to God.

·        Trust in God's power, not in man's wisdom and wealth (1 Cor. 1 - 2).

·        Pray for strength, like Paul who said "I can do anything through Christ's strength" (Philip. 4:13).

·        Wage spiritual warfare by using the spiritual armor and weapons that God provides, (Eph 6: 10-18)

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Part 6, Ruth, Job, Samuel
and Corresponding New Testament Stories

Old Testament

God enabled faithful women like Ruth, Deborah and Esther to do His work:

·        Deborah led a courageous military campaign to free Israel, Judges 4 - 5.

·        See also the entire books of Ruth and Esther.

New Testament

God enables faithful women to do His work:

·        Mary agreed to be the handmaid of the Lord and sang a magnificent prayer of praise, Luke 1:22-56.

·        Priscilla made tents with her husband and thus helped to start several churches, and mentored Apollos, Acts 18.

·        Dorcas made clothes for the poor, Acts 9:36-43.

Our Response

Respect and honor women, and praise virtuous women of faith (Proverbs 31:10-31; Eph. 5:21-33).

·        Encourage Christian women to do ministries for which God has gifted them (example, Philip's daughters, Acts 21:8-9).


Old Testament

God let evil people punish his erring children, and also let righteous people suffer:

·        The book of Judges gives examples of how God's people fell into idolatry and other sins, then God let pagans oppress them. When they repented, God sent a deliverer and they lived in peace--until they sinned again, repeating the cycle.

·        Samson, in spite of his moral weakness, let God use him to free Israel from the idolatrous Philistines, Judges 14 - 16.

·        The Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant and put it in the fish-god Dagon's temple. On the third day Dagon's head broke off, just as Jesus entered the old serpent Satan's former realm of death, but crushed his head to free the prisoners as He rose the third day. Cows, with no man to lead them, returned the Ark to Israel, just as the victorious Christ appeared to His disciples after he rose, and ascended to glory, 1 Sam. 4 -6.

·        Job was a righteous man but suffered greatly and questioned God but never turned against him, Job 1 - 42. (This is a very long story and needs to be summarized or taught in parts. The key chapters are Job 1- 4 and 40 -42).

New Testament

God allows us to suffer, so we can share His glory later, and punishes those who oppress His children:

·        King Herod beheaded John the Baptist and slew James and others, but later was eaten by worms, Acts 12.

·        Non-believing Jews stoned Stephen to death in Jerusalem and persecuted the Christians who as a result scattered to many places, spreading the gospel--a blessing for many, Acts 7 - 8.

·        Paul the Apostle suffered beatings and stoning from Jews, was robbed and shipwrecked, 2 Cor. 11:22-33; Acts 27 - 28.

Our Response

Rejoice when we suffer for Christ, because our reward in glory will be great (1 Peter 4:12-19).

·        We suffer in the world because it hated Christ and hates us, but we will be rewarded (John 15:18-27; Rom. 8:17-39)

·        Bear the cross that Jesus gives us (Luke 9:22-26).


Events in the Time of the Kings of Israel, and Later, with Similar Later Events


Old Testament

God prepared His prophets and leaders, such as Joseph, Moses and Daniel in different ways:

·        Hannah gave her child Samuel to the High Priest Eli, to serve God; he received a startling message for Eli, 1 Sam. 1 - 3.

·        The Israelites begged Samuel to anoint a king to lead them and he warned them of what would happen, but they persisted, so he anointed Saul, a strong warrior, to the great pleasure of the people: 1 Sam. 8 - 10.

·        Saul reigned well, defeating many of Israel's enemies, then committed some serious blunders, 1 Sam. 11 - 15.

·        David, like Moses, learned to be a good shepherd herding his father Jesse's sheep as a lad, 1 Sam. 16; 1 Sam 17:33-37.

·        David became a strong warrior but King Saul became jealous forced him to keep running and hiding. God used this to teach David to trust in Him (as many of his Psalms reflect), 1 Sam. 18 - 31. These chapters contain many war stories.

·        Isaiah saw a frightening vision of the Lord in His temple and felt so sinful that he fell, Isaiah 6.

·        Jeremiah suffered many things, including being put in a pit when he prophesied that Jerusalem would fall, Jer. 38.

New Testament

God prepares His leaders:

·        Peter and the other eleven original apostles spent three years accompanying Jesus the Master, Mark 3:13-19.

·        Paul the apostle suffered many things, and spent time in Arabia before beginning his apostolic work, Gal. 1:11-24.

Our Response

We should continue to develop our skills as we serve the Lord, and make willing sacrifices:

·        Moses left the riches of Egypt's palace and suffered shame, to serve his people (Heb. 11:24-28).

·        This preparation includes studying the Word of God, like you are doing now, and teaching it to your family, your people, and newer leaders (2 Tim. 2:2).


Old Testament

God let good leaders like David and his son Solomon rule His people when they turned from idols and obeyed Him, but let bad kings reign cruelly when they worshipped idols. Most of the kings were bad.

·        Solomon begins his reign by asking God for wisdom. His wise decisions attract people from afar, 1 Kings 3; 4:21-34.

·        Solomon built God's temple and brought the Ark of the Covenant to it with great pomp and ceremony, 1 Kings 8.

·        The Queen of Sheba comes far to see Solomon's glory and is astonished by his wisdom and wealth, 1 Kings 10:1-13.

·        Israel enjoyed immense prosperity under Solomon's reign. 1 Kings 10:22-29.

·        Jehosaphat removed idols and taught God's laws to all Israel with non-institutional education, 2 Chron. 17 - 18.

·        Josiah the boy King listened to his advisors and brought spiritual renewal to Israel, 2 Kings 22 - 23.

·        Hezekiah, like the kings Uzziah and Asa, brought Judah 2 Chron. 29 - 32.

New Testament––

God gives good shepherds to serve His flocks when they follow His Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit:

·        Paul told his apprentice Titus to name the right kind of elders to pastor the new churches of Crete, Titus 1:5-9.

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Part 7, Jeroboam, Ahab, Elijah
and Corresponding New Testament Stories

Old Testament

God sent His prophets to warn bad kings and the people to repent:

·        Solomon's foolish son Rehoboam refused to ease the people's harsh taxes, which provoked Jeroboam and the northern tribes to separate, dividing the kingdom--Israel in the North and Judah in the south, 1 Kings 12.

·        Jeroboam, first king of Israel in the north, defied the prophet's warning and instituted serious idolatry, 1 Kings 13.

·        Many kings followed Jeroboam's bad example. Ahab allowed almost all Israel to worship idols, but the prophet Elijah worked miracles to show that God lived and was more powerful than the lifeless idols. Elijah healed a widow's son , 1 Kings 17.

·        Elijah also challenged the prophets of Baal to meet with him and Ahab on Mount Carmel for a contest, 1 Kings 18.

·        Elijah fell into despair at feeling alone but was nourished by God's angel, 1 Kings 19.

·        Elijah convinced the most evil king Ahab to repent, 1 Kings 21.

·        Ahab spurned the prophecy of Micaiah and caused his own violent death, 1 Kings 22.

·        Elijah brought fire from heaven down upon the messengers of evil King Ahaziah, 2 Kings 1.

·        Elijah was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire but the Lord passed on his powers to his apprentice Elisha, 2 Kings 2.

·        Elisha enabled Israel's king Joram to miraculously defeat Moab's army, 2 Kings 3.

·        Elisha by God's power enabled a poor widow to pay her debts, 2 Kings 4.

·        Elisha by God's power enabled the Syrian army captain Naaman to be cleansed of leprosy, 2 Kings 5.

·        Elijah by God's power caused the defeat of the invading army from Aram, 2 Kings 7:24-33; 2 Kings 8.

·        Jeremiah predicted God's punishment and the fall of Jerusalem, but the king refused to hear, 2 Chron. 36:11-23; Jer. 36

·        The kings and people grew more evil and Jerusalem finally fell. Many were carried off as slaves to Babylon, 2 Chron. 36.

·        Jonah, the first missionary, was sent to another nation and, until God taught him to obey, resisted God's command, Jonah.

New Testament

Jesus warned His followers against bad leaders--wolves that lead God's people astray:

·        Jesus told the parable of the lost sheep to reveal the joy in heaven when a sinner repents, Luke 15:1-10.

·        Jesus illustrated God's grace, which leads men to repent, with His parable of the Wasteful Son, Luke 15:11-32.

·        Peter proclaimed the gospel and calls the large group of listeners at Pentecost to repent, Acts 2:1-41.

·        Jesus healed a blind man on the Sabbath and hypocritical religious leaders resented that He did it on the Sabbath day, John 9.

·        Saul of Tarsus imprisoned Christians and caused their death, but converted and became Paul the apostle, Acts 9:1-31.

·        Jesus warned of wolves, who would pretend to be devout Christian leaders but are false, Matt. 7:15-20.

·        John the Baptist warned Herod about his adultery. Herod imprisoned and later beheaded John, Matt. 14.

·        Jesus warned of the leavening of the Pharisees--self-righteousness and rules of men, Luke 12:1; Matt. 15:1-20.

·        Paul warned the elders of Ephesus that wolves (false leaders) would try to divide and corrupt their churches, Acts 20: 28-32.

·        God, through the prophecy of John, warned of an Anti-Christ's ruthless persecution of believers, Rev. 13.

·        John's visions also warned of terrible judgments coming upon men who do not repent, Rev. 16 - 18.

·        John's visions also promised a glorious 'wedding feast' in heaven for those who repent, Rev. 19.

·        John's visions reveal the final judgment of the unrepentant, before God's great white throne, Rev. 20.

·        John's visions also reveal the new heavens and earth in which we will live and reign forever with Christ, where there are no tears, no curse and no pain, Rev. 21 -22.

Our Response

Watch over the flock that God has given us to shepherd, starting with our own families (Acts 20:28-32).

·        Name as leaders responsible, mature persons who have proven their ability, (1 Timothy 3).

·        Shun those who cause divisions (Titus 3:10-11).

·        Our congregation must avoid the common errors that weaken churches, that Christ warns us of in Rev. 2 - 3.

·        Seek the Holy Spirit's daily renewal (2 Cor. 4:16-18).

·        Assure suffering believers of their eternal reward (1 Peter 1:6-9; 1 John 3:1-3).


Old Testament

Lucifer "king of Babylon," a beautiful angel, became proud and fell from heaven, becoming Satan our enemy, Isaiah 14:3-17. This event occurred in the beginning of creation, but was not revealed until the time of the divided kingdom.

New Testament

Satan wars ceaselessly against God's people:

·        Following a war in heaven, Satan was cast out of heaven with the other fallen angels that had joined him, Rev. 12:7-9.

·        The devil tempted Jesus, Matt. 4.

·        Jesus warned that Satan would send his evil spirits like birds to snatch the seed of the Word of God from our hearts, Matt. 13.

·        Satan moved Judas to betray Jesus, John 13:21-30; John 18:1-12.

·        Satan caused even believing Christians Ananias and Sapphira to sin, Acts 5:1-11.

Our Response

Resist Satan and he will flee from us (James 4:7).

·        Beware of Satan as he stalks us like a roaring lion, to see whom he can devour (1 Peter 5:8-9).

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Part 8, Esther, Daniel, Jesus, Paul
and Corresponding New Testament Stories


Events in the Time of the Captivity of the Remnant of Israel
and their Return to their Land

Old Testament

God protected the remnant that worshipped Him alone, while they were in captivity:

·        Mordecai helped his niece, the brave Queen Esther, to plan the destruction of God's enemies, Esther (the entire book).

·        God protected Daniel's three friends in the blazing furnace, Dan. 3, and Daniel in the lions Den, Dan. 6.

New Testament

Jesus the Good Shepherd promises to keep His followers secure in His hands forever, John 10 :7-39.

Our Response

Trust in God's infinite grace to keep His children in His hands forever, Rom 8:28-39.


Old Testament

God provided faithful leaders to restore His people and organize them to serve Him:

·        Cyrus King of Persia let the exiles in Babylon to return and restore the temple and land of Israel, Ezra 1.

·        The people who returned began rebuilding the temple with great shouts of joy and tears, Ezra 3.

·        Nehemiah asked King Artaxerxes permission to rebuild Jerusalem. Nehemiah returned and surveyed the ruins, Neh. 1 - 2.

·        Nehemiah led armed workers in rebuilding Jerusalem's walls, amid much opposition, Neh. 3 - 4.

·        The people heard and heeded God's Word, confessed their sins and repented in the greatest national renewal in history, Ezra 8 - 9.

New Testament

God gives gifts and power through His Holy Spirit for us to lead, serve one another and help the needy:

·        Jesus ate with repentant sinners and brought God's grace to them, Mark 2:13-17.

·        We use spiritual gifts in harmony with others' gifts to serve one another in the church body, in love, 1 Cor. 12:14-31.

·        Paul told his apprentices to name and train other church leaders, to keep the process multiplying, Titus 1:5; 2 Tim. 2:2,

Our Response

Plan by faith to mobilize our people for God's work (Eph 4:11-16).

·        Commission and send new workers to where they are most needed (Acts 13:1-3; Titus 1:5).


Significant Events in the Time of Jesus' Earthly Life.

·        Jesus' birth: Matt. 1-2; Luke 2.

·        Jesus' baptism: Matt. 3.

·        Jesus' temptation by the devil: Matt. 4.

·        Jesus calls twelve disciples who later become the apostles: Matt. 4:18-21; 9:9-13; John 1:35-51; Mark 3:13-19.

·        Jesus' transfiguration: Matt. 17.

·        Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday): Matt. 21.

·        Jesus Institutes the Lord's Supper: Matt. 26:17-29.

·        Jesus' agony in Gethsemane and His arrest: Matt. 26:36-56.

·        Jesus' trials before several authorities: Mark 14:55-64; John 18:28-40; 19:1-16.

·        Jesus' crucifixion: Matt. 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19:17-37.

·        Jesus' burial: John 19:38-42.

·        Jesus' resurrection and appearances: Matt. 28; John 20-21.

·        Jesus' Great Commission to make disciples of all peoples, proclaiming repentance and forgiveness in the power of the Holy Spirit: Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:46-48; John 20:21-23; Acts 1:8.

·        Jesus' ascension: Luke 24:50-53.

Significant Events Following Jesus' Ascension to Glory.

·        The coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Jewish believers at Pentecost: Acts 2.

·        Stephen is stoned to death after summarizing the history of the Old Testament Israelites: Acts 7.

·        The first gentile church; Gentile converts also receive the Holy Spirit: Acts 10.

·        The first missionary team: Acts 13 - 14.

·        The first inter-church council: Acts 15.

·        The final judgment: Rev. 20:11-15.

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