Imitating Bible Models for Establishing New Congregations

  1. Jesus, Model for All Men
  2. Models for Pastors
  3. Models for Educators
  4. Models for Evangelists and Apostles ("Sent Ones")
  5. Models for Pastoral Students
  6. Models for Regional Coordinators
  7. Models for Worship Leaders
  8. Models for Servants of the Ill and Needy
  9. Models for All Obedient Disciples



A1 Jesus, Supreme Commander. He orders his disciples all authority in heaven and earth to obey his commands, in Matthew 28:18-20. Let us also make disciples who show their love for Christ by obeying His commands before all else.

More detail if you need it. List of Jesus' Basic Commands.

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B1 Jesus, the Good Shepherd who Uses God's Word to Lead His Sheep. He used the Bible to direct all activities, and not simply as a source of teaching content. He did this often, as when He drove moneychangers from God’s house of prayer in Luke 19:46. Let us also use God’s Word to develop our ministries in God's way, not man's, to organize, evangelize, make disciples and worship. God's Word requires believers to do several ministries--not isolated programs but activities harmonized in small groups.

More detail if you need it. List of Required Ministries.

B2 Barnabas, Leader in a ‘Mother Church.’ He helped his church to send workers to neglected areas, together with Paul, in Acts chapters 13:1-3. Let us also send workers to start daughter churches.

More detail if you need it. The Antioch church as a body, led by Barnabas and other leaders, let the Holy Spirit move them to send him and Paul to neglected peoples, in obedience to Christ's orders to make disciples of all nations. Jesus gives your church also people who have this apostolic gift. The word apostle means 'sent one.' In Scripture it is used to mean Barnabas, Luke and many others who were not of the original twelve. Every church has such people and it is our job to send them in the power of the Holy Spirit.

B3 King Josiah, Renewal Leader. He defeated satanic powers by helping his people to shun idols, in 2 Chronicles 34. Let us also free people be from idols, including modern materialism, and demonic oppression.

More detail if you need it. To drive off demonic forces, use the armor God provides for this spiritual warfare, listed in Ephesians 6:10-18. James 4:7 also assures us, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." Jesus tells us to cast out demons, as He did in Mark 1: 21-27

B4 Ezra, Praying Reformer. He led his people to confess their sins and embrace God’s commands, in Ezra chapters 9 – 10. Let us also make sure that our people lead holy lives. The apostle John tells us why we must confess out sins to God, in 1 John 1:7-10.

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C1 Jesus, Master Teacher. He did two things to communicate spiritual truths:
-- He used simple stories as in Matthew 13.
-- He listened before talking, to observe and deal with immediate needs as in Luke 17.

1) Let us also enable our people to pass God’s Word on easily as stories to their friends: List of Bible stories that deal with major doctrines.

2) Let us also talk first with those we are training to be leaders. Jesus listened to them and the people before He taught, to teach them exactly what they and the people needed at the time. To mentor leaders, do the following five things with each trainee during each session:
-- Pray before, during and after each session. Ask for power to do what you plan.
-- Listen to what each trainee and his people are doing. Compare it with prior plans.
-- Plan with each trainee what his people will do before you meet again.
-- Let each trainee explain what he studied.
-- Assign to each trainee new reading that fits his plans.

C2 Moses, God’s Spokesman. He provide curriculum that fitted current needs, as when he gave new elders the Ten Commandments and other laws for their new nation in Exodus chapters 19 – 40. Let us also apply God’s Word at once with authority rather than merely voice it as abstract theory for some vague future application.

More detail if you need it. Jesus said that a good teacher in the Kingdom of God is like a house owner who brings out of his storeroom things old and new (Matthew 13:52). That is, they did not use a linear, analytical outline to train new leaders, but observed and listened, to find out what the new leaders and churches needed, then sought the resources that fit the current need. Materials that use this 'menu' approach to train pastors.

C3 Jehosaphat, Sponsor of Education by Extension. He formed traveling teams to take God’s Word to the towns that lacked it, in 2 Chronicles 17:3-10. Let us also educate the people and their shepherds where they live.

More detail if you need it. To keep churches or cell groups reproducing, we balance mentoring new leaders, like Jesus and the apostles did, with classroom lectures. The newer leaders always need mentoring, for best results. They can imitate their mentors and mentor newer leaders, for a chain reaction, as in 2 Timothy 2:2. For a list of comparisons between these two methods of educating, that helps us discern the difference and maintain the balance, open

C4 Priscilla and Aquila, Humble Mentors. These house church hosts mentored the leader Apollos behind the scenes in a quiet way. Let us also meet with new leaders to instruct them and help them plan their activities.

More detail if you need it. Christian Mentoring Explained

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D1 Jesus, Redeemer. He died for your sins and rose from the dead to give us holy and eternal life, and commanded His disciples to be witnesses of these historical events. Let us give testimony of what Jesus has done for us, and proclaim his sacrificial death and life-giving resurrection. Jesus tells us to be witnesses to all peoples of three specific things. These are His sacrificial death, life-giving resurrection and forgiveness for all who repent: Luke 24:46-48 and 1 Corinthians 15:1-26. For where we witness for Christ, see Acts 1:8.

D2 Peter, Evangelist. He called people to repent and affirm their faith without delay by baptism, in Acts 2:22-41. Let us also call all people to repent, receive Christ’s forgiveness and confirm the newborn babes' death to sin and new life in the risen Christ with baptism.

More detail if you need it. We proclaim the gospel of Christ and confirm the faith and repentance of those who receive it the same way Peter and the other apostles did. They never delayed baptism to force a new believer to prove that he was worthy of it or to learn a lot of doctrine. It was always the very first step of obedience. It discourages newborn babes in Christ to delay their ceremonial acceptance into God's kingdom while they meet man-made requirements for baptism. We should require only what Scripture requires for baptism--that sinners confess their sins and agree to follow Christ (Acts 2:22-14, and Acts 10:34-48).

D3 The Wasteful Son. He repented from his sins and returned to his father, trusting in his father’s gracious forgiveness, in Luke 15:10-32. Let us also let God change our hearts and turn from our sins to serve Him eternally.

More detail if you need it. God transforms us so we can live good lives. Jesus told Nicodemus that he had to be born again, in John 3:1-16. Galatians chapter 5:13-25 describes the new life that we let the Holy Spirit produce in us.

D4 John the Baptist. He called the people urgently to repent and presented Christ to them, as in Matthew 3. Let us also urge all men to turn from their sins to follow Christ.

More detail if you need it. Read the dramatic conversion of the cruel persecutor Saul of Tarsus in Acts 9. Repentance begins the process of transformation described in Romans 12. For more explanation read the entire book of Romans.

D5 Paul, Traveling Church Planter. He gave full responsibility of leadership without delay to the new elders that he instructed everywhere he went, as in Acts 14:21-23. Let us also install new leaders who meet New Testament requirements and prepare them on the job, as we phase out our control of new churches, to be free to work in new areas.

More detail if you need it. To learn how to give authority and responsibilities to new church planters, read Jethro's advice Exodus 18:3-27, and Paul's advice in Titus 1:5-9 and 2 Timothy 2.2. These passages all show the need for someone to serve as a regional coordinator, to keep the pastoral training and church planting continuing.

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E1 Jesus, Obedient Son. He passed on immediately to His disciples what he learned from His Father, as He revealed in John 15:15. Let new trainees also begin at once to shepherd new churches, imitating the more mature pastors who mentor them, starting with their own family and friends.

More detail if you need it. Students put into practice at once what their mentors have taught them, and have commissioned them to do (Acts 14:23). Jesus sent His trainees out to do evangelism--not just to sit and listen to Him teach (Luke 10).

E2 Timothy, Pastoral Apprentice. He trained newer pastors while being trained, as 2 Timothy 2:2 required. Let new trainees also pass on what they learn without delay to newer shepherding elders, for rapid church multiplication. Students begin as soon as possible to mentor newer pastoral trainees, to keep the churches and cells reproducing, as seen also in Titus 1:5.

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F1 Jesus, King of Kings. He coordinated a training operation that prepared workers to start church planting movements throughout the Roman Empire, as seen in its beginning, in Mark 3:13-19. Let us also plan for training that results in new churches over a wide area.

More detail if you need it. A good coordinator uses maps of the area or other means to enable all the trainers to see their areas of responsibility and where they need to start new churches. When new churches are born, this is marked on the map, with the names of the trainers and new pastoral students. Coordinators should not be officials who are elected for a specific term, because the training often stops when the term ends. Participants should name a caring person who is capable of leading the rest with strong discipline.

F2 Titus, Regional Coordinator. He established elders in the new churches of Crete, as a regional overseer, as instructed in Titus 1:5-9. Let us also name capable coordinators to oversee the establishment and training of new shepherds in our area. The Coordinator:
-- commissions pastoral instructors for areas with new churches or untrained leaders,
-- meets with them regularly to oversee their work and help with problems,
-- provides training materials (to "bring the books," as Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:13),
-- keeps orienting new trainers to mentor newer pastors,
-- holds them accountable to carry out their own plans.

F3 Jethro, Organizer. He advised Moses to delegate pastoral responsibilities to new leaders and hold them accountable to shepherd small groups, in Exodus 18:13-27. Let us also make sure that all believers have a shepherd who listens to their needs, and that a caring coordinator holds these shepherds accountable for this. Plan and do this with prayer. Prayerfully commission new trainers.

F4 Nehemiah, Project Manager. He planned and defined specific tasks to the various clans to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, in Nehemiah chapters 2 – 4. Let us also plan carefully with our coworkers and apportion pastoral responsibilities among the shepherding elders that God gives us. A good Coordinator plans well ahead and apportions responsibilities wisely to volunteer workers. Some prepare materials. Others, normally pastors, train newer leaders. Others start churches and enlist new elders to be trained.

F5 Silas, Messenger Between Congregations. He often traveled from one church to another with messages and gifts, and to serve the new churches, as in Acts 15:27. Let us also communicate with sister churches of our area, to offer, or ask for, help when needed. Keep new churches in contact with each other. Have united meetings to give reports about their work. When churches need help, arrange with workers from other churches to give it.

F6 Gideon, Daring Planner. He trusted God to do what men thought impossible, leading 300 soldiers against a huge army, in Judges chapters 6 - 8. Let us also share with our people a vision that inspires them to valor and willing service. A good coordinator continually challenges his people to conquer more territory, freeing Satan's slaves, to start more churches and cell groups, and to keep training new leaders.

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G1 Jesus, Sacrificial Lamb of God. He offered His own flesh and blood as a covering for the sins of the world, as in John 6:25-63. Let us also make sure that our public worship services exalt the risen Christ and His saving work.

More detail if you need it. To use Psalms in worship, select Psalms that contain praise and thanksgiving for God. Read through the Psalms and you will find ones that fit the occasion. Psalm 150 shows how we should praise Him with music. In worship services we should:
-- Praise,
-- Pray,
-- Confess our sins (and receive assurance of forgiveness),
-- Celebrate the Lord's Supper,
-- Give (small groups usually let people to give privately, not in a public way),
-- Discuss the Word of God,
-- Enjoy fellowship.
Small groups in homes should have a definite beginning and end to the formal worship time.

G2 Abel, Worshipper. He respected the blood sacrifice as the central element of worship, in Genesis 4. Let us also regularly break bread and drink the cup of the New Covenant in His blood, to participate in the body and blood of Christ as He commands and Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 10:16-17.

More detail if you need it. 1 Corinthians 11: 20-34 gives us directions for celebrating the Lord's Supper with proper respect for His body and blood. Exodus 12 recounts the original Passover Feast, by which the Almighty provided freedom from slavery in Egypt. You can read the entire story in Exodus chapters 1 through 15. Luke 22:1-20 recounts how Jesus celebrated the Passover Feast with His disciples the night before He was betrayed, and commanded that His followers continue to celebrate it regularly, in a new way, to remember His sacrificial death.

G3 David, Singing Poet. He worshipped the Lord fervently with praise and loving obedience to His commands, and inspired others to do so, as we see in Psalms 4 and 23. Let us also use creative, artistic ways to help our people fervently praise God.

More detail if you need it, about worship services. We make sure that all who want to participate in some way--besides merely listening and singing--can do so, as in 1 Corinthians 14:26. They may:
-- recite a Bible verse,
--act out a Bible story,
-- give a testimony of what Christ has done for them or for a friend,
-- lead in prayer,
-- explain a Bible verse or tell a Bible story,
-- ask questions about a Bible passage,
-- recite a poem, perhaps one that they have written,
-- report what they have been doing, or planning to do, in ministry,
-- plan evangelism and other activities.

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H1 Jesus, Compassionate Healer. He often used God’s power in response to men’s faith to heal the sick and free the demonized, as in Mark 3. Let us also pray for those who need physical, mental or spiritual healing.

More detail if you need it. Acts 6:1-6 explains how a church is to organize to deal with pressing needs in the community. Galatians 6:10 explains whom we are to serve first. 1 John 3:13-19 explains why we must serve the needy.

H2 The Loving Samaritan. He did works of mercy for a Jew, even though the Samaritans despised Jews, in Luke 10:25-37. Let us also serve Jesus by caring for the poor and those who are suffering, as Matthew 25:31-46 reveals.

More detail if you need it. Acts 9:36-42 shows how Dorcas also served the needy. Acts 4:32-37 shows how Barnabas and others gave sacrificially to help others in need.

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I1 Jesus, Eternal High Priest He prayed for our salvation and protection from the evil one in John 17:9-21, and intercedes for us now at the Father’s right hand, as Romans 8:34 reveals. Let us also pray for those who are lost without Christ, and for each other.

More detail if you need it. Jesus told us how to pray, and gave a model prayer--commonly called The Lord's Prayer--not necessarily to memorize and repeat over and over, but as an example for praying--in Matthew 6:5-15. It recognizes God as our Father and exalts Him, pleads for His will to be done, begs for our needs to be filled and for forgiveness, and to be freed from temptation and the evil one. Jesus also tells us in John 16:24 to pray in His name.

I2 Abraham, Man of Faith. When God promised to multiply his descendants, as many as the stars in the sky, Abraham believed Him and God counted his faith for righteousness, in Genesis 15:1-6. Let us also believe God’s promises and prayerfully plan for a church planting movement in which thousands become spiritual sons of Abraham by believing as he did.

More detail if you need it. We become Abraham's spiritual children when we believe as he did; we inherit the blessing for all nations that God promised to him (Galatians 3:6-29). Abraham interceded with God to spare his nephew Lot when God decided to destroy the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, in Genesis 18. Because of Abraham's faith, God saved Lot and his daughters from the fire (Genesis 19). Moses also interceded for the Israelites when God wanted to destroy them when they made a golden calf to worship (Exodus 32).

I3 John, Apostle of Compassion. He taught believers to cultivate loving fellowship and serve the needy, in 1 John 3:14-18. Let us love and serve one another, obeying the New Testament "one another" commands and serving the needy in practical ways.

More detail if you need it. The New Testament has many "one another" commands such as forgive one another, admonish one another, confess your faults to one another, teach one another, bear one another's burdens, etc. Complete chart of 'one anothers.'

I4 Cornelius, Generous Giver. He gave generously to people in need, in Acts 10:1-2. Let us also give to the needy and support God’s work.

More detail if you need it. To help your people give generously, let them know the needs of different people in the church and the community. Teach Christian stewardship. We are stewards of God's property. He created the earth and owns everything in it (Psalm 50:10). When we give, it is an investment for our future in heaven (Matt. 6:19-21; 19:21). God's reward will depend on how sacrificially we give (Luke 21:1-4). We are to give cheerfully, the amount that we have purposed willingly in our heart (2 Corinthians 9:6-11).

I5 Daniel, Man of Constant Prayer. He prayed three times daily, even when the king forbade it, and trusted in God’s salvation, in Daniel 6. Let us also pray constantly, trusting in God’s power to overcome Satan and the world, as we extend Christ’s kingdom.

More detail if you need it. We pray daily for our 'daily bread' (Matthew 6:11). Paul tells us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). All our ministries depend on God's help and He helps only when we ask Him to. He is the most powerful, active being there is, but in His wisdom limits His work on Earth to what we ask by faith.

I6 Job, Patient Sufferer. He kept trusting God and praised Him even though God tested his faith and let Satan cause terrible suffering, as in Job chapters 1 – 3, and 42. Let us also persevere even through the world hates us and we suffer much, because our reward will be great in heaven. If we who are believers suffer in this life, we will share Christ's glory (Romans 8:11-39). Jesus tells us to bear our cross--to suffer with Him in this world (Luke 9:22-26).

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