MentorNet #43 Sustaining Church
Planting Movements Copyright © 2006 by Galen
Currah and George Patterson How can church planters and shepherds of new flocks be mobilized and
trained in a way that sustains a church planting movement? Before we tackle this
question, here are two related notices: 1. Jay Pratt, who works in southeast Asia, wants to communicate with others who have used Paul-Timothy (, Shepherd’s Storybook, Train And Multiply® or
other, similar, pastoral training materials that: ·
enable mentors
to select studies for specific, new-church needs, and ·
contributed to sustaining a church planting movement beyond its initial
stages. If this fits
you, please e-mail [email protected] and describe the
training you have done. If you have prepared such materials and are willing
to share them freely with others, then please e-mail a sample copy. We
especially want to communicate with trainers of workers who have enabled
churches to reproduce as daughter churches and grand-daughter churches, etc.,
through 2 Timothy 2:2 mentoring chains: 2. In a new book, Reproducible Pastoral
Training (, Patrick O’Connor has
compiled the church planting and pastoral training principles that George
Patterson has used and taught over the years. O’Connor makes it easy to
pinpoint methods with which you may want help to sustain church
multiplication. Victor Choudhrie, MD, of Reproducible Pastoral Training is an impressive, up-to-date manual on church
planting that should be studied by all who are involved in church planting
movements. The principles laid are universal and scriptural. Factors that
Factors that combine to sustain a
church planting movement include God’s sovereign election, a people’s
receptivity, visionary faith and prayer, organization that empowers new
workers, wise use of funds, a passionate love for our Lord Jesus Christ,
sound doctrine and holiness, adaptation to culture, and ability to endure
persecution. While we are vitally concerned with all of these, this MentorNet
message focuses on recruiting and training church planters and shepherds. 1. Limiting factor: Many church planters are young men without jobs who must be
supported by a limited source of funds that often come from outside of the
region they serve. Remedy: Enlist as church planters
more persons who already have an income and who would qualify as a shepherding
elder as defined by the New Testament. 2. Limiting factor: If church planters are trained only in occasional workshops or
academies held during the day, then those who work during the day cannot
attend them. Thus, only single young people are trained, bypassing ‘elder
types’ who support themselves and have the maturity required in many
communities to reach serious-minded heads of families. Remedy: Supplement class-room type
training with mentoring that is available to all, such as is described under
“Mentor New Leaders” from 3. Limiting factor: Church planters who are volunteers and self-supported often have
jobs or businesses that do not let them travel far. Remedy: Let paid or professional
church planters start only the first two or three churches in a region, as
they are able to travel afar. Thereafter, let these churches send some of
their own members to plant the rest of the churches nearby in their region.
The most effective church planting teams normally are composed of members of
a nearby 'mother' church of the same culture. Such members usually have
friends and relatives living where they plant daughter churches. This type of
church reproduction is described under “Start, Develop and Renew God's
Flocks” at 4. Limiting factor: New churches often have new leaders with only a minimal amount of
training and Bible knowledge. Remedy: Enable all shepherds to
fulfill their biblical duty of mentoring the new leaders of their daughter
churches in the same way that Jesus and the apostle Paul did, as also
described under “Mentor New Leaders” at 5. Limiting factor: Missionaries and church planters often lack experience in a type of
mentoring that is both biblical and 'menu-driven,' which meets urgent needs
of new churches, and is geared to rapid church reproduction. Remedies: 1)
Ask a mentor to help you start mentoring. The mentors listed under
“Select a Mentor Skilled in your Area” at charge no fees (unless being mentored for
academic credit). They will stay with you, helping you to think through your
plans, until you see churches multiply. 2)
Teach and apply biblical guidelines of Christian mentoring. See
“Tasks of a Christian mentor and Mentoring 'Chains' in Scripture” under
“Mentor New Leaders” at 6. Limiting factor: Mentoring the way Jesus and Paul did it proves too time-consuming to
continue doing indefinitely. Remedy: Like Jesus and Paul's
apprentices, your trainees must be weaned from intensive mentoring as soon as
their churches are practicing the vital ministries that are required by the
New Testament. These trainees, in turn, must by now have the confidence and
skills to mentor other, newer leaders of their daughter churches or cells.
Trainees can then receive ongoing training in more conventional forms such as
workshops, personal reading and classroom instruction. Just take care not to
force institutional training on the newer leaders. Clarification: David Garrison has stated
that mentoring is a common element in church planting movements; he did not
list it as an essential, universal component. This needs clarification. We
agree with Garrison that structured mentoring is not a universal element in
church planting movements. However, some
kind of mentoring, coaching or discipling on a leadership level must take
place in some way. Conclusion Sustaining
a church planting movement requires ongoing training of church planters and
shepherds. In many movements, especially where churches must multiply under
severe restrictions, mentoring as done in the ways that Christ and Paul did
it, does in fact sustain the movement. Mentoring Resources for Church Reproduction To find mentoring tools and web sites, visit <>. To download free, reproducible training materials for new
leaders & missionaries: To download "Come, Let Us Disciple the Nations"
(software), visit <>. To order Church
Multiplication Guide in English, visit <> or a book shop. To order Reproducible
Pastoral Training in English, visit <> or a book shop. To download CMG free in Portuguese or French, visit
<>. To download this article or earlier MentorNet articles,
visit <>. To subscribe or unsubscribe to MentorNet, write to <[email protected]>. To obtain counsel on church planting, write to George
Patterson at <[email protected]>. To learn how to use Train & Multiply®
write to Galen Currah <[email protected]>. To obtain information on how to obtain T&M®, visit