Paul-Timothy Introductory Study How to Use Paul-Timothy Studies Download P-T studies freely from 1. How to choose studies that fit your needs, using the
P-T User’s Menu: ·
Ask your coordinator for a copy of the Paul-Timothy User’s Menu, or
download a printable copy from ·
Studies are grouped under 16 Ministries (including an
Introduction). Choose a study for each student that deals with the current
needs of his congregation. ·
First find the Ministry that contains studies related to the need. For
example, if a student wants to develop worship, find the corresponding
studies on the menu under WORSHIP. ·
Keep studies for each ministry area stored separately, so that you can
easily find them. 2. Ministries in the User’s Menu include sets of studies
for different topics. ·
Each Ministry area has several sets of studies. For example, the
ministry “Worship” includes sets on Communion, on celebrating Jesus’ resurrection,
and on other aspects of worship. ·
Each set has a study for Shepherds and for Children. Both studies
treat the same topic. This enables children to prepare ahead of time a Bible
story related to the topic that the adults will learn. The children can act
out the Bible story for the adults during worship time. ·
Shepherd’s studies have the word ‘Shepherd’ at the top. Their study
numbers end with ‘a’, for example ‘A1a’. ·
Children’s studies have the word ‘Children’ at the top. Their study
numbers ends with ‘b’, for example ‘A1b’. ·
Some sets also have supplementary studies with additional information
on the topic. Those studies end with the letter c, d or e. ·
New Shepherds’ studies help one to plan both the next week’s
activities and the next worship. 3. Initiate P-T leader training using the “Getting
Started” studies: ·
Trainers use Guidelines for Training New Shepherds study number A0f. ·
Pastoral students use Guidelines for New Shepherds Being Trained,
number A0a. ·
Children’s teachers use Guidelines for Children’s Teachers, number
A0b. ·
Worship leaders use Guidelines for Those who Lead Group Worship,
number A0e. ·
Other workers use Guidelines for Deacons, Deaconesses Small Group
Leaders, and Others who Lead Activities during the Week, number a0d. ·
Coordinators who lead workshops to initiate Paul-Timothy training use
Paul-Timothy Workshop Manual. You can download it freely from;
click on ‘Workshop Manual’ in the left column. 4. P-T studies help you to plan interactive, relational
worship activities. ·
Use Paul-Timothy studies to prepare for a worship time in which many
participate in a family atmosphere that includes children. The Holy Spirit
works more powerfully in meetings where people have relationships. 5. P-T studies can be printed in a convenient,
pocket-sized format. ·
Provide the studies in a form that is easy to use. The New Shepherds’
and Children’s studies should fit on one sheet of paper, printed on both
sides. The folded layout has four pages on one folded sheet of paper. ·
If you will inform the Paul-Timothy writers about other study needs,
then they will try to create studies accordingly. Let your leaders know your
needs, so that they can inform the Paul-Timothy writers. ·
The Paul-Timothy curriculum will never become finalized, because new
studies will be added or improved according to your reports about the needs
of your congregations. ·
Paul-Timothy publishes supplementary studies as they become ready.
Please visit the web site often to find and download free studies: 6. P-T studies have no restrictions on copying or
translating. ·
This booklet and the materials it describes may be freely copied,
translated into any language, stored on any medium, and distributed for free
or for money. Please, include the following statement: Copyright © 2004 by
Paul-Timothy Nobody has an exclusive right to
produce, store, sell, or distribute these materials in any language or
region. May be freely copied. Download
from |