Priorities Chart (to gauge one's preferences and strengths)

Mentor: use this chart to get vital information about those you mentor.
Trainee: use this chart to give your mentor information he needs to know your strengths, goals and needs.

Draw three columns on a large sheet of paper, as in the example below, for aspects of ministry:

1) Essential, 2) Strong Preference, 3) Mild Preference.

List things of concern: type of work, with whom (coworkers), for whom, where, how, etc.

An item may be essential for a church or organization, but not for you; you would delegate it. For example, we all know that evangelism is essential for a church, but you would list it as essential only if you know that God requires you to make it a major part of your ministry.

The following is an example:



church planting

pioneer field

holistic -- gift balance

have high view of church

Strong Preference


Asians, inner city

poor people


work closely with wife

Mild Preference

creative arts

not team leader


closely-knit task force

work closely with coworkers

To start, you might go over the lists of spiritual gifts in Romans 12:6-8; Ephesians 4:11-12 and 1 Corinthians 12:8-10. Specify only those which directly concern you. You might also look over the 14 ministry areas (main sections under Contents) in this Paul-Timothy Menu, for those that directly concern you.

If you are unsure of an item, you should probably not list it.

You might also list preferences as to type of work:

Creative vs. Routine? detailed processing vs. intuitive designing?

Individual vs. team approach? church-based team? multinational team?

Analytical? holistic? harmonize different gift-based ministries in one effort vs. specialized program?

Work with a church, mission agency or other organization?

Work as an up-front leader, behind-the-scenes executive leader or follower?

Start a project only, or manage it, or both?

Work mainly with church or parachurch organization?

Work mainly with ideas, machines, physical projects, animals, agriculture or people?

Work inside or outside?

If working with a church, what size? mega, medium, small or house church? cells?

To whom do you prefer to minister? a large flock? children? youth? families? a specific people group? the poor? middle class? educated? tribal? specific geographical location? inner city? rural? close to health facilities?

Short or long term? stay until the job's done?

Keep close tie with home (sending) church?

Preach or teach others to preach? Disciple behind the scenes?

If you need more help, write down two or three activities of Bible characters with which you strongly identify:

David: Lead troops into battle? Use the arts to praise God? Write Psalms (poems of praise)? Dispense justice? Cultivate personal relationships behind the scenes (as with Jonathan)? Forgive his enemy Saul? Show compassion to the crippled Mephibosheth? Plan and prepare for building the temple?

Paul: Travel broadly with many adventures? Take offerings to the poor? Explain theology in letters? counsel Christian brothers behind the scenes? Evangelize neglected peoples? Lead a church planting team? Earn a living making tents? Organize new churches? Disciple Timothy and Titus? Pray fervently for the churches? Keep a holistic balance between all these areas of ministry?

Priscilla: Help her husband make tents to enable churches to be planted in difficult fields? Work with churches that met in her home? Teach doctrine to Apollos behind the scenes? Provide hospitality for the traveling missionaries? Care for her husband and family?

Peter: Preach to a large group of seekers at Pentecost? Baptize and disciple the converts? Sit at Jesus' feet learning about the Kingdom? Healing the lame man in Jerusalem? Discuss church policy with the leaders who came from Antioch? Start a church in the gentile Cornelius' house? Lead that church planting team? write his epistles? Keep a holistic balance between all these areas of ministry?

Nehemiah: Intercede for his people with God? With the emperor? Travel far with much gold amid perils and adventures, to Jerusalem? Scout out the ruins and plan reconstruction? Inspire the people to work? manage the work? Put down opposition? Chronicle the names in detail of the exiles who returned? Teach the law of God? Carry out broad reforms? Help Ezra pen important letters to heads of state?

Moses: Name and supervise the other elders of Israel? Intercede for his people, listen to and rule on cases of justice? Write down details of God's law, monitor the progress and details of the construction of the tabernacle? Help Aaron work out methods of worship? Compose psalms, lead his people through the perils of the desert?

Ezra: Explain the Word of God to ignorant, nominal believers who had abandoned Scriptural truth? Lead a renewal movement against strong opposition?

Esther: Serve her people as a righteous queen, expose the bad guy Haman? Use great tact and diplomacy to move the emperor to do justice? Plan important banquets? Serve her endangered people as a 'mole' within the royal palace, follow the wise advice of her mentor Mordecai?

Dorcas: Provide clothes for the poor?

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