Just wanted
to drop you a note of appreciation for the Shepherd's Storybook. I
am using it with my 10 + 12 year old sons, who love it! Here's why I am telling
people that they may want to test drive it with their children: · They can read the stories &
the Scriptures to their children so that "family time" & story
time are combined. The stories are fun for children, so they soak up the · There's so much
Bible content + good theology + good praxis (in the form of your
experience + advice) combined in an easily digestible form. The
kids don't even realize how much they are learning. · It gives them practical
orientation + help for current and future ministry, right in their own home.
They take in a missional perspective on life +
ministry, which can be combined with whatever ministry work they are
currently doing right now. I know it wasn't written for
North American kids, but I see it as having big potential for families who
want an easy-to-use resource as part of discipling their children in Biblical
mission + ministry. I so appreciate how you are
putting so much material online so as to make it available to the world. God
bless you & Galen and your team, and please do pass on my appreciation to
the Thiessens for this book as well. Appreciatively
yours, Bruce