Freedoms of Christian Churches


Common to all CPMs (withour own spin)

George Patterson& Galen Currah, Japan, June 2003

Our spin: This is a planningworkshop, not a course. Why biblical characters in the manual (notrequired positions in a CPM) to use with new leaders &believers. Sections in manual are options, not the workshopschedule. Why role-plays: this is for others whom you will train,to enable people to participate and discuss ? if you find ithelpful! Not to replace or change current pastoral training? only to add something radically new. We offer proven,biblical principles, not a fixed model.

Mr. Tradition: Heattends your church and opposes all these freedoms. You willpractice now how to answer him. (Someone plays his role in thisworkshop.)

Assignments:In your prayer & planning groups, write down your plan forhow you will enact each of these nine freedoms.

Freedom for young churches to startnewer churches as soon as the Lord makes it possible. (Epaphras)

Our spin: Only churches reproduce aschurches (Antioch Ac 13). God promises these kinds of people, Ep4.11-12 ; Ephphras, Co 1 & 4 ; 2 Ti 2:2 ;Holy Spirit does not tire ; enable every church tobecome a mother church and a sending church as soon as possible.(Define ?apostle?.) You will not recognize apostlesbeforehand. Every where apostles went, churches multiplied. Warnnot only to preach a sermon or to do it alone.

Mr. Tradition: Time,finances, doctrine and unity are at stake. (Arise from sloth,greed, pride and control and the opposite of godly qualities.)

Assignment:Start drawing a map showing where God may want to start churches.(You will show your map and give a brief report at the end of theworkshop.) Write the names of persons in your church with whomyou will make plans to hold a planning workshop or meetings.Determine to keep new church work free from required use ofbuilding and salaries.

For churches to start newer ones, theyneed the following freedoms:

Freedom to obey the commands of Christand his apostles above and before all religious rules andtraditions. (Christ and Jews).

Our spin: Peter in Ac 2 ;Jesus in Mk 7 ; levels of authority ; ?lightbaton? for new churches.

Mr. Tradition: Thedenominational policies (Baptist distinctive). Conformity ensuresunity.

Assignment: Holda workshop or a series of meetings to enact this freedom. Planhow to practice seven basic commands of Jesus. Pray fordiscernment about which your church now neglects and whatcherished evangelical traditions hinder your church?sobedience.

Freedom to enter the homes ofunconverted seekers, evangelizing them and making discipleswithin their own cultures and families. (Peter &Cornelius)

Our spin: Jesus in Lk 10 ; Ap7:9 ; love people & respect their cultures ;Paul circumcised Timothy Ac 16:1-3 and condemned it in Ga. Threekinds of groups: older churches with formal leaders, youngchurches with new leaders, and seeker groups. Most new churchesstart little, in a family; therefore become experts in smallgroup worship and ministry.

Mr. Tradition: Separatenew believers from the bad influence of friends, relatives andculture. (Circle skit.)

Assignment: Writeplans for how you will introduce in your churches intercessoryprayer for families, friends and social groups. In which homeswill you introduce Christian teaching and worship? Indicatecontacts on your maps.

Freedom to baptize new believers withoutdelay, and to celebrate the Lord’s Table wherever they meet.(Early church)

Our spin: Ac 2:38-47 ; priesthoodof the believer ; no church building till late 3rdcentury. Drunkards skit.

Mr. Tradition: Baptismand the Lord?s supper are performed only by ordained clergy.Baptismal candidates must first walk on water.

Assignment: Writeplans for how you will delegate pastoral authority to others toperform the sacraments in a CPM.

Freedom to serve one another in the Bodyof Christ as intimate, loving churches and cells, using all thegifts that the Holy Spirit has given to them. (1 Cor 14:24-26)

Our spin: Corinthian church. One-anothercommands. GC?s 1C14 skit.

Mr. Tradition: Allthings in decency and order. Only educated clergy should leadpublic meetings.

Assignment: Writeplans to train apostles and shepherds to ensure groupinteraction, letting the Holy Spirit work powerfully.

Freedom to provide pastoral leadershipby those who meet the qualifications of elders with or without asalary or theological education. (Timothy)

Our spin: Acquila & Priscilla ;delegation of pastoral duties. Balance of educated clergy andpart-time shepherds; Sunday-Wednesday duties and new groupfreedom.
To meet the need for more pastors and inability to pay morepastors, raise up co-pastors from laity for new groups whileforming new churches. Ask for testimonials from attenders whohave done so.

Mr. Tradition: Churchby-laws require pastors to attend the denominational seminary inthe capital city and have a doctoral degree. ?The worker isworthy of his salary?. ?You get what you pay for?.

Assignment: Writeplans to commission publicly your church?s apostles andshepherds. When and where will you do so.

Freedom to apply any New Testamentmethod of preaching and teaching God?s Word according toeach group?s size and its leaders? maturity. (Timothy)

Our spin: Baby in diapers. Compareclassroom with mentoring.

Mr. Tradition: Godhas ordained the preaching the Word for this age. We need topquality and excellence in the pulpit.

Assignment: Planto train your apostles and shepherds to lead small groups thathold Bible discussions and role-lays including children andadults. Plan to write Bible application lesson outlines.

Freedom for pastoral trainers to respondto immediate needs of new churches and leaders. (Titus)

Our spin: Jesus listened, Mk 6:30.Epistles responded to reports. Old & new resources Mt 13:59.Elements of a mentoring session (Caleb did not get distracted).Model use of T&M menu and materials (booklets 5, 9, 14, 24,etc.). Guidelines on writing new materials: keep an actual menteeand church need in mind.

Mr. Tradition: Theseminaries have the best curriculum from the 16thcentury for educating clergy. Let us not allow churchesweaknesses to distract us.

Assignment: Writeplans to choose or develop a menu of resources to train yourchurch?s apostles and shepherds. Write plans to introducethe one-another practices and essential NT ministries into newchurches.

Freedom to provide regional coordinatorswho supervise new and immature churches and pastoral leaders.(Titus)

Our spin: Appoint & trainelders, Ac 14, Tit 1.5

Mr. Tradition: Wedo not want any godless hierarchy or bishops dictating to thechurches what to believe and do. We hold to the autonomy of thelocal church from its inception till its demise.

Assignment: Identifythe men whom you will train and coach as your church?sapostles and shepherds. Identify men in your denomination whosepassion is to keep a CPM on track. Write down the names of otherpastors with whom you will seek to cooperate to send apostles andto train shepherds.

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