Asking for the Nations

Workers who want to reach the nations can spend lots of time learning strategies, methodologies,
and other tools of the trade. These can be very helpful, but let us not overlook one of the most powerful
tools available to us.

Long ago, the Lord said, “Ask of Me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth
your possession.” (Psalm 2:8) Many workers have spent years praying this verse, asking for the nations,
and claiming the promise that the Lord makes to His own, who dare to take hold of His words by faith.

No matter what else you do, or what else you learn, consider spending some time discussing this promise
with the Lord of the Harvest, lingering over it in prayer, and seeing what He wants to show you
and speak to you. Ask the Lord how He wants to bring this about, and what other types of prayer
might be involved. Ask the Lord what sort of obedience might be involved.

I prayed over this verse for about 15 years, and in the fullness of time, God began to move in a way
that began to fulfill this promise, beginning in South Asia. Have any of you had an experience
with praying this verse and seeing God answer?


  1. Since this verse has the Father telling the Son (Jesus) to ask of Him, why would it be our prayer at all? Psalm 2 is about Christ, not us.

  2. Brian is right about the messianic nature of Psalm 2.8.

    Many Messianic believers, expecting the Father to grant that request to his Messiah, keep on praying for it, believing that they, as the Body of Christ, must pray, suffer and labour to make it happen, because…

    * Jesus said, “The meek shall inherit the earth”.
    * Jesus commanded his followers to go to the ends of the earth.
    * The NT epistles promise Jesus’ followers “the inheritance”.
    * Gentiles comprise the apostles’ “joy and crown”.
    * Those who overcome will sit on thrones judging the nations.

    That is, Messiah’s faithful servants will share in his coming glory and Kingdom.
    Thus, they feel that is is only right to keep asking the father to keep his promise to Messiah.

    Hey, even Messiah was told to “Ask”. Thus, Psalm 2:8 is not merely a predictive text passively describing a future state of affairs. Rather, we walk in this world in the manner that He walked, with tears, obediently crying out to Him who is able to save us out of death.

    Therefore, those who pray Psalm 2:8 are not asking because they have mistaken themselves for Messiah, but because they gladly “con-fuse” themselves with Messiah and his on-going work in the world.

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