Mega-church Meta-church

MEGA CHURCH TO META (BEYOND) CHURCHVictorChoudhrie, July 18, 2010Download this document21Steps to transit from being a barren church to a millionaire of souls1.Rewrite the job description of the professional clergy from that of apulpit orator, sacrament dispenser and tithe gatherer, to that of ashepherd who feeds hisflock to be healthy and reproducing, byencouraging them to practice the priesthood of all believers withauthority to baptize, break bread and equip fishers of men. He mustmodel a … [Read more...]

Mega-church Meta-church

MEGA CHURCH TO META (BEYOND) CHURCHVictorChoudhrie, July 18, 2010Download this document21Steps to transit from being a barren church to a millionaire of souls1.Rewrite the job description of the professional clergy from that of apulpit orator, sacrament dispenser and tithe gatherer, to that of ashepherd who feeds hisflock to be healthy and reproducing, byencouraging them to practice the priesthood of all believers withauthority to baptize, break bread and equip fishers of men. He mustmodel a … [Read more...]

Untitled Document

ATTEMPT TO MAKE SENSE OF CONGREGATINAL ?OFFICES? Biblical Example Evangelical Example House Church Example Five kinds of persons given to churches Ep 4:11 Apostles, start new & develop congregations Ac 14 Prophets, speak to encourage and strengthen 1Co 14 Evangelists, make known the Good News, Ac … [Read more...]

21 Biblical Practices that Can Enhance Church Multiplication

21 Biblical Practices That Can Enhance Church Multiplication These practices do not have to be done in the order presented; any activities may be done at any time and several may be done at the same time. They are equally applicable to churches and to cell groups which are little churches. Seek to saturate people groups and regions with reproducible churches. Matt. 28:18; Acts 1:8; 18:20-23; Rom. 15:18-20; Col. 1:6.  Combine evangelism with making disciples and training pastors. … [Read more...]

Chruch Multiplication Guide

ChurchMultiplication Guide(2002Translators' Version: same teaching, clearer English) Français(.pdf,2 mo) — PortuguêsdoBrazil (.pdf,455 kb)TheChurchMultiplication Guide (CMG)isCopyright ?2002by George Patterson and Richard Scoggins.Order the publishedEnglish version from WilliamCareyLibraryTheCMGmaybe downloaded free, translated into non-English languages,published, and given or sold, on condition that you, thetranslator-publisher, complete and return the"Translator-Publisher Agreement" to … [Read more...]

Helps for CGM Translators

Helpfor CGM TranslatorsThis page will help you to retain the original paragraphformats.Your work will be easier if you work on the MicrosoftWord version 97 file, that we will provide to you free of cost.For most languages, you can type your translation into the filefollowing each paragraph. So doing will automatically give itcorrect spacing, indentations, font, type size and alignment.Simply locate the cursor at the very end of the paragraphand press Enter to start your new paragraph. Typeyour … [Read more...]

Click here to download theChruch Multiplication GuideTranslation VersionThe file is a 1033 kb zipped archive called cmg.zipWhen unzipped, it will expand to a 1.6 mb .pdfdocument.You must have the Acrobat® Reader® to viewand print cmg.pdf.You may download the Acrobat Reader by clicking on the buttonbelow: … [Read more...]


Agreementto Translate & Publish the Church Multiplication Guide Internetresponse formPlease readthis page. If you agree to the conditions, then(1) Fill in the empty boxes below.(2) Do not alter the conditions.(3) Click on the button at the end of this page. Your Name: Your organzation's name: Your postal address, telephone number & e-mail address: Language into which you will translate the CMG: Anticipated publication month and year: … [Read more...]

Agreement to Translate and Publish

Agreement to Translate and Publish Church Multiplication Guide (CMG) into Non-English LanguagesAgreement Between Authors and Translator-Publisher Authors and copyright holders are:George Patterson5707 NE 90th Ave.Vancouver WA 98662 USAE-mail: [email protected] ScogginsE-mail: [email protected]: _____________________________________________________________________ Email or other address: … [Read more...]

1 John

"Letus teachthe New Testament!"First Epistle of johnA 16-session video course, Autumn2019Contact Dr. Currah hereFrançaisLessons 0 Intro 4 2:12-17   8 3:19-20 12 5:1-5 1 1:1-4 5 2:18-29   9 4:1-6 13 5:6-13 2 1:5-2:2 6 3:1-10 10 4:7-13 14 5:14-17 3 2:3-11 7 3:11-18 11 4:14-21 15 5:18-21 Downloaddocuments Introduction View: https://youtu:be/16GNb0LSaCY 1 … [Read more...]