EIGHT training packages available now 1. Paul-Timothy. Click here. This set of 170 short studies allows mentors and coaches to train congregational shepherds and children?s workers. P-T studies can be dfreely ownloaded, printed, distributed, translated, given and sold. If you translated the studies into your language, then, please, send us copies in computer files, so that we can share them with others who read your language. 2. "Church Multiplication Guide". … [Read more...]
Preparación y Movilización
Paravisualizar e imprimir archivos en formato de documentoportátil de Adobe (PDF) Preparacióny Movilización:Preparación pastoralpara la movilizaciónde obrerosEstudiosPastorales para Pastores y para Educación Teológica porExtensiónin 9 LibrosPorJorge PattersonEditado y adaptado por Juan PatricioO'ConnorVerel Indice General para los nueve librosVeruna muestra de lecciónDescargueP y MLosmateriales P y M son differentes de los materiales "Capacitary Multiplicar" (tambien escrito por … [Read more...]
Pray !
Pray Return to main menu In July 2005, P-T editer, GP, is moving into lower-cost housing. He is also teaching across the country during July & August. Translations of P-T in ten languages of S. Asia are due between August and November 2005. P-T trainers have workshops scheduled for Urdhu and Thai- speaking regions in 2006 and for Nepalese and Burmese- speaking regions in 2007. … [Read more...]
Viola, Frank and George Barna. PaganChristianity: Exploring the roots of our church practices. Tyndale, 2008. xxxiii+291 pp. ISBN-10 1-4143-1485-X. ISBN-13 978-1-4143-1485-X.  Download this doucment as a.pdf file SUMMARY OF ORIGINS "Whathistory teaches us is that men have never learned anything from it." —G. W. F. HEGEL, NINETEENTH-CENTURY GERMAN PHILOSOPHER The following summary is neither complete nordetailed. Note that all of the practices covered are post-biblical,post-apostolic, and … [Read more...]
Introduction to PTLT
OVERVIEW What Paul-Timothy is Paul-Timothy offers 100+ free, brief, illustrated studies in 15 ministries, to help you train and mentor novice shepherds and church planters. Each topic has parallel studies for shepherds and for children's workers. As a mentor who trains new workers, you will choose Paul-Timothy materials that meet a current need of each apprentice's congregation, cell … [Read more...]
Apostolic Gospel
THEORIGINAL, APOSTOLIC GOOD NEWSfromJesus and his ApostlesDownload .pdfRecurringthemes? SummaryLuke24:44-49JesusActs2:22-25PeterActs2:32-38PeterActs3:13-15PeterActs3:18-19, 26PeterActs5:29-32PeterActs10:38-43PeterActs13:28-33, 37-39PaulActs17:2-3PaulActs17:29-31PaulActs26:18-23Paul44[Jesus] said to them, "These are my words that I spoke to youwhile I was still with you, that everything written about me inthe Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must befulfilled. "45 Then he opened their … [Read more...]
Old & New Numbers
Old and New Paul-Timothy Study Booklet NumbersAdopted 03 July 2006Notes: Corresponding shepherds’ and children’s studies take the same new number (e.g., “#39, Shepherds†and “#39, Childrenâ€). -1 (shepherd’s study) and -2 (children’s study) appear only in new file names (e.g. pt_39-1_non.doc), not in study numbers. Menu users will usually look up studies by their booklet numbers, seldom by their file name.Sorted by Old Number Sorted by New NumberOld New Title 00a 001 Read … [Read more...]
NINE FREEDOMS OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHESCommon to all church planting movementsCopyright © 2003 George Patterson & Galen CurrahAssignments: In your prayer & planning groups, write down your plan for how you will enact each of these nine freedoms.Freedom for young churches to start newer churches as soon as the Lord makes it possible. (Epaphras)Assignment: Start drawing a map showing where God may want to start churches. Show your map and give a brief report at the end of the workshop. … [Read more...]
TROISPROMESSES DE JÉSUS POUR LES IMPLANTEURS D’ÉGLISE`Télécharger — AnglaisINTRODUCTION ·        Établir denouvelles églises est plus stratégique que gagner des étrangers à la foi, et établir des églises est la manière la plus efficaced’évangéliser des populations entières.·        Trois promessespuissantes rendent l’implantation d’églises efficace partout oùles croyants en remplissent les conditions. 1.     JÉSUS ÉDIFIERASON ÉGLISE, TANT … [Read more...]
Menu scripturaire
Menu scripturaire pourimplanteurs d?église2007Télécharger .doc (50 ko) .pdf (1274 ko).doc avec hyperliens(116 ko) Instruisez lesnouveaux implanteurs d?église dans ces 25 activités. À chaquefois que vous formez un ouvrier, choisissez une activité qui satisfaitunbesoin courant. Voyez les numéros qui suivent l?activité. Ces numérosserapportent aux textes bibliques ci-dessous. Discutez ensemble du texteetfaites des plans.    1.      Envoyezles ouvriers1, 8, 9, 13,14, … [Read more...]