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P-T Getting Started

GETTING STARTED WITH PAUL-TIMOTHYFolk often ask how to start using the Paul-Timothystudies to train leaders easily and simply.The studies apply to different levels ofleadership: (a) some leaders evangelize where there is no church, (b)others prepare new leaders with new believers, and (c) others trainmature leaders who need advanced training. Therefore, trainers and mentors should consult thePaul-Timothy 'User Menu'to select studies that fit current needs of those whom they train. Please … [Read more...]

Guide sur la multiplication de l’église

Guide sur la multiplication de l'église : Le miracle de la reproduction des églisesTraduit de l'américain par Mandé Diop ([email protected]) en 2004 et 5. Brouillon d'essai des chapitres 1 à 11a. Les chapitres 11b à 16 sont en préparation. Veuillez le télécharger le .pdf (1,2 mo) et nous envoyer vos suggestionsRetourne en haut … [Read more...]


Pablo-Timoteo INICIE IGLESIAS, ¡YA!Aunque este libro se enfoca en las bendiciones y los beneficios de las iglesias pequeñas en casas, alabamos al Señor por las iglesias grandes que permanecen como firmes luces de larga duración del Evangelio, en las comunidades a lo largo de todo el mundo. Sin embargo, por cada iglesia grande que honra a Dios, el mundo también necesita desesperadamente cientos de pequeñas iglesias.Descargue la versión gratis (1,2 mb, .pdf) … [Read more...]

Thisis a test. … [Read more...]


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Contributions Return to main menu This page is only for those seeking to give ! Otherwise, please, close this page now. Paul-Timothy personnel donate 100s of hours a year to develop materials, advise church planters, and present workshops to many ministries in various countries, trusting God to meet their needs.If God has blessed you through P-T materials, and you wish to make a financial gift to the project, you may do so. Two areas of need include (a) the cost of … [Read more...]

Download Documents

Free Downloads Updated 12 July 2008 Return to main menu — Español — Français See also 3 promises to church planters (Mt 16; 18; 28, .pdf, 20 kb,.pdf 21 kb), preview  7 Actions within church planting movements (star diagram, 8 June 2008, .pdf 532 kb)  7 Commandments of Jesus  (web page,  song .mp3 2.3 mb) 7 Steps & Pitfalls leading to a CPM in China (.doc 42 kb, .pdf 36 kb) 8 Barriers to CPMs, Bill Smith (.doc 48 … [Read more...]

Development & CP

PAUL-TIMOTHY ASSISTANCE IN DISASTER ZONES Background • Paul-Timothy trainers have had many years of over-seas residence and Christian work, which included relief and development, as well as evangelism and church planting. • They integrate Church Planting with Relief and Development as the two wings of the gospel of Jesus. Assets • Paul-Timothy trainers have experience, training materials and workshop agendas that are ready for immediate adaptation and … [Read more...]

CPers Scripture Menu

Church Planter?s Scripture Menu Return to main menu Click here to download this menu in a .pdf file. Instruct church planters to do these 25 activities. Each time you coach a worker, choose an activity that meets a current need. See the numbers that follow the activity. Those numbers refer to the 31 Bible texts that follow. Learn together from those texts. Have workers review one Bible text every day of the … [Read more...]