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Paul-Timothy #16

16. Worship theAlmighty Servethe Lord’s Supper. Worship in Spirit. Celebrate special days. Trainleaders — Mainmenu All studies on this page were revised Summer of 2017Viewthe contents of a study by clicking on Preview. Studiesareformatted US letter size. Re-format these for your ownneeds. Imagesmay be removed or replaced with those of your own choice. … [Read more...]

Paul-Timothy #15

15. Coachleaders Trainnew leaders in the way Jesus and the apostles did. Teachbiblically — Main menu— Worshipthe Almighty All studies on this page were revised Summer of 2017Viewthe contents of a study by clicking on Preview. Studiesareformatted US letter size. Re-format these for your ownneeds. Imagesmay be removed or replaced with those of your own choice. #101 Shepherds: Aquila andPriscilla … [Read more...]

Paul-Timothy #14

14. Teach biblically Teach as Jesus did, tellingstories, asking questions, and invitingdiscussion. Prayin Jesus' Name — Main menu — Train leaders All studies on this page were revised Summer of 2017 View the contents of astudy by clicking on Preview. Studies areformatted US letter size. Re-format these for your ownneeds. Imagesmay be removed or replaced with those of your own choice. #96 Shepherds: Tell stories toteach what God is like. Preview Word. Pdf … [Read more...]

Paul-Timothy #13

13. Prayin Jesus' Name Faithin action. Healing. Intercede. Spiritual warfare Family prayer.  Organise for action — Main menu — Teach biblically All studies on this page were revisedSummer of 2017 View the contents of a study byclicking on Preview. Studiesareformatted US letter size. Re-format these for your ownneeds. Imagesmay be removed or replaced with those of your own … [Read more...]

Paul-Timothy #12

12. Prepare for action Serve one another. Help other flocks. Discipline. Overseeflocks. Send missionaries— Main menu — Pray in Jesus Name All studies on this page wererevised Summer of 2017 View the contents of a study byclicking on Preview. Studiesareformatted US letter size. Re-format these for your ownneeds. Imagesmay be removed or replaced with those of your own choice. … [Read more...]

Paul-Timothy #11

11. Sendout workers Work in other cultures. Send apostolic teams.Research. Planning. Vision. Love God and others — Main menu — Preparefor action All studies on this page were revisedSummer of 2017 View the contents of a study by clicking on Preview. Studiesareformatted US letter size. Re-format these for your ownneeds. … [Read more...]