IndianLanguages Translated 2010 Â assamese bengali gujarati hindi marati nepali punjabi tamil telugu … [Read more...]
How to use this siteDownload studies freely, print them, copy them and give or sell them to new leaders whom you mentor.Whilementoring new leaders of new churches and cells:1)Pray together to God for wisdom.2)Listen to them report on their church's or cell's progress,opportunities and needs.3)Plan with them their church's or cell's next activities.4)Consult the menu tofind a study that will help them implement their plan, and assign themto read it at home. (Click on any of 16 "ministries" to … [Read more...]
Paul-Timothy Help
Click on this line to shut this help window Go, view another page by clicking on underlined options like02 Bible, Return to top, User Menu ...Download a study file by clicking on underlined options likeLetter, A4, Normal ... When a .PDF document is displayed in your browser, then you may store it on your hard drive by clicking on the Save icon. It may appear as a diskette just above the text display.Otherwise, a dialogue window may open up. Choose Save to diskand click on OK. Make a note of the … [Read more...]
#20: Ask the Good Shepherd to give to you compassion for his lost and hurting sheep. Show mercy to people who need it.#22: Appreciate the infinite depth of God?s abounding grace.#23: Appreciate the enormously beneficial results of visiting and homes.#24: Appreciate the power of Christ to free victims from bad habits of the flesh.#25: Read and meditate on God?s word daily, including with one?s family. Gain a profound appreciation for the infinite value of Scripture. Find how joyful learning God?s … [Read more...]
P-T Grants & Giftst
 Grants and GiftsThis ministryreceives no grants, funds or money, and it can neither make grants nor provide free printed material.We recommend thatyou download materials, photocopy or print them, and sell them to your trainees to recuperate your costs. … [Read more...]
Search by Outcome Goal Click ona study booklet number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56a 56b 56c 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115-1 115-2 115-3 115-4 116 117 119 120 121 #20: Others have studied this same lesson and have put … [Read more...]
P-T Getting Started
GETTING STARTED WITH PAUL-TIMOTHYFolk often ask how to start using the Paul-Timothystudies to train leaders easily and simply.The studies apply to different levels ofleadership: (a) some leaders evangelize where there is no church, (b)others prepare new leaders with new believers, and (c) others trainmature leaders who need advanced training. Therefore, trainers and mentors should consult thePaul-Timothy 'User Menu'to select studies that fit current needs of those whom they train. Please … [Read more...]
Guide sur la multiplication de l’église
Guide sur la multiplication de l'église : Le miracle de la reproduction des églisesTraduit de l'américain par Mandé Diop ([email protected]) en 2004 et 5. Brouillon d'essai des chapitres 1 à 11a. Les chapitres 11b à 16 sont en préparation. Veuillez le télécharger le .pdf (1,2 mo) et nous envoyer vos suggestionsRetourne en haut … [Read more...]
Pablo-Timoteo INICIE IGLESIAS, ¡YA!Aunque este libro se enfoca en las bendiciones y los beneficios de las iglesias pequeñas en casas, alabamos al Señor por las iglesias grandes que permanecen como firmes luces de larga duración del Evangelio, en las comunidades a lo largo de todo el mundo. Sin embargo, por cada iglesia grande que honra a Dios, el mundo también necesita desesperadamente cientos de pequeñas iglesias.Descargue la versión gratis (1,2 mb, .pdf) … [Read more...]