George Barna, Revolution (Wheaton: Tyndale House, 2005)

George Barna, Revolution (Wheaton: Tyndale House, 2005). ISBN 1-4143-0758-6"The key to understanding Revolutionaries is not what church they attend,or even if they attend. Instead, it's their complete dedication to beingthoroughly Christian by viewing every moment of life through a spiritual lensand making every decision in light of biblical principles. These areindividuals who are determined to glorify God every day through every thought,word and deed in their lives." 8 Chapter2: THE … [Read more...]


Applicationsfor Android phones and tablets All of the Paul-Timothy Shepherd's studies "off line" Installation Download the Shepherd's application from here.(Version 1.1.1 27-Dec-2017) Download the Children's application from here.(Version 1.0.1) If you downloaded it to a computer, then transfer it toyour phone or tablet. In your device, go to Settings > Security > Unknownsources. Activate this. Find … [Read more...]

9 kinds of churches

NINECURRENT FORMS OF CHURCH FOUND WORLD-WIDEGalen Currah,October 2007 1. Traditional.Mission-founded, these equate their forms with ChristianityWithsome notable exceptions, traditional churches tend to stagnate anddecline,preserving denominational identities, upholding clerical privilege overanageing membership. Those that would like to grow have mostly lost theiryoungand prove unable to meet the needs of the current culture. Traditionalchurchesremain costly to maintain, reproducing rarely and … [Read more...]

9 kinds of churches

NINECURRENT FORMS OF CHURCH FOUND WORLD-WIDEGalen Currah,October 2007 1. Traditional.Mission-founded, these equate their forms with Christianity.Withsome notable exceptions, traditional churches tend to stagnate anddecline,preserving denominational identities, upholding clerical privilege overanageing membership. Those that would like to grow have mostly lost theiryoungand prove unable to meet the needs of the current culture. Traditionalchurchesremain costly to maintain, reproducing rarely and … [Read more...]

Barriers to CPM

EIGHTBARRIERS TOCPMS BillSmith          Duringaccountability time while listening to testimonies and reports, listenforbarrier(s) which will prevent the CPM from moving forward. Thesebarrier(s) mustto be addressed right after ech accountability time, and, depending onthebarrier(s), may indicate addressing only the barrier(s) instead ofpresentingthe next level of lessons.Addressbarrier(s) immediately and,depending on response, either continue with tearing down barrier(s) orproceedto … [Read more...]

He Lived Among Us Comic Book

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He Lived Among Us Comic Book

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He Lived Among Us Comic Book

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He Lived Among Us Comic Book

Page précédente -  Table de matières  - Bon de commande  -  PagesuivantePage précédente  - Table de matières  -  PagesuivanteTéléchargement -  Page d?accueil  -  Bonde commande … [Read more...]

He Lived Among Us Comic Book

Page précédente -  Table de matières  - Bon de commande  -  PagesuivantePage précédente  - Table de matières  -  PagesuivanteTéléchargement -  Page d?accueil  -  Bonde commande … [Read more...]