Biblical Example
Evangelical Example House Church Example
Five kinds of persons given to churches Ep 4:11
- Apostles, start new & develop congregations Ac 14
- Prophets, speak to encourage and strengthen 1Co 14
- Evangelists, make known the Good News, Ac 9
- Shepherds, lead and serve congregations Ac 20
- Teachers, help disciples to obey Christ Mt 28
Five kinds of evangelical ministers
- Missionary
- Pulpit preacher
- Public orator
- Staff member
- Lecturer
Five kinds of house church advocates
- House church planter
- Believers speaking one to another
- Soul winners
- Spending time discipling others
- Leading Bible application discussions
- First 12 commissioned by Jesus
- Others sent by prophets and teachers Ac 13
- Establish training chains 2Ti 2.2
- Report to sending church Ac 14
- Appointed by parachurch organization
- Sent by general director
- Establish formal Bible schools
- Raise funds from congregations
House church planter
- Usually commissioned by a congregation
- Usually coached by another apostle
- Seek to coach and mentor novice shepherds
- Often self-supported with some assistance
- Appointed by apostles & associates Ac 14, Ti 5
- Made episcopes by Holy Spirit Ac 20
- Episcopes must meet criteria 1Ti 3, Ti 1
- Public reputation
- Lead family
- Able to teach
Staff cleric
- Hired by state-mandated board
- Highly talented
- Manage programmes
- Private personal life
- Private family life
- Able to recruit
House church shepherd
- Appointed by apostles or other shepherds
- Recognized passion to disciple others
- Encourage all believers to minister to each other
- Known character & gifting
- Known for spiritual family life
- Able to help others obey the Word
- Associated with a congregation Ro 16
- Tested, then allowed to serve 1Ti 3
- Men and women who help others 1Ti 3
Board member
- Elected by congregational vote
- Usually popular in congregation
- Usually wealthy men
Mercy worker
- Prefers to work in cooperation with a fellowship
- Gets involved in public service projects
- Men and women who love people over ideas
- Speak encouraging messages in plain language
- Receive ?revelations?
- Keep quite when others speak
- Keep control over their own spirits
- Respect instructions from apostles
Pulpit preachers
- Monologue about favorite topics
- Read widely in popular theology
- Protect their role as pulpit orator
- Employ rhetoric to move emotions
- Use the Bible as material for sermons
Kingdom spokes person
- Speak up often in groups meetings
- Reflects long on spiritual ideas
- Affirm others who express helpful truth
- Confident that the Spirit speaks today
- Seek patterns & principles from Scripture
- Make obedient disciples of Jesus
- Cooperate with prophets in leading congregations
- Read and apply the Scriptures
- Build systematic theologies
- Enter into polemics against other ideas
- Interpret Scriptures to prove ideas
Biblical counselor
- Use biblical examples to guide group actions
- Weighs theological categories against Scripture
- Explains the Bible to guide growth & obedience
Fault of Galen Currah, [email protected], January 2004.
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