Based on Rev. 18 – 21
- In a small group, participants might simply read their lines, or glance at their lines to get the idea so they can speak in their own words.
- Most POY! skits require no practice in advance.
- Have any small children play a brief part. Most scripts have an optional part for children, listed last under Participants.
- Most scripts have a Narrator who should read the script beforehand to see how to keep moving the story along.
- It is not necessary to employ costumes and objects, unless the skit recommends such.
- It is not required to have an audience watch the skit. All present may participate.
- Scripture and paraphrases, if any, usually appear in bold.
John, who also serves as Narrator
Angel (deep, strong voice)
Voice (of God, also deep and strong)Prompter (Optional). Prompter shouts a brief line and Companions repeat it.
Companions (Optional): children and all adults who want to take part. Make sure Companions know who the Prompter is, and that they are to repeat Prompter’s words.
John |
I, John, was praying on the Island of Patmos when, suddenly, I am whisked up in the spirit and witnessed events in heaven leading to the great Marriage Feast of the Lamb. Oh, listen! A great, powerful angel is making an announcement. |
Angel |
Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, for all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality. Woe! Woe! Woe! |
Prompter & Companions |
Woe! Woe! Woe! |
John |
Oh! That deafening thunder! Wait! It’s… It’s God’s voice! |
Voice |
Come out of her, my people. Do not participate in her sins, for her crimes have piled up as high as heaven.The rulers of the earth, who lived sensuously with her, will weep and lament over her when they see the smoke of her burning, standing at a distance because of the fear of her torment. |
Angel |
Woe, woe, you great city, Babylon! In one hour your judgment has come.Earth’s merchants weep over you, because no one buys your wares any more. Alas! |
Prompter & Companions |
Alas! Alas! Alas! |
John |
Oh look! The strong angel is liftinga huge stone. He ishurling it into the sea! |
Angel |
Thusyou, Babylon, the great city, will be thrown down with violence.Musicians will be heard in you no longer, and no craftsman will be found in you.The nations were deceived by your sorcery, and in you was found the blood of prophets and saints who have been slain on the earth. |
John |
Now I hear the voice of a great crowd like the sound of many oceans and mighty peals of thunder, shouting praises to the Almighty. |
Angel |
God reigns forever and ever! |
Prompter & Companions |
Forever and ever! Forever and ever! |
Voice |
Rejoice, for the marriage of the Lamb is prepared and His bride made ready. She is clothed in fine linen, bright and clean, the righteous acts of the saints. |
Angel |
John, write this down: “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.†|
John |
I fall at the feet of the angel to worship him, but he lifts me up. |
Angel |
Don’t do that!Worship God. I’m only your servant, and theservant of your brothers who hold the testimony of Jesus, which is the spirit of prophecy. |
John |
Look!A white horse. Its riderhas the banner Faithful and True. |
Angel |
In righteousness He judges and wages war. His eyes are flames; He wears many crowns. His name is the WORD OF GOD. |
John |
The armies of heaven, clothed in fine linen, are following Him on white horses. |
Angel |
That sharp sword that comes from His mouth strikes down nations. He will rule them with a rod of iron. He is the KING OF KINGS, and LORD OF LORDS. |
Prompter & Companions |
John |
I see a great white throne and Him who sits on it, from whose presence the old earth and the old heaven have fled away. The dead, great and small, stand before the throne. Books are opened, and the book of life. The dead are judged from the things recorded in the books, according to their deeds. The sea gives up the dead that have been in it, and death and Hades give up the dead that were in them. They are all judged, every one, according to their deeds. |
Angel |
If one’s name is not found in the book of life, he’ll becast into that lake of fire. |
John |
I see a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth have passed away! I see the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. |
Angel |
Look! The dwelling of God is among men; He is living among them, and they are His people. God Himself has wiped away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death. There will no longer be any mourning, crying or pain; these things have all passed away. At last! Eternal joy! |
Prompter & Companions |
Eternal Joy! Eternal joy! |
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