Church Growth and Church Multiplication Compared

Adapted from Carol Davis, Leaf-Line Initiatives, 1990




Seek individual conversions

Seek family and group conversions

Evangelize on believer’s turf

Evangelize on unbeliever’s turf

Read Scripture for information

Read Scripture to apply it

Find more Christians

Find “persons of peace” (Luke 10)

Gather in facilities

Gather in homes

Celebrate mainly in large groups

Celebrate and serve one another mainly in small groups

Build programs and buildings

Build leaders


Employ a lone, professional church planter

Local, lay volunteers form church-planting teams

Import a professionally trained “Senior Pastor”

Name local shepherds from among believers

One leader leads many members

Leaders equip many emerging leaders


Pay a full-time church starter

Equip many bi-vocational church starters

Make a heavy financial investment

Make a minimal financial investment

Raise harvesting resources from the outside

Find resources in the harvest


Focus first on the church’s needs

Focus first on the community’s needs

Church life centers around clergy

Church life thrives within small groups led by lay leaders

Clergy give most spiritual care

Lay members serve one another doing gift-based ministries

Develop the local Body of Christ

Develop also the active Army of God

Seek additive growth

Seek also reproductive growth

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