Come Quickly Dawn by George Patterson

come quickly dawn george patterson

George Patterson is father and mentor to us all. Long a pioneer in church planting and multiplication, both directly and indirectly through thousands of disciples around the world, Brother George is once again pushing the envelope, showing us how the Kingdom is advancing leaving countless transformed lives and discipleship communities in its wake. This time Dr. Patterson has pioneered a new genre in communication: the “training novel.” Who knew this maven of church planting could also write riveting prose? Missionaries, pastors, church planters, and every kind of adventurous Christian will be gripped and blessed by George Patterson’s Come Quickly Dawn! It is a powerful blend of narrative and wisdom that unpacks the secrets of how God is at work redeeming even the most calloused souls for Christ. - David Garrison, PhD, missionary author, Church Planting Movements

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Come Quickly Dawn by George Patterson is a hybrid book: a fast-paced novel and at the save time a training manual for disciplers, shepherds and church planters. It shows workers facing widespread challenges and overcoming common blind spots. Apprentices learn best by accompanying an experienced mentor doing fieldwork, as they did with Jesus and Paul; this story simulates such a field trip, taking the reader out of familiar routines to see how God is multiplying churches and cells in other fields.

Patterson draws on his ample field experience to train pastors and missionaries on all educational levels, many of whom are initiating and sustaining significant movements. The late Dr. Ralph Winter, a key world mission leader, described Patterson as “one of the two or three world experts in the growth of the church.”

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