Development & CP



• Paul-Timothy trainers have had many years of over-seas residence and Christian work, which included relief and development, as well as evangelism and church planting.
• They integrate Church Planting with Relief and Development as the two wings of the gospel of Jesus.


• Paul-Timothy trainers have experience, training materials and workshop agendas that are ready for immediate adaptation and use.
• They affirm that with God’s help trainees will be able to plant and reproduce churches in both pioneer works and people movements.
• They provide sets of proven training materials at different levels of education, suitable to more and less educated workers who lead new churches and train others in turn.
• They may have funds on hands to help finance the translation of training materials.
• A representative can travel to make arrangements for translations and for training workshops.


• Paul-Timothy personnel work gratis, asking for no salary or remuneration, being self-supported.
• They require only transport and local hospitality.
• They normally serve one or more poor organizations when travelling in behalf of a richer organization.
• Paul-Timothy is a project of Community Vision International, Inc., a registered charity.


• Paul-Timothy studies. 90 two-page shepherd training and planning guides.
• Train & Multiply. 65 shepherd training booklets available in Indonesian and Hindi.
• Pastor’s Storybook. 29 chapter on evangelism, disciple-making and church body life.
• Additional studies for almost any need that might arise in new churches or pastoral training programs.


• Paul-Timothy trainers are available for immediate deployment into disaster zones as trainers and consultants in community relief, development, church planting and novice leader training.
• They will contact ministries on the ground about bringing Church Planting training and consulting to their relief and rehabilitation teams on the ground.
• They normally direct all non-personal funds through CVI² for accounting, receipting and immediate transfer as designated by donors.

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