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Updated 12 July 2008
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3 promises to church planters (Mt 16; 18; 28, .pdf, 20 kb,.pdf 21 kb), preview

 7 Actions within church planting movements (star diagram, 8 June 2008, .pdf 532 kb)

 7 Commandments of Jesus  (web page,  song .mp3 2.3 mb)

7 Steps & Pitfalls leading to a CPM in China (.doc 42 kb, .pdf 36 kb)

8 Barriers to CPMs, Bill Smith (.doc 48 kb, .pdf 38 kb), preview

9 Freedoms Common to Church Planting Movements (.pdf 12 kb)

9 Current Kinds of Churches (.doc 63 kb), preview

10 Top Reasons for Starting House Churches, Rad Zdero (.doc 71 kb)

12 Steps to Multiply Churches (Patterson & Hogan, .pdf 218 kb)

13 NT Guidelines for Ministry Leaders (.pdf 34 kb)

15 Critical Principles: The Local Church in Partnership (Interdev, 1998, .pdf 14 kb)

15 Steps to plant reproductive churches (Victor Choudherie, .pdf 41 kb)

19 Principles of Mission in Acts (Patterson, .pdf 23 kb)

21 Practices to enhance CPMs (.pdf 19kb)

 30 Small Group Propositions (.doc 32 kb)

 200 Promises of Jesus (web page, .pdf 84 kb)

 300 Commands of Jesus (web page, .pdf 102 kb)

Apostolic Church Planters (a definition, .pdf 12 kb)

Biblical Models for Establishing New Congregations (Patterson, workshop, .pdf 130 kb)

Big and Little Churches Contrasted (.doc 40 kb)

“Camel Method of Evangelism and Church Planting” (Anonymous, .doc 212 kb)

 Cell groups in Urban Settings (Neumann, 2002. .pdf  370 kb)

Church Multiplication Guide (.pdf 417 kb, .doc in .zip 215 kb). Français

Church Planting Movements by David Garrison (small book, .pdf 1.3 mb)

Classroom & Mentoring Compared (Chart, .pdf 19 kb)

Come, Let Us Disciple the Nations (CP training software. 15 mb. Now FREE!)

 “Compare Classroom and Extension Training (including Mentoring)” (webpage .pdf 146 kb)

Congregational Progress Chart for Mentors using “Paul-Timothy” (.pdf, 95 kb)
Congregational Progress Chart for Mentors using “Shepherd’s Storybook” (.pdf, 95 kb)
Congregational Progress Chart for Mentors using “Train & Multiply”® (.pdf, 116 kb)
Congregational Progress Chart for Mentors using other materials (.pdf, 92 kb)

Church Planters Scripture Menu (document, .pdf, 144 mb)

“Develop Christian Community” George Patterson (.pdf, 214 kb)

“Do a Cell Wherever” (Tiny booklet for students, .pdf 60 kb)

Greet the Church at Your House Victor Choudherie (book, .pdf, 1.7 mb) Français

 The House Church Revoluion, Rad Dzero, 2008 (.pdf, 1.5 mb)

“How Shepherds Arise in Congregations” (.pdf 24 kb)

 Interactive CP training workshop manual, Patterson, Jan-09, .doc .pdf .xps 1.5 mb)

Grassroots Pastoral Training Can Multiply ChurchesIJM 2000 (.pdf  37 kb)

JUMP Menu (Pastoral & church planter training studies, 230+ .html files, 800 mb .zip) articles (.html & .pdf)

Obedience-Oriented Education George Patterson (.pdf 1.5 mb), Corrected 22-Oct-08

Pastoral Overseers (brochure, .zip) — Pastoral Overseers (document side 1, .pdf)
Pastoral Overseers (document side 2, .pdf) — Pastoral Overseers (document, A4, .pdf)

Reproductive Pastoral Training for Trainers workshop manual
Replaces “Train & Multiply” and “Paul-Timothy” workshop manuals.

Revolution George Barna, 2005, reviewed (.doc 52 kb), preview

River of Grace. George Patterson (a novel, .pdf, 64 pp., A4, 292 kb)

Role Plays and Demonstrations for Training Workshops (57pp .doc 597 kb, .pdf 546 kb)

Sample Group Covenant (.doc 26 kb), preview

Second Reformation Wm. A. Beckham 1997, reviewed (.doc 49 kb), preview

Shepherd’s Storybook for oral learners, in several languages

“Spontaneous Multiplication of Churches” George Patterson (from PWCM, .pdf, 210 kb)

“Start Your Own Church” (brochure, .pdf 70 kb)

Taxonomy of Small Group Types (.doc 37 kb), preview

The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church, Rowland Allan (.pdf 667 kb)

“Trouble-Shooting Church Reproduction” (chart, .pdf, 46 kb)

“What Counts Most in House Churches Reproduction” (.doc 35 kb), preview

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