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Paul-Timothy personnel donate 100s of hours a year to develop materials, advise church planters, and present workshops to many ministries in various countries, trusting God to meet their needs.
If God has blessed you through P-T materials, and you wish to make a financial gift to the project, you may do so. Two areas of need include (a) the cost of translation and production of P-T materials for neglected and needy people groups; and (b) cost of living for P-T editors.
Write a cover letter or check memo line marked for “Paul-Timothy” and recommend how to use your gift. Send it to…
Community Vision Int’l, Inc. (or CVI2)
Post Office Box 33286
Portland OR 97292 USA
Or visit the CVI2 web site at and click on Contributions.
Community Vision International is a registered charity and will provide you with a receipt for purposes of U.S.A. tax exemption.
All gifts will be used for the purpose that you stipulate, or be returned to you if that is not possible.
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