P-T Getting Started


Folk often ask how to start using the Paul-Timothystudies to train leaders easily and simply.

The studies apply to different levels ofleadership: (a) some leaders evangelize where there is no church, (b)others prepare new leaders with new believers, and (c) others trainmature leaders who need advanced training.

Therefore, trainers and mentors should consult thePaul-Timothy ‘User Menu‘to select studies that fit current needs of those whom they train.

Please instruct your trainers to consult the Paul-Timothy ‘User Menu‘to choose studies by number that fit the current needs of new churches,believers and leaders.


  • Those doing evangelism would begin using studieslisted in ‘User Menu’ under EVANGELISM,choosing from among study numbers 50 to 56.
  • Leaders discipling new believers would begin withstudies listed in User Menu under DISCIPLE-MAKING,studies 47 to 49.
  • Leaders starting to mentor newer leaders wouldbegin with studies in User Menu under TRAINING LEADERS,studies 101 to 104.

When trainers have learned to cconsult the ‘User’sMenu‘, their training will prove more relevant to the needsof new trainees and churches.

George Patterson

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