Paul-Timothy Help

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02 Bible, Return to top, User Menu …

Download a study file by clicking on underlined options like
Letter, A4, Normal …

When a .PDF document is displayed in your browser, then you may store it on your hard drive by clicking on the Save icon. It may appear as a diskette just above the text display.

Otherwise, a dialogue window may open up. Choose Save to disk
and click on OK. Make a note of the folder name on your hard drive
into which the file will be stored. After the download has finished,
use your file manager programme, sometimes called an “explorer”,
to find the file.

Three kinds of files can be downloaded from this web site :
.PDF files are ready to be viewed and printed as folded booklets
through a .PDF viewer programme like Adobe Reader®.
.DOC files are ready to be viewed and printed from any word
processing program that reads MS Word® files.
.ZIP files are “archives” that contain .PDF or .DOC files. You must
have a programme that can “extract” those files from the archive.

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