Helpfor CGM Translators
This page will help you to retain the original paragraphformats.
Your work will be easier if you work on the MicrosoftWord version 97 file, that we will provide to you free of cost.For most languages, you can type your translation into the filefollowing each paragraph. So doing will automatically give itcorrect spacing, indentations, font, type size and alignment.Simply locate the cursor at the very end of the paragraphand press Enter to start your new paragraph. Typeyour translation. Your new paragraph should have the sameformatting as the one above. NOTE: Do not locate the cursorimmediately after the small > lest you will get the wrongformat. Locate it after the final space that follows the >.
If you must change formatting to fit common usage foryour language, then you can save time by changing the ParagraphStyle once instead of each paragraph one at a time. Theoriginal document has only eleven Paragraph Styles. To doso in Microsoft Word, in the main menu select Format, thenStyle, then select the style you want to change, click on modifyand follow instructions. After making your changes click Apply.
After typing your translation, you may want to keep theEnglish for reference as hidden text. An easy wayis turn it blue (or any color), then you can hide it all at anytime in one operation.
- To turn text blue, select it, then click on the Font Color icon (a large A in the Formatting Toolbar). There are faster ways; let us know if you need help.
- To hide blue text, use Find blue (More, Format, Font, Color, Blue). Then turn it to hidden text, put the cursor in the Replace box, then click on Format, Font, and in the Effects list, Hidden.
To see hidden text click on the Show/Hideicon, which looks like a backward P in the Standard tool bar,. If it is not displayed, click Tools, Customize,Commands, View, Show All, and drag the showall icon onto a toolbar.
To hide hidden text again, click the Show/Hideicon again.
Do not do extensive editing with text hidden.Click Show/Hide to display it first. Otherwise ifyou move text around, it will get mixed up.
To print, turn Show/Hideoff, unless you want to print the hidden text..
Paragraph and Style numbers are added in small redprint between< > following each paragraph. For example, <09-045 (08)> indicates the 9thchapter, 45th item and style 8. If you send usquestions, mention this paragraph its number. If you happen tolose a paragraph?s Style formatting, find anotherparagraph with the same Style number and copy its style.To copy a Style in MS Word, use the Format Paintericon–a paintbrush. If it no toolbar has it, click Tools, Customize,Commands, Format, scroll down and select thepaintbrush, drag it onto a toolbar.
If you need help for any of this let us know, at [email protected].
George Patterson
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