To survey Jesus’ commands in a useful way, avoid two extremes. One extreme is that of scholars who list every instance of every command, over three hundred items. Some include things that Jesus mentioned but did not command, or repeat the same command stated in different ways. Some add commands that do not apply to all believers, such as “wash in the pool of Siloam†or “wait in Jerusalem.†The other extreme is to argue that, since love covers everything, it is enough to heed just two … [Read more...]
Jesus’ General Commands Listed Along With The Apostles’ Specific Commands That Define Applications
Let The Gospel Flow Along The Ties Between Relatives And Friends
Active faith is like measles? highly contagious, especially in pioneer fields. To keep it spreading, help converts and seekers to have a loving relationship with friends and family. To extract them from their social circle causes much needless persecution and sometimes death. It also causes a new believer to have an excessively private relationship with God, which is not biblical. However, separate a new believer from false friends who would supply them with drugs or something similarly … [Read more...]
Angels Freed Lot’s Family From Sodom’s Fate
Genesis 19:1-26 POY! SKIT GUIDELINES In a small group, participants might simply read their lines, or glance at their lines to get the idea so they can speak in their own words. Most POY! skits require no practice in advance. Have any small children play a brief part. Most scripts have an optional part for children, listed last under Participants. Most scripts have a Narrator who should read the script beforehand to see how to keep moving the story along. It is not necessary to employ … [Read more...]
The Original Sin: How God Made Adam In His Image And Adam Marred It, Bringing Death To All Men
Genesis chapters 2 and 3 POY! SKIT GUIDELINES In a small group, participants might simply read their lines, or glance at their lines to get the idea so they can speak in their own words. Most POY! skits require no practice in advance. Have any small children play a brief part. Most scripts have an optional part for children, listed last under Participants. Most scripts have a Narrator who should read the script beforehand to see how to keep moving the story along. It is not necessary to … [Read more...]
Overcome Crippling Fears To Multiply Cells In Traditional Churches
 Fear Reality How to overcome Skit idea 1 People will leave the congregation and go into cell groups. Most people will remain loyal to the congregation and many new believers will come in. Let current members launch discipleship cells and send workers to start cell groups near and far. Two leaders meet. One expresses his fear and the other his experience. 2 People will take their tithes with them, the budget will shrink and I will … [Read more...]
Sequential Steps For Precipitating A Mass Movement
Adapted from Victor Choudhrie, Fifty Days of Harvest 2010 Repent for the remission of sins. Acts 2:38, 39; 17:30; Luke 24:47 Be baptized and become a baptizer. Matthew 28:19 Receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit for you and your household. Acts 2:39; 1:8 In the New Testament, repentance, baptism and empowerment happened simultaneously and without delay. Baptism cannot be earned; it is a free gift of God. Apostolic teaching (Global Mission: Go and make disciples of all nations). Acts … [Read more...]
Use Vernacular Language In Church Planting
George Cowan once observed, “Indigenous churches take root and grow when the Scriptures are translated into the language of the people and laymen can witness using vernacular Scripturesâ€. Many others also bear testimony to the greater effectiveness of church planting efforts made through the preferred language of local populations. David Garrett reports that… Even among non-literate people groups, the Bible has been the guiding source for doctrine, church polity and life itself. … [Read more...]
Writing Training Materials That Will Be Translated
a) Keep it clear, not simple Simple speech is often hard to understand. Which of these lines is simplest? Which is clearest? He went into town. He wanted to buy some food. He went into town, because he wanted to buy some food. He went into town to buy some food. The simplest one is the first, for it has single-clause sentences and no subordinate clauses. However, the reader's brain must search its repertoire of logical connections to find one that connects the two in a meaningful … [Read more...]
Write Training Studies For Urgent Needs
Workers often face challenges when churches multiply. If you employ a menu-driven program like “Train & Multiplyâ€Â® or Paul-Timothy, then you already have training booklets that deal with most contingencies — most but not all. The local culture or religious background may require additional material. So write it. The Apostle Paul’s inspired letters to Timothy and Titus were a kind of training material that proved so helpful that they continue to be read and followed around … [Read more...]
Pass On A Lightweight Baton
A role-play To keep believers, churches and cells multiplying, pass on to them only what God requires of their new leaders, especially among those who have recently received Christ. Why a “light batonâ€? To keep the baton lightweight enough to sustain multiplication, use the New Testament as a filter to remove all man-made procedures and rules. Require only what Jesus and His apostles explicitly required of any group of believers. The baton can carry a checklist of tasks that new churches … [Read more...]