Let Natural Personality Traits Enhance The Use Of Believers’ Spiritual Gifts



  • In a small group, participants might simply read their lines, or glance at their lines to get the idea so they can speak in their own words.
  • Most POY! skits require no practice in advance.
  • Have any small children play a brief part. Most scripts have an optional part for children, listed last under Participants.
  • Most scripts have a Narrator who should read the script beforehand to see how to keep moving the story along.
  • It is not necessary to employ costumes and objects, unless the skit recommends such.
  • It is not required to have an audience watch the skit. All present may participate.
  • Scripture and paraphrases, if any, usually appear in bold.


Zoo Blend, who also serves as Narrator
Keen-eyed Eagle
Constant Carthorse
Resolute Bull
Playful Pup

Prompter (Optional). Prompter shouts a brief line and Companions repeat it.

Companions (Optional): children and all adults that want to take part. Make sure Companions know who the Prompter is, and that they are to repeat Prompter’s words.


Zoo Blend

I called you four here to revive our project, Operation Dorcas, to serve desperately poor people in the “Leave-If-You-Can” slum. We’ll need many volunteer workers.

Constant Carthorse

But Operation Dorcas failed! People lied about their needs and got help that they didn’t deserve. That made their poverty worse, because they came to depend on us, instead of their own efforts.

Resolute Bull

Also, when our backs were turned, they walked off with supplies! And worst of all, our volunteer workers dropped out.

Zoo Blend

That’s because volunteer workers stay on a job when their natural talents and personality traits make the job easy and joyful for them. We did not think that through; we assigned the wrong tasks to workers. People have one of four basic personality profiles, the Playful Pup, Resolute Bull, Constant Carthorse, and Keen-eyed Eagle.

Constant Carthorse

Did you call us here to talk about animals?

Zoo Blend

I did. And I want you to listen to them moo, woof, chirp and neigh.

Prompter & Companions

Moo! Woof! Chirp! Neigh! Moo! Woof! Chirp! Neigh!

Zoo Blend

(If convenient, let children display pictures they have drawn of the four animals.)

Zoo Blend

These animals reflect four classic personality types–sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholy. Few persons are totally one type, but one will predominate. A very few people are blends that exhibit all four types.

Playful Pup

Aren’t these personality traits the same as our spiritual gifts?

Zoo Blend

A natural personality trait is not a spiritual gift, but it affects how believers use spiritual gifts. For example, a Christian worker with the routine-oriented personality of a Constant Carthorse who is also gifted to exhort, will shepherd believers behind the scenes, quietly. A gifted teacher who also is an outgoing, playful pup will teach publicly; but a teacher who is a keen-eyed eagle will do strategic coaching in the background.

Keen-eyed Eagle

To revive Operation Dorcas, we must define our final objectives and vision.

Zoo Blend

That’s your task. You see far ahead. You’re our Keen-eyed eagle. Let’s hear you chirp!

Keen-eyed Eagle

Chirp! Chirp!

Prompter & Companions

Chirp! Chirp!

Zoo Blend

You’ll define our vision statement objectives. You are creative and plan for the far future. Like Jeremiah, you see long-range trends and ethical principles. You inspire folks with your vision. But if you eagles fly too high in the clouds, you get lost in your dream world, and overlook people’s immediate needs and sensitivities.

Keen-eyed Eagle

True. I need you to pull me back down to earth, to keep me focused on current realities and urgencies. I get discouraged if people don’t take me seriously, and turn my sight inward; then I fly the wrong way, sometimes straight down!

Zoo Blend

Eagles also rock the boat, to keep us alert. If we pay eagles no attention they’ll sway the boat violently ? on principle, of course ? and make us seasick. The classic term for an eagle is melancholic ? not sad, but contemplative. To keep eagles flying, let them plan, set precedents, exhort and point the way when we drift.

Constant Carthorse

Our strategic objective will do no good unless we define the steps that reach it. We need a short manual with procedures to follow.

Zoo Blend

That’s your job. You’ll write the manual because you are our Constant Carthorse.

Constant Carthorse

Neigh! We steady carthorses persevere patiently, content to follow a routine a step at a time. We’re good at details and processing facts.  Give us jobs that others find boring. I’m happy as long as I see a bit of progress. We constant carthorses can be thorough Bible teachers that deal with detail like Ezra did. However, we become obstinate and resist needed change just as stubbornly as my cousin, Molly Mule does, if God doesn’t jerk our reins. Sometimes I need others to prod me out of ruts!

Zoo Blend

Constant Carthorse, you’ll also do research for Operation Dorcas, make a budget, keep records and monitor progress. Your type handles details accurately. Let carthorses know exactly what to do, and don’t startle them with sudden changes. Explain a needed change first. The classic term for a constant carthorse is phlegmatic. Let’s hear you neigh.

Constant Carthorse

Neigh! Neigh!

Prompter & Companions

Neigh! Neigh!

Resolute Bull

But no one will follow the rules in Operation Dorcas without discipline. A crowd shows up, everyone talks at once, and it’s chaos, unless someone’s cracking the whip!

Zoo Blend

That’s your job. You’ll keep order and see that we follow the rules, because you are our Resolute Bull.

Prompter & Companions

Moo! Moo!

Resolute Bull

We burly bulls see tough jobs through. We don’t do it merely for fun. We shove obstacles aside, like Nehemiah did. We sometimes abuse our authority, get pushy and are rude to people that struggle with their job. I have to let the Holy Spirit restrain my brute force. Let me head a squad of enforcers for Operation Dorcas, and we’ll get the job done!

Zoo Blend

Good, Resolute Bull! The classic term for your type is “choleric”. Let’s hear you bellow.

Resolute Bull

Moo! Moo!

Prompter & Companions

Moo! Moo!

Playful Pup

Something’s lacking for Operation Dorcas. How can we recruit for it when everything seems too grim and we’re so suspicious of those we try to help?

Zoo Blend

That’s your job. You’ll recruit volunteer workers, be the receptionist, and provide occasional recreation with a party atmosphere, because you are our  Playful Pup.

Playful Pup

Woof! We pups get along with everyone; we love being with people. We are spontaneous, like the apostle Peter. Work is play! However, we are easily swayed, as Peter was one sad night, if the Holy Spirit doesn’t keep us focused. I often need someone to jerk my leash, and remind me of our objectives. I also need God’s help to keep me from using my friendly manner to manipulate people. Some playful pups join a church merely to sell people life insurance.

Zoo Blend

The classic term for a playful pup is sanguine. To keep volunteer pups on the job, let them work alongside of people, recognize their work often, and let them know they “belong.” Playful Puppy, let’s hear you bark!

Playful Pup

Woof! Woof!

Prompter & Companions

Woof! Woof!

Zoo Blend

We need to install, with prayer, someone to lead Operation Dorcas. Who should it be?

Keen-eyed Eagle

You are already coordinating it, and doing a good job, because you are our Zoo Blend, a hybrid, with all four traits! You understand all of us, Zoo Blend. Now, it’s your turn. Let’s hear you moo, woof, chirp and neigh!

Zoo Blend

Moo! Woof! Chirp! Neigh!

Prompter & Companions

Moo! Moo! Woof! Woof! Chirp! Chirp! Neigh! Neigh!

Keen-eyed Eagle

You Zoo Blends make good leaders of complicated projects; you see the big picture, like David and Paul. Without God’s restraint, Zoo Blends work themselves to death, running in four directions all at once. They need God’s help to keep them focused on highest priority. Zoo Blends with all the traits are rare; we need to help them temper their zeal with the fruit of the Spirit of patience and self-control.

Zoo Blend

As a zoo blend, I’ll advise and be the temporary spare tire whenever any of you are unable to do your job. I’ll keep us all serving in harmony. Let’s hear it, everyone!

Prompter & Companions

Moo! Moo! Woof! Woof! Chirp! Chirp! Neigh! Neigh!


Ask folks to decide which animal they are, or if they are a blend of all four.

Ask folks how they plan to employ their natural strengths to enhance the use of their spiritual gifts, as they serve others.

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