Paul-Timothy #2

Paul Timothy 2. GiveAssurance

Visit, counsel and comfort

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All studies on this page were revised Summer of 2017
Viewthe contents of a study by clicking on Preview.
Studiesareformatted US letter size. Re-format these for your ownneeds.
Images may be removed or replaced with those of your own choice.

Shepherds: Overcome fear and shame. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    God helpsus when we areafraid orashamed. Preview. Word. Pdf
Shepherds: Counsel for personal andfamilyproblems. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    Counsel children withproblems. Preview. Word. Pdf
Shepherds: Joseph received God’sliberatinggrace. Preview. Word. Pdf.

Children:    God’s Loving Grace. Preview. Word. Pdf

Shepherds: Visit in homes and bringGod’s grace. Preview. Word. Pdf.
                [Corrected 20 Dec 17. Thanks S.S.]

Children:    Jesus is our truefriend. Preview. Word. Pdf
Shepherds: Break habits: alcohol,drugs &immorality. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    King David Broke a BadHabit. Preview. Word. Pdf
Supplement: “River of Grace”(38 pages) Preview. Word. Pdf

Supplement: SUICIDE: Satan wants youdead. Preview. Word. Pdf

Supplement: When adultery happens. Preview. Word. Pdf

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