Paul-Timothy #5

Paul Timothy5. Makedisciples

Teach loving obedience toJesus

Plant churches — Menu— Save the lost

All studies on this page were revised Summer of 2017
View the contents of a study by clicking onPreview.
Studiesareformatted US letter size. Re-format these for your ownneeds.
Imagesmay be removed or replaced with those of your own choice.

Shepherds: Make Disciples inthe Way Jesus Said. Preview.Word. Pdf

Children:    We ObeyJesus. Preview.Word. Pdf

Shepherds: We Obey our Great KingJesus. Preview.Word. Pdf

Children:    Jesus isthe King of Kings. Preview.Word. Pdf

Shepherds: See #97 Teachchildren in the way God Said to do so

Children:    ChildrenandYouth Serve Jesus.
Preview. Word. Pdf

Supplement: Jesus’Commandments with Stories. Preview.Word. Pdf

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Plant churches — Menu— Evangelise the lost


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