Paul-Timothy #6

Paul Timothy6.Savethe lost

Salvation from sin, death and hell. Witness for Jesus. Repent andbe born anew. Baptise.

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Allstudies on this page were revised Summer of 2017.
View the contents of a study by clicking on Preview.
Studiesareformatted US letter size. Re-format these for your ownneeds.
Imagesmay be removed or replaced with those of your own choice.

Shepherds: Spread the Good News. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    TellJesus’ Good Newsto others. Preview. Word. Pdf

Shepherds: Repentance, a change ofdirection. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    Jesusfound a thief in atree. Preview. Word. Pdf

Shepherds: Baptise to confirmrepentance and faith. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    God savedfaithful Noahfrom punishment. Preview. Word. Pdf

Shepherds: Witness for Jesus with the Spirit’s power. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    God’sSpirit gave power totell about Jesus. Preview. Word. Pdf

Shepherds: New, eternal, holy life inChrist. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    Aparalyzed man got to meetJesus. Preview. Word. Pdf

Shepherds: Family & friends gather to hear about Jesus. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    Philiprode in a chariotand talked about Jesus. Preview. Word. Pdf

Shepherds: How sin entered the world. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    How eviland bad thingsentered the world. Preview. Word. Pdf

Shepherds: Jesus died on a cross tobear our sins. Preview. Word. Pdf
Shepherds: Jesus’ Resurrection GivesLife to Believers. Preview. Word. Pdf
Children:    Jesusrose back to life so children may live forever. Preview. Word. Pdf
Supplement: Original, Apostolic GoodNews Preview.  Pdf

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