Paul-Timothy #10

Paul Timothy

10. Love God and others

Serve the needy. Work in harmony. Family life. Promotefellowship within and between flocks.

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All studies on this page were revised Summer of 2017

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Shepherds: Showcompassion by helping others. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    We serve others because welove them. Preview. Word. Pdf.


Shepherds: Family life, marriage,training children. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    A young widow finds a family. Preview. Word. Pdf.


Shepherds: Serve the needy. Preview. Word. Pdf.
Children:    Dorcas died and was restoredto life. Preview. Word. Pdf.


Shepherds: Congregations & cells serve each other. Preview. Word. Pdf
Children:    Christians in Greece helped the poor in Judea. Preview. Word. Pdf


Shepherds: Show love in practical ways. Preview Download Word. Pdf
Children:    A good Samaritan helps a stranger. Preview Download Word. Pdf


Supplement: Believers’ Children MarryBelievers . Preview Download Word. Pdf

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