Old & New Numbers

Old and New Paul-Timothy Study Booklet Numbers
Adopted 03 July 2006


  • Corresponding shepherds’ and children’s studies take the same new number (e.g., “#39, Shepherds” and “#39, Children”).
  • -1 (shepherd’s study) and -2 (children’s study) appear only in new file names (e.g. pt_39-1_non.doc), not in study numbers.
  • Menu users will usually look up studies by their booklet numbers, seldom by their file name.

Sorted by Old Number Sorted by New Number

Old New Title
00a 001 Read this first
A0a 004 Guidelines for novice shepherds being trained
A0b 005 Guidelines for children’s teachers
A0d 007 Helping a congregation’s body life
A0e 008 Planning and leading group worship
A0f 003 Guidelines for trainers of novice shepherds
A0g 012 General Index
A0h 013 Brief explanation of how to train
A0i 014 Into to P-T training (9 points)
A0j 006 Ten tasks of mentoring ( India)
A0m 002 Paul-Timothy users’ menu of studies
A0-1 010 P.-T. Scripture index
A0t 009 Basic topics when studies not available
A0u 015 Mentor’s Cheat Sheet
A1a 39-1 Acts of the Apostles
A1b 39-2 God brings good from bad things
A1d 040 The apostles’ model
A1e 041 Freedoms of congregations that multiply
A2a 20-1 Overcoming fear & shame
A2b 20-2 God helps us when we are afraid and ashamed
A3a 25-1 Respect the authority of God’s Word
A3b 25-2 Good King Josiah obeyed God’s Word
B1a 52-1 Baptise, confirm repentance and faith
B1b 52-2 God saved faithful Noah from punishment
B2a 26-1 Search God’s Word and let it speak for itself
B2b 26-2 Good King Josiah obeyed God’s Word
B3a 27-1 Survey the 66 books that are God’s Word
B3b 27-2 God’s people crossed the Red Sea on dry land
B3e 028 Important Bible events & eras
B3f 029 Stories & doctrines from the Bible
C1a 62-1 Spiritual transformation and godly character
C1b 62-2 David forgave his bad enemies
C2a 49-1 Parents teach their children
C2b 49-2 Children and youth enjoy serving Christ
C3a 64-1 Jesus miraculously born as a human
C3b 64-2 We celebrate the birth of Jesus our Saviour
C4a 73-1 Showing love in a practical ways
C4b 73-2 Helping Others
C5a 79-1 Serving one another in love
C5b 79-2 God gives us shepherds
C5e 080 Serve one another in God’s family
C6a 82-1 Maintaining helpful discipline and order
C6b 82-2 God made a bad city’s walls fall down
C7a 46-1 Start new congregations and cells
C7b 46-2 Paul and Barnabas brought new believers into new congregations
C8a 21-1 Counselling personal and family problems
C8b 21-2 Counsel children for personal and family problems
C9a 24-1 Break habits: alcohol, drugs, & immorality
C9b 24-2 King David broke a bad habit
D1a 71-1 Serving the needy
D1b 71-2 Good Dorcas died and was restored to life
D2a 95-1 Free from Satan in Jesus’ name
D2b 95-2 Jesus healed a boy tormented by demons
D3a 47-1 Peter made disciples the way Jesus said
D3b 47-2 We obey Jesus
D4a 99-1 Moses helped his people to Know God
D4b 99-2 God revealed joyful truths to Moses and Joshua
E1a 65-1 Jesus’ live-giving resurrection from death
E1b 65-2 Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday and lives forever
E2a 102-1 Mentor new shepherds like Paul did
E2b 102-2 Jesus sent out seventy-two evangelists
F1a 93-1 Believing and doing, as Abraham did
F1b 93-2 Children trust Jesus like Abraham did
F2a 70-1 Family life, marriage, training children
F2b 70-2 A young widow finds a family
F3a 48-1 Obeying Jesus, our great king
F3b 48-2 Jesus is the King over all Kings
G1a 57-1 Giving for God’s work & for the needy
G1b 57-2 A poor widow gave to the lord all she had
G2a 37-1 The Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
G2b 37-2 Jesus called his first followers
G3a 22-1 Joseph received God’s liberating grace
G3b 22-2 God’s loving grace
G3e 110 River of Grace
H1a 108-1 Celebrate harvest & blessings with thanksgiving
H1b 108-2 Rejoice at harvest time
H2a 92-1 Healing in Jesus’ name
H2b 92-2 Jesus healed a blind man who had faith in God
H3a 33-1 Old Testament historical books
H3b 33-2 People worshipped god before Jesus Came
H4a1 66-1 History of Christianity, part 1: the 1st 400 years
H4a2 67-1 History of Christianity, part 2: AD 400 till 1600
H4a3 68-1 History of Christianity, part 3: AD 1600 till now
H4b1 66-2 The Kingdom of God keeps spreading
H4b2 67-2 Confessing sins to God
H4b3 68-2 Children: Luther let people read the Bible
H5a 61-1 The Spirit-filled life
H5b 61-2 God’s Holy Spirit changes us and makes us better
H6a 44-1 Worship in homes and in big groups
H6b 44-2 We welcome into our homes those who serve Christ
I1a 72-1 Congregations & cells serve each other
I1b 72-2 Christians in Greece gave help to poor Christians in Jerusalem
J1a 38-1 Jesus’ life, ministry, death and resurrection
J1b 38-2 Children learn who Jesus really is
L1a 81-1 Organising small groups to serve one another
L1b 81-2 Lead God’s flock with faith and humility
L2a 42-1 New Testament letters: advice for new flocks
L2b 42-2 The Apostle Paul strengthened new believers with his letters
L3a 105-1 The Lord’s Table (communion)
L3b 105-2 God provided a ‘Lamb’ to save us
L3d 107 Celebrate Lord’s Table with your small group
L4a 69-1 Showing compassion by helping others
L4b 69-2 We serve others because we love them
M1a 101-1 Aquila and Priscilla, mentoring new leaders
M1b 101-2 One prophet shows another how to serve God
M2a 50-1 Spreading the Good News
M2b 50-2 Jesus Told His Followers to Tell His Good News to Others
O1a 83-1 Organizing the flock to serve one another
O1b 83-2 Working together to serve go
P1a 87-1 Performing pastoral duties
P1b 87-2 Jesus fed 5000 people with a boy’s gift
P1e 088 God gives overseers to his people
P2a1 30-1 Pentateuch part 1: Genesis. Patriarchs
P2a2 31-1 Pentateuch part 2: Exodus. Slaves freed
P2a3 32-1 Pentateuch part 3: Exodus. God’s law given
P2b1 30-2 Jacob saw into heaven
P2b2 31-2 God’s death angel forced a bad king to free his slaves
P2b3 32-2 God gave good laws to his people Israel
P3a 94-1 Enduring persecution
P3b 94-2 Three faithful men walked amid flames
P4a 34-1 Old Testament poetical books
P4b 34-2 A shepherd king sang songs to God
P5a 53-1 Witness for Jesus with the Spirit’s power
P5b 53-2 God’s Holy Spirit gave power to Peter to tell people about Jesus
P6a 90-1 Praying with effective faith
P6b 90-2 God heard prayer and shut the lions’ mouths
P6d 091 Spiritual warfare
P7a 100-1 Teach Believers during Worship
P7b 100-2 A teacher did not want to teach
P8a 35-1 Old Testament prophecies: about Jesus
P8b 35-2 Jesus stirred people’s hearts by explaining God’s Word
P9a 36-1 Old Testament prophets: great messages
P9b 36-2 The Lord prepared Isaiah to teach his people
R1a 84-1 Regional overseers of new churches
R1b 84-2 God helps believers to work together
R2a 63-1 Renewing God’s people
R2b 63-2 The Valley of Dry Bones
R3a 51-1 Repent, a change of heart
R3b 51-2 Jesus Found a Thief in a Tree
R4a 43-1 Christ showed John what is to come
R4b 43-2 John saw the end of the world
R5a 74-1 Detecting ripe fields in other cultures
R5b 74-2 A Woman meets Jesus at a well
S1a 54-1 New, eternal, holy life in Christ
S1b 54-2 A paralyzed man got to meet Jesus
S2a 77-1 Send Missionaries to neglected peoples
S2b 77-2 The Good News goes to new places
S3a 60-1 Stewardship, use well what God entrusts to us
S3b 60-2 How we serve God
S4a 56-1 How sin entered the world
S4b 56-2 How evil and all bad things entered the world
S5a 45-1 Gather sinners to meet Jesus
S5b 45-2 A family worshiped Jesus in their home
S6a 85-1 Serving with God-given spiritual gifts
S6b 85-2 Understand God’s spiritual gifts
S6e 086 Understanding spiritual gifts
S7a 96-1 Using stories to teach what God is like
S7b 96-2 Jesus, the best storyteller
T1a 97-1 Teach children the way God Said to do it
T1b 97-2 Jesus healed a man and sent him home to tell about it
T2a 75-1 Travelling teams reaching neglected places
T2b 75-2 A team helped a roman army officer and his friends to know Jesus
T3a 103-1 Train novice leaders as Jesus and Paul did
T3b 103-2 Jesus trained leaders by humbly serving them
T3e 104 Obedience-oriented training (48 p)
T4a 76-1 Working with other cultures
T4b 76-2 A slave girl helped her master from another culture
T5a 98-1 The Father, the Son and the Spirit are One God
T5b 98-2 John the Baptist baptized Jesus
V1a 78-1 Spreading a vision of widespread outreach
V1b 78-2 Jesus opened Paul’s eyes
V2a 23-1 Visit in homes and bring God’s grace
V2b 23-2 Jesus is our True Friend
V3a 58-1 Self-supporting, bi-vocational ‘tentmakers’
V3b 58-2 Use your job and time in school to serve God
V3e 059 Guidelines for self-support
W1a 55-1 Family & friends gather to hear about Jesus
W1b 55-2 Philip rode in a chariot and talked about Jesus
W2a 107-1 Aaron and other worship leaders
W2b 107-2 A woman washed Jesus’ feet


Sorted by New Number Sorted by Old Number

Old New Title
00a 001 Read this first
A0m 002 Paul-Timothy users’ menu of studies
A0f 003 Guidelines for trainers of novice shepherds
A0a 004 Guidelines for novice shepherds being trained
A0b 005 Guidelines for children’s teachers
A0j 006 Ten tasks of mentoring ( India)
A0d 007 Helping a congregation’s body life
A0e 008 Planning and leading group worship
A0t 009 Basic topics when studies not available
A0-1 010 P.-T. Scripture index
A0g 012 General Index
A0h 013 Brief explanation of how to train
A0i 014 Into to P-T training (9 points)
A0u 015 Mentor’s Cheat Sheet
A2b 20-2 God helps us when we are afraid and ashamed
A2a 20-1 Overcoming fear & shame
C8b 21-2 Counsel children for personal and family problems
C8a 21-1 Counselling personal and family problems
G3b 22-2 God’s loving grace
G3a 22-1 Joseph received God’s liberating grace
V2b 23-2 Jesus is our True Friend
V2a 23-1 Visit in homes and bring God’s grace
C9b 24-2 King David broke a bad habit
C9a 24-1 Break habits: alcohol, drugs, & immorality
A3b 25-2 Good King Josiah obeyed God’s Word
A3a 25-1 Respect the authority of God’s Word
B2b 26-2 Good King Josiah obeyed God’s Word
B2a 26-1 Search God’s Word and let it speak for itself
B3b 27-2 God’s people crossed the Red Sea on dry land
B3a 27-1 Survey the 66 books that are God’s Word
B3e 028 Important Bible events & eras
B3f 029 Stories & doctrines from the Bible
P2b1 30-2 Jacob saw into heaven
P2a1 30-1 Pentateuch part 1: Genesis. Patriarchs
P2b2 31-2 God’s death angel forced a bad king to free his slaves
P2a2 31-1 Pentateuch part 2: Exodus. Slaves freed
P2b3 32-2 God gave good laws to his people Israel
P2a3 32-1 Pentateuch part 3: Exodus. God’s law given
H3b 33-2 People worshipped god before Jesus Came
H3a 33-1 Old Testament historical books
P4b 34-2 A shepherd king sang songs to God
P4a 34-1 Old Testament poetical books
P8b 35-2 Jesus stirred people’s hearts by explaining God’s Word
P8a 35-1 Old Testament prophecies: about Jesus
P9b 36-2 The Lord prepared Isaiah to teach his people
P9a 36-1 Old Testament prophets: great messages
G2b 37-2 Jesus called his first followers
G2a 37-1 The Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
J1b 38-2 Children learn who Jesus really is
J1a 38-1 Jesus’ life, ministry, death and resurrection
A1b 39-2 God brings good from bad things
A1a 39-1 Acts of the Apostles
A1d 040 The apostles’ model
A1e 041 Freedoms of congregations that multiply
L2b 42-2 The Apostle Paul strengthened new believers with his letters
L2a 42-1 New Testament letters: advice for new flocks
R4b 43-2 John saw the end of the world
R4a 43-1 Christ showed John what is to come
H6b 44-2 We welcome into our homes those who serve Christ
H6a 44-1 Worship in homes and in big groups
S5b 45-2 A family worshiped Jesus in their home
S5a 45-1 Gather sinners to meet Jesus
C7b 46-2 Paul and Barnabas brought new believers into new congregations
C7a 46-1 Start new congregations and cells
D3b 47-2 We obey Jesus
D3a 47-1 Peter made disciples the way Jesus said
F3b 48-2 Jesus is the King over all Kings
F3a 48-1 Obeying Jesus, our great king
C2b 49-2 Children and youth enjoy serving Christ
C2a 49-1 Parents teach their children
M2b 50-2 Jesus Told His Followers to Tell His Good News to Others
M2a 50-1 Spreading the Good News
R3b 51-2 Jesus Found a Thief in a Tree
R3a 51-1 Repent, a change of heart
B1b 52-2 God saved faithful Noah from punishment
B1a 52-1 Baptise, confirm repentance and faith
P5b 53-2 God’s Holy Spirit gave power to Peter to tell people about Jesus
P5a 53-1 Witness for Jesus with the Spirit’s power
S1b 54-2 A paralyzed man got to meet Jesus
S1a 54-1 New, eternal, holy life in Christ
W1b 55-2 Philip rode in a chariot and talked about Jesus
W1a 55-1 Family & friends gather to hear about Jesus
S4b 56-2 How evil and all bad things entered the world
S4a 56-1 How sin entered the world
G1b 57-2 A poor widow gave to the lord all she had
G1a 57-1 Giving for God’s work & for the needy
V3b 58-2 Use your job and time in school to serve God
V3a 58-1 Self-supporting, bi-vocational ‘tentmakers’
V3e 059 Guidelines for self-support
S3b 60-2 How we serve God
S3a 60-1 Stewardship, use well what God entrusts to us
H5b 61-2 God’s Holy Spirit changes us and makes us better
H5a 61-1 The Spirit-filled life
C1b 62-2 David forgave his bad enemies
C1a 62-1 Spiritual transformation and godly character
R2b 63-2 The Valley of Dry Bones
R2a 63-1 Renewing God’s people
C3b 64-2 We celebrate the birth of Jesus our Saviour
C3a 64-1 Jesus miraculously born as a human
E1b 65-2 Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday and lives forever
E1a 65-1 Jesus’ live-giving resurrection from death
H4b1 66-2 The Kingdom of God keeps spreading
H4a1 66-1 History of Christianity, part 1: the 1st 400 years
H4b2 67-2 Confessing sins to God
H4a2 67-1 History of Christianity, part 2: AD 400 till 1600
H4b3 68-2 Children: Luther let people read the Bible
H4a3 68-1 History of Christianity, part 3: AD 1600 till now
L4b 69-2 We serve others because we love them
L4a 69-1 Showing compassion by helping others
F2b 70-2 A young widow finds a family
F2a 70-1 Family life, marriage, training children
D1b 71-2 Good Dorcas died and was restored to life
D1a 71-1 Serving the needy
I1b 72-2 Christians in Greece gave help to poor Christians in Jerusalem
I1a 72-1 Congregations & cells serve each other
C4b 73-2 Helping Others
C4a 73-1 Showing love in a practical ways
R5b 74-2 A Woman meets Jesus at a well
R5a 74-1 Detecting ripe fields in other cultures
T2b 75-2 A team helped a roman army officer and his friends to know Jesus
T2a 75-1 Travelling teams reaching neglected places
T4b 76-2 A slave girl helped her master from another culture
T4a 76-1 Working with other cultures
S2b 77-2 The Good News goes to new places
S2a 77-1 Send Missionaries to neglected peoples
V1b 78-2 Jesus opened Paul’s eyes
V1a 78-1 Spreading a vision of widespread outreach
C5b 79-2 God gives us shepherds
C5a 79-1 Serving one another in love
C5e 080 Serve one another in God’s family
L1b 81-2 Lead God’s flock with faith and humility
L1a 81-1 Organising small groups to serve one another
C6b 82-2 God made a bad city’s walls fall down
C6a 82-1 Maintaining helpful discipline and order
O1b 83-2 Working together to serve go
O1a 83-1 Organizing the flock to serve one another
R1b 84-2 God helps believers to work together
R1a 84-1 Regional overseers of new churches
S6b 85-2 Understand God’s spiritual gifts
S6a 85-1 Serving with God-given spiritual gifts
S6e 086 Understanding spiritual gifts
P1b 87-2 Jesus fed 5000 people with a boy’s gift
P1a 87-1 Performing pastoral duties
P1e 088 God gives overseers to his people
P6b 90-2 God heard prayer and shut the lions’ mouths
P6a 90-1 Praying with effective faith
P6d 091 Spiritual warfare
H2b 92-2 Jesus healed a blind man who had faith in God
H2a 92-1 Healing in Jesus’ name
F1b 93-2 Children trust Jesus like Abraham did
F1a 93-1 Believing and doing, as Abraham did
P3b 94-2 Three faithful men walked amid flames
P3a 94-1 Enduring persecution
D2b 95-2 Jesus healed a boy tormented by demons
D2a 95-1 Free from Satan in Jesus’ name
S7b 96-2 Jesus, the best storyteller
S7a 96-1 Using stories to teach what God is like
T1b 97-2 Jesus healed a man and sent him home to tell about it
T1a 97-1 Teach children the way God Said to do it
T5b 98-2 John the Baptist baptized Jesus
T5a 98-1 The Father, the Son and the Spirit are One God
D4b 99-2 God revealed joyful truths to Moses and Joshua
D4a 99-1 Moses helped his people to Know God
P7b 100-2 A teacher did not want to teach
P7a 100-1 Teach Believers during Worship
M1b 101-2 One prophet shows another how to serve God
M1a 101-1 Aquila and Priscilla, mentoring new leaders
E2b 102-2 Jesus sent out seventy-two evangelists
E2a 102-1 Mentor new shepherds like Paul did
T3b 103-2 Jesus trained leaders by humbly serving them
T3a 103-1 Train novice leaders as Jesus and Paul did
T3e 104 Obedience-oriented training (48 p)
L3a 105-1 The Lord’s Table (communion)
L3b 105-2 God provided a ‘Lamb’ to save us
L3d 107 Celebrate communion in your small group
W2b 108-2 A woman washed Jesus’ feet
W2a 108-1 Aaron and other worship leaders
H1b 109-2 Rejoice at harvest time
H1a 109-1 Celebrate harvest & blessings with thanksgiving
G3e 110 River of Grace
Sorted by New Number
Sorted by Old Number

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