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  • In July 2005, P-T editer, GP, is moving into lower-cost housing.
    He is also teaching across the country during July & August.
  • Translations of P-T in ten languages of S. Asia are due between
    August and November 2005.
  • P-T trainers have workshops scheduled for Urdhu and Thai-
    speaking regions in 2006 and for Nepalese and Burmese-
    speaking regions in 2007.
  • Bangla is the fifth biggest native-speaker language on earth
    and one of the least Christianized. P-T will soon be available
    in Bangla. 100s of P-T training workshops must be held
    by the end of this decade.
  • P-T trainers, E & RA, with Baby E, plan to spend several months
    in S. and S.E. Asia in 2005 & 2006, introducing P-T and T&M into
    Christian movements seeking to reproduce congregations amongst
    unreached, neglected people groups.
  • Translation of P-T has started in Portuguese in Mozambique (E. Africa)
    and faces many hindrances due to health and time constraints.
  • P-T Trainer, BS, will hold couses in Guyana and Trinidad, South America, in Summer 2005.
  • Translation of T&M is progressing in several national languages.

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