Updated August 2008

How many topics does Paul-Timothy offer?
There are now about 110 topics. Each topic has separate studies for shepherds and children’s workers.

How much does Paul-Timothy cost?
Nothing. It is free. Even if you print it and publish it, you do not have to pay a royalty fee to anybody.

Where can we get Paul-Timothy?
Download any or all of the studies from If others near you have it, then they may allow you to copy theirs. There is a French version available at

Can we offer Paul-Timothy on our own website?
Yes. However, we recommend that you include a link to where users can obtain new studies and updates.

Can we copy Paul-Timothy?
Yes. Make as many copies and translations as you need.

Can we print Paul-Timothy in bulk?
Yes. Print any quantity you wish. However, please, help others to obtain printed copies of Paul-Timothy cheaply.

Can we bind all the Paul-Timothy studies into a single book?
Yes, but we advise you to keep the studies as separate, little booklets that are cheap, easy to copy and easy to carry.

Will Paul-Timothy pay us to print it?
We wish we could pay for printing, but we are volunteers and make no money from Paul-Timothy. Sell Paul-Timothy to get back your printing costs.

May we translate Paul-Timothy?
Yes. If you do so, we request that you send to us an electronic copy of your finished translation, so that we may share it with others who read your language.

Do we have to use your pictures?
No. It is always wise to use pictures that your readers will like, so find or draw your own, if you wish.

Can we sell Paul-Timothy?
Yes. However, please, keep it cheap, so that poor Christian workers can obtain it. Of course, they may copy what they buy from you. When you provide Paul-Timothy studies to your trainees, you should ask them to pay a little bit for it.

What if we need materials on other topics?
We may be able to produce what you need. Write to us at

Where can we get training materials about health and community development?
We recommend materials and training available from Medical Ambassadors.

Are there different levels of Paul-Timothy?
Yes. There are parallel studies for shepherds (pastoral leaders), for children’s and for advanced learners.

How is Paul-Timothy different from other materials?
• As a mentor who trains new workers, you will choose Paul-Timothy materials that meet the current need of those workers’ congregations, cells and community groups.
• Paul-Timothy is not a traditional school course in which everybody studies the same materials which they may never need or use.
• The Paul-Timothy materials are written simply and clearly, so that they are both easy to read and easy to translate into other languages.
• Each study booklet provides Bible texts to read, practical ministry advice, plans for next week’s activities, and plans for next week’s worship time.

What is the theology of Paul-Timothy?
Paul-Timothy seeks to teach from the Bible and so is useful to all Christian denominations and compatible with most theologies. Paul-Timothy does not seek to promote one Christian theology above another.

Is Paul-Timothy only for house churches?
No. Paul-Timothy serves traditional churches, cell churches, and house churches, any congregation in which the shepherds, apostles and deacons teach and train others, in turn.

What does Paul-Timothy mean by “apostle” and “shepherd”?
Aside from the Twelve, most apostles in the New Testament were missionaries who started congregations and appointed elders. Shepherds are those who provide care and leadership to congregations. Shepherds who meet biblical criteria can become elders.

Why does Paul-Timothy mean by “congregation” and “church”?
Paul-Timothy teaches a lot about what some English Bibles call “church”. In many countries today, “church” means a chapel with a paid clergy that does not reproduce. Therefore, Paul-Timothy often uses the word “congregation” to refer to a fellowship of believers, and the word “cell” to refer to a little congregation that can reproduce easily.

Who writes Paul-Timothy?
Several unpaid writers produce Paul-Timothy booklets. All materials are edited by George Patterson, the author of the widely-used “Train and Multiply”® materials.

Why use Paul-Timothy, if we already have “Train and Multiply”®?
T&M may be all that you need. If so, use it. However, if you do not have T&M in your language, then you can translate and use Paul-Timothy now while waiting for T&M to appear.

Why is Paul-Timothy copyright?
The copyright prevents others from restricting your right to copy and use Paul-Timothy.

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