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#20: Prepare others to encourage and console others, helping hurting people to overcome fear, shame and worry.
#21: Help persons and families to recognize the root of a problem anddeal with it prayerfully and effectively, to restore normal, happypersonal or family life.
#22: Convince others that God?s grace alone is sufficient.
#23: Mobilize believers to do their duty by visiting in homes as Jesus did.
#24: Help people effectively to overcome bad habits and addictions.
#25: Become able to teach and apply God?s word skilfully.
#26: Effectively teach their own disciples and friends the Word of God.
#27: Be able to find topics easily in Scripture.
#30: Tell others about God?s creation and about the patriarchs from the book of Genesis.
#31: Relate the account of the Exodus accurately.
#32: Explain the Old Testament law in a way that people do not embrace it as a system for today.
#33: Encourage others to trust God?s promises.
#34: Teach the wisdom of the Old Testament in a way that people respond from the heart.
#35: Be able to convince others of the wealth of prophecy concerning Christ.
#36: Relate key events in teachings of the Old Testament prophets in a convincing way.
#37: Find events and teachings of Jesus easily in the different Gospels.
#38: Recount Jesus? saving work in the power of the Holy Spirit.
#39: Believers intentionally follow the example of the New Testament apostles.
#40: Testify for Jesus accurately in the power of the Holy Spirit.
#42 Convince believers to solve problems and find vital counsel in New Testament letters.
#43 Relate the key events of the book of Revelation with the power of the Holy Spirit.
#44: Make gatherings edifying for both experienced and new believers.
#45: Meet and converse with folk from any social class, especially if they need Jesus.
#46: Plant the type of churches that multiply, as they did in the New Testament.
#47: Make disciples who obey Christ?s general commands above all else.
#48: Make disciples who glorify and obey Jesus above all else out of love.
#49: Mobilize children to take an active part in worship and activities of the body of Christ.
#50: Tell the gospel accounts of Jesus? death and resurrection, in the Holy Spirit?s power.
#51: Call people to repent without condemning or sounding like you feel you are superior to them.
#52: Baptize, and teach others to baptize, in the same way the apostles did it.
#53: Relate the gospel message effectively with the Holy Spirit?s anointing.
#54: Assure believers of their eternal salvation.
#55: Mobilize believers to spread the gospel effectively in their social network.
#56: Believers accurately and powerfully recount the historical account of original sin.
#56c: Tell others about Jesus? resurrection in a convincing way that they can repeat it to others.
#57: Convince believers that by giving now, they are laying up treasures in heaven.
#58: Mobilize many bi-vocational pastors and church planters.
#60 Mobilize believers to serve Christ selflessly throughout the week.
#61: Convince others that the Holy Spirit can transform them into Christ-like sons of God.
#62: Prepare believers to suffer willingly, knowing
#63: Leaders mobilize workers to implement worthy projects during the week.
#64: Relate the account of Jesus? birth and its importance accurately, and with power.
#65: Communicate by the Holy Spirit?s power the importance of Jesus? life-giving resurrection.
#66: Defend biblical truth as ably as the Christians did in the early church.
#67: Correct false teaching firmly, without being combative and argumentative.
#68: Plant or train others to plant the kind of congregations that multiply rapidly.
#69: Leaders thoroughly integrate mercy and pastoral ministries.
#70: Counsel effectively couples who are struggling with their marriage or have other family problems.
#71: Care for the needy in a way that does not cause them to become sodependent on the church?s help that they fail to try to help themselves.
#72: Arrange edifying interaction between congregations and cell groups.
#73: Discern others? needs that you can meet, and do so wisely.
#74: Train effectively workers who go to other cultures, to multiply churches.
#75: Form apostolic traveling teams and empower them to plant churches.
#76: Adapt to another culture without prejudice.
#77: Send workers or go as missionaries able to multiply congregations in the Holy Spirit?s power.
#78: Help others to see the many communities of the world as God sees them.
#79: Leaders coordinate the body in the way that Scripture requires.
#81: Lead in a way that all believers know and exercise their spiritual gifts in an active way, in love.
#82: Carry out both kinds of discipline: 1) Discipline thecongregation: have it follow biblical order. 2) Discipline offenders:correct them in the way Jesus requires.
#83: Coordinate God?s work so that all members are using their spiritual gifts.
#84: Serve effectively in the power of the Holy Spirit as a regional overseer.
#85: Coordinate the use of the diverse gifts, so that all work together in a unified body.
#86: Help believers to discover their gifts and to employ their gifts in serving one another.
#87: Engage believers in God?s work; let them serve actively in loving harmony.
#90: Pray constantly for definite things, such as healing, more workers, etc.
#92: Command sicknesses in Jesus? name to leave the victims.
#93: Convince believers in the power of the Holy Spirit to put their faith into vigorous action.
#94: Convince believers that their present pains do not compare with the joy of eternity.
#95: Cast out demons, and resist Satan and his demonic agents in the name of Christ.
#96: Relate the stories in the power of the Holy Spirit, in a way that hearers can repeat them to others.
#97: Mobilize children to take part actively in worship and activities of the body of Christ.
#98: Defend the truth of the Trinity when people deny or question it.
#99: Enable believers to discover vital truths about God in the Pentateuch.
#100: Small group leaders engage all members in lively, edifying discussion, leading to action.
#101: To mobilize new leaders quickly, coach them as they coach others, in turn.
#102: Take effective, Christian teaching to those who do not attend your worship services.
#103: Train leaders effectively and quickly, the same way Jesus and Paul did.
#105: Celebrate the Lord supper in such a way that believers firstconfess their sins, recall the death of Christ vividly, sensing hispresence.
#106: Celebrate the Lord?s Table in a way that believers are knit more closely to Christ and to each other.
#108: Lead other believers in heartfelt worship that pleases the Lord.
#109: Engage believers in heartfelt thanksgiving to the Lord.
#114: Develop a systematic way of tracking the progress of new churches.
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