Train& Multiply® Paul-TimothyT&M® is suitable forlong-term programmes of on-going, pastoral training and churchmultiplication.P-T is suitable for new efforts that requiretraining materials quickly, while awaiting a T&M translation.T&M booklets have been widely tested andproven in many languages and peoples.P-T has not been as widely adopted as T&M.The2001 and later version of T&M is much improved with manycorrections from the original author.Althoughwritten by the original T&M author, P-T has not been widelytested.T&MBooklets are more thorough in their treatment of topics.P-Tstudies deal with a wider variety of topics, but more briefly thatT&M does.T&M booklets are geared to pastorsof traditional congregations, who may have a preachingministry. Each study is written in two forms: (1) for noviceleaders of new cells and congregations, and (2) for children’s workers.Each T&M translation hasprofessionally-drawn art that is adapted to its culture region.Pictures in P-T studies remain scarce and generic. Theseshould be replaced by those who translate the studies.The T&M menu is keyed to suggested trainingand mentoring methods, as well as to booklet titles.The P-T studies present very little on training andmentoring methods. Earlier versions of T&M were writtenprimarily for nominally-Christian populations, whereas the 2001 andlater versions are more widely adaptable.P-T studies assume a non-Christian population andnovice workers from a non-Christian background.T&M materials focus on reproduction: (a)for pastors and missionaries training new leaders, and (b) for youngcongregations birthing new congregations.Some P-T studies deal with reproduction, but mosthelp novice “shepherds” plan their weekly activities and congregationalworship times.T&M is available under license from ProjectWorldReach. The modest license fee remains negotiable.P-T is free to download, and it may befreely given.Toobtain T&M, first visit the T&M web site at contact Project WorldReach: PWR@TrainAndMultiply.comVisitthe Paul-Timothy web site at
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