One way to make disciples for Jesus



GalenCurrah, July2001


Onebasic way to make disciples for Jesus (e.g., Matt.28:18-20):


1.  Teachingpeople howto obey the commands of Jesus above all else.


Twoessentials for sustained, reproductive growth (e.g., Acts14:21-23):


1.  Appointingnewgroup shepherds.

2.  Approvingnew smallgroups.


Threelevels of authority for ministry decisions (e.g., Acts15:28):


1.  Thecommands ofJesus and his apostles; we obey these.

2.  Thepractices ofthe apostles; these we may follow if they fit local culture.

3.  Thetraditions ofthe church; these we avoid if they hinder obedience to Jesus
and his apostles.


Fourfallacies to avoid:


1.  Individualistmethods and traditionalist content that ignores obedience.

2.  Leadershiprequirements that are not from the Bible or are locally impractical.

3.  Philosophicalwitnessing and individualistic decisions in place of repentance.

4.  Trainingmethodsand materials that do not help churches to reproduce.


Fivefeatures of effective mentoring (e.g., Col. 1:7-8):


1.  Listeningtoshepherds about their flocks? needs and opportunities.

2.  Planningtogetherthe next steps of shepherds? ministry.

3.  Reviewinganystudies the shepherds have completed.

4.  Assigningnewstudies related to the shepherds? current learning needs.

5.  Prayingforshepherds and for their flocks.


Sixconvictions that empower reproduction (e.g., 1 Tim.1:3-5):


1.  Agreeon a visionto multiply leaders and reproduce churches or cells.

2.  FollowNTdisciple-making patterns based on obedience to Jesus? commands.

3.  Pastorsthemselvescontinually train newer pastors.

4.  Churchessendapostles to reproduce their churches.

5.  Pastoraltraineesapply their learning at once and begin training new pastors.

6.  Pastoraltrainersalways listen first to their trainees, then make ministry plans withthem andassign Bible passages and training books that fit current needs.

Seventasks for edifying, reproductive small groups (e.g., Eph.4:15-16):

1.  Agreeon what theyare and do as a group.

2.  Buildallministries on obedience to Jesus Christ.

3.  Constantlytrainnew leaders for new groups.

4.  Developallessential New Testament ministries.

5.  Harvestthe soulsthe Lord brings them in contact with.

6.  Helpeach person toknow and use their gifts.

7.  Serveone anotherwithin the family of God.


Eightelements of Christian worship for groups of all sizes (e.g., 1Cor.14:26).

1.  Bibleapplications.

2.  Confessionandforgiveness.

3.  Fellowshipandsharing.

4.  Formalstarting andstopping times (where the culture requires it).

5.  Givingto meetneeds.

6.  Praise.

7.  Prayer.

8.  TheLord?s supper.


Ninenecessities of reproductive churches (Neumann, e.g.,Acts 2:43-47):

      1. Continualuse ofeffective means of drawing people to faith in Jesus.

      2. Flexiblestructuresthat enable them to implement their vision.

      3. Frequentprayer tomake people and ministries fruitful.

      4. Helpingpeople toapply God?s Word in their everyday lives.

      5. Littleor noconcern for buildings or budgets.

      6. Lotsof caring onefor another in practical ways.

      7. Programsforconstantly training new leaders and forming new groups.

      8. Visionfor servingtheir city or nation.

      9. Worshipthatinvolves people in honoring God.


Tenessential ministries of NT churches (*Train& Multiply, e.g.,1 Tim. 6:6-11):

      1. Correcting,disciplining and restoring those who err or who sin.

      2. Disciple-makingforall ages and backgrounds.

      3. Matchingpeoples?spiritual gifts with service opportunities.

      4. Pastoralcare andcounsel for persons and families.

      5. Personal,familyand corporate worship.

      6. Prayersandintercessions for all kinds of people.

      7. Recognizing,sending and supporting evangelists and missionaries.

      8. Stewardshipofwealth, time and talents to provide for needs.

      9. Teaching,defendingand applying the Word of God.

  10. Training,testingand appointing of new shepherds and elders.




*A program of mentored leadertraining for reproductive growth.

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