Leaders that God Gives to Churches


Check the box by these persons that God gives to do vital ministries (Eph. 4:11-16), when your church or organization is activating all of them.

 Apostles (sent ones)

  • Go to neglected people, are visionaries and effective planners.
  • Keep churches or cell groups multiplying.


  • Speak to people to build up, exhort and console (1 Cor. 14:3).
  • Help the body to balance action with doctrinal instruction.


  • Introduce people to the living Christ, and heal in Jesus name.
  • Help new believers witness to friends and relatives.
  • Keep the gospel spreading through social networks.
  • Start new churches and cell groups.

 Shepherding Elders

  • Watch over flocks small enough to give attention and care to every member.
  • Mentor newer leaders.
  • Train new disciples to obey Jesus commands.
  • Help believers practice the New Testament one-another commands.


  • Explain and apply God’s Word.
  • Equip believers to use God-given spiritual gifts actively in different ministries.
  • Help believers to discuss and practice God’s Word.

Popular teaching often stifles church multiplication and spiritual health, because believers become passive hearers and neglect using their God-given gifts to do the other vital ministries.


  • Serve the needy.
  • Integrate ministries of compassion with the other vital ministries of the body.

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