Why act out Bible stories?
God requires total participation and interaction during teaching and worship time (Col. 3:16; 1 Cor. 14:26, etc.). To involve everyone including children, let adults and children act out Bible stories together briefly, and answer such questions such as,  "What was God's message for us?" "How will we apply it?" "How will we do it with other people?"

Both educated and illiterate folks learn and obey God's Word more readily when they view or take part in demonstrations. The Holy Spirit uses the Bible more powerfully when a learner takes an active part in the teaching, rather than simply listening passively. Believers seldom forget truths that they have seen portrayed dramatically, or helped to portray.
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There's a strong theological reason for reliving Bible stories...

  • Other religions all base their doctrines on ethical, metaphysical and philosophical musings of mystics, but all major biblical truths arose from concrete historical events.
  • Biblical doctrines make a more edifying impact when a teacher lays the foundation of their historical origins.
  • The impact is greater when a group acts out a story briefly, reliving the event.
Want an experienced mentor
to help you use simple drama to good advantage?
Anne Thiessen

A list of all Bible stories with their applications to our lives is provided in the Appendix of Shepherd's Storybook.  Visit www.Paul-Timothy.net and click
Download, Shepherd's Storybook.

Paul-Timothy studies include brief dramatizations to teach God's Word in weekly worship meetings. The studies come in pairs―one for new leaders and another for children, on the same topic.
All Paul-Timothy children's studies have a Bible story to act out in 2 to 4 minutes during worship time. Download freely:

Mentor and Multiply
Role Plays, Skits and Acting out Bible Stories
Children and adults together relate God's truths with greater impact
  • It is easier to motivate folks with drama & role plays. Keep weekly presentations brief; avoid costumes and elaborate props.
  • Let anyone who wants to take part do so (shout, cheer or boo, etc).
  • You do not always need an audience; let every-one relive the historical events.
  • Let at least one man act with the children.
  • Let older kids prepare younger.
  • Older children and adults need not memorize lines; just keep in mind the ideas and ad lib.
Role-plays, Bible Stories and Demonstrations partially scripted, to prepare missionaries and pastoral trainers. (MS Word®)

Death Angel A child's reading dramatizing Passover, to introduce the Lord's Supper.

Using Stories and Skits Teach stories in an exciting, edifying way.

What the Bible Teaches about Teaching (You may be surprised).

All Bible stories listed by historical eras and topics, linking Old and New Testament truths:  Bible Stories
Let these documents help you use stories and
       simple drama
in a dynamic,
edifying way...