1 Jean

«Enseignons le Nouveau Testament! »Première Épitre de Jean Un cours vidéo de 16 sessions, automne 2019Contacter le Dr. Currah iciEnglishLeçons 0 Intro 4 2 : 12-17   8 3 : 19-20 12 5 : 1-5 1 1 : 1-4 5 2 : 18-29   9 4 : 1-6 13 5 : 6-13 2 1 : 5 – 2 : 2 6 3 : 1-10 10 4 : 7-13 14 5 : 14-17 3 2 : 3-11 7 3 : 11-18 11 4 : 14-21 15 5 : 18-21 Téléchargement de documents … [Read more...]

PTT Workshops

AND "TRAIN & MULTIPLY"® WORKSHOPS WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION Experienced church planters and trainerscan orient your pastors and missionaries to mentoring and coachingpractices that help apprentice leaders to multiply congregations andcell groups. Throughbible discovery, skits, simulations and discussions, your workers willlearn and practice the skills that help congregations and cells toreproduce. Wherechurches, missions and development programmes have … [Read more...]

One way to make disciples for Jesus

WHATCOUNTS MOST IN TRAININGSHEPHERDS FORCHURCH REPRODUCTION GalenCurrah, July2001 Onebasic way to make disciples for Jesus (e.g., Matt.28:18-20): 1.  Teachingpeople howto obey the commands of Jesus above all else. Twoessentials for sustained, reproductive growth (e.g., Acts14:21-23): 1.  Appointingnewgroup shepherds.2.  Approvingnew smallgroups. Threelevels of authority for ministry decisions (e.g., Acts15:28): 1.  Thecommands ofJesus and his apostles; we obey … [Read more...]

Paul-Timothy Vision

Paul-Timothy Values Authority of Jesus Christ, infallibility of the Holy Bible, gifts of the Holy Spirit, love between Christians and salvation for all peoples. Vision A believing Christian "flock" within walking distance of every creature on Earth. Mission Train trainers of shepherds to mentor novice leaders of new flocks. Goals Free, appropriate* pastoral training materials and leader … [Read more...]

Search by Verse Reference Click ona study booklet number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56a 56b 56c 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115-1 115-2 115-3 115-4 116 117 119 120 121 #20: ?Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, … [Read more...]



Capítulo 4 ¿LEY O GRACIA? Parte I 1.  Diferenciemos entre los dos pactos Para ver la diferencia entre el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento, tenemos que ver primero cómo fue instituido el Antiguo Pacto. 1,500 años antes de nacer Jesucristo, el pueblo de Dios estaba esclavo en Egipto. Clamaron a Jehová, el Dios de Abraham, Isaac y Jacobo, pidiendo … [Read more...]

Trouble Shooting for Church Reproduction

Trouble-Shooting Church ReproductionCopyright © 2002 by George PattersonMay be translated and distributed without permission. Common Snags Common Causes Common Cures (plan the activities)       Evangelism fails to bring people to Christ or to reach entire families. Workers lack power for evangelism.Enlist serious intercessors and share the vision.Pray for healing of the people with childlike faith.Proclaim the good news as the apostles did, relating the death AND life giving … [Read more...]

Mentors and Trainers

Paul-Timothy Trainers Network Our experienced trainers, coaches and mentors can conduct one, two, three and four-day workshops at your localtion, to introduce mentored leader training and materials that your workers can use to do the same in turn. We also train and consult on integration of CP with community development. Contact us to arrange for workshops and consultations: [email protected] Edward … [Read more...]

Untitled Document

An actual “2 Timothy 2:2” training chain from India Thanks to Roger Pierce of Vancouver 1   2     3       4         5 Return to top ? Return to Main Menu … [Read more...]

Compare T&M(r) with PTLT

  Train & Multiply® Paul-Timothy Leader Training T&M® is suitable for long-term programmes of on-going pastoral training and church multiplication. Is suitable for new efforts that require training materials quickly while awaiting a T&M translation. T&M booklets are more widely tested and proven … [Read more...]