
Paul-Timothée Procéderà Paul-Timothée Demander accès *Nom: *Organisation: *Adresse courielle: Autrecontact: *Message: *Requis Forme grâce à … [Read more...]


Paul-Timothy Procedeto Paul-Timothy Request access *Name: *Organization: *Email Address: Othercontact: *Comments: *Required Form code thanks to … [Read more...]


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The Seven General Commands of Jesus

Repent, Believe the Good News, Receive the Holy Spirit Baptize Lord's Supper Love God, Love Neighbor, Love Enemies, Love Believers Pray in the Name of Jesus Give Generously Make Disciples Here's a video of the hand motions you can use with the commands. Download the Verse References and Stories for the Seven General Commands of Jesus … [Read more...]

Plan To Multiply [Podcast #0005]

Planning to multiply includes… Discern “ripe fields”?receptive folk whom God has prepared Discern the type of group that will multiply among the receptive folk. Harvesters bind the agreement to multiply, in Jesus’ name. Where churches have failed to multiply, launch a 2nd, simpler track.   … [Read more...]

The Church Planting Dashboard [Podcast #0004]

Use the People Of Yes! Dashboard to find precise guidelines to take your next step to multiply God’s flocks. The menu lists 28 tasks that Jesus or His apostles required, which have proven effective and vital to multiply churches in widespread movements. Do not try to do the tasks in order; choose those that fit a current need. Skip tasks for which you have no need. Each task includes brief descriptions, points out common pitfalls, and offers further help in resource documents. If you … [Read more...]

Why the People of YES! was Founded [Podcast #0003]

Highlights from this show: Hear the event in the mountains of Honduras that evoked the name “People Of YES!” Meet those who’ll help you avoid the huge “NO” that stifles Evangelical movements. YES! You are free to obey Christ’s commands anytime, anywhere, including baptizing and celebrating Communion, as He alone has all authority in heaven and earth. … [Read more...]

An Interview With George Patterson [Podcast #0002]

Highlights from this show: Meet George Patterson, veteran coach for multiplying churches, a joyful radical for Jesus. Find how to train shepherds as Paul the apostle did, to multiply healthy flocks rapidly. Find the key to delegate responsibility, to multiply your efforts for Jesus a hundredfold. … [Read more...]

Welcome To The People Of YES! [Podcast #0001]

Highlights from this show: Meet People Of YES!, or “POY!”, which exists to help disciples love and obey Jesus above all else. Become a Person of YES! and let us free you, as we have many others, from costly, heavy human regulations to multiply churches for Jesus, nearby and afar. Let us help you to coach and be coached, to start and sustain a movement for Jesus. … [Read more...]

Looking For Some Thing Specific?

  Listing of Skits Coaching … [Read more...]