Future of Anglo American Christianity

Interview with George Patterson           Churches’ decline in Anglo America stands well documented. Mega-church, emerging church and home church trends remain too small to reverse the downward spiral. People Of Yes! asked veteran church-multiplication advocate, George Patterson, two questions: Question 1. Since conventional churches in Anglo America currently have no verifiable church-planting movement of significance, what kind of churches can multiply there? Patterson enumerated … [Read more...]

Foundational Truths for Wholesome Society and Satanic forces that Undermine them

Vital Truths of Christian Civilization Examples of Sources of Denial The Bible’s authority for life and morals Rationalistic Seminaries Monotheism Hindu polytheism Jesus Christ overpowered demonic powers Tibetan Buddhism Moral purity brings peace of mind Pornography, the darker side of Hollywood Sanctity of life Jihad Sanctity of marriage Same-sex “marriage” History provides norms for state … [Read more...]

Drive off Sheep-stealing Wolves

Paul warned that wolves would come from within and from without, and Jesus said that the wolves would come wearing sheep's clothing. Wooly wolves! Wolves from within are unethical Christians, or those who pose as Christians. These deceive and proselytize gullible believers, luring weak, careless lambs away from their God-given shepherds into the wolves flocks, which are usually legalistic churches. Wolves from without do not pose as Christians. These persecute Christians. To add a bit of fun, … [Read more...]

Guidelines to Partner with Churches in Other Countries

               National churches and organizations round the globe form partnerships with foreign churches and mission agencies. Such cooperation can prove energizing, leading to more effective evangelism and development. It can also prove a snare, when unwise partnership agreements entice workers into garnering foreign resources. Resultant misunderstanding leads to disappointment and distrust.             Let your church or organization follow these guidelines for … [Read more...]

Practice Church Body Life Between Congregations

              Vigorous spiritual health and ministry arise from interaction between churches and cell groups as much as from interaction within them. The many New Testament commands to serve “one another” apply to all congregations and cell groups; no one church in an area is the whole Body of Christ. In pioneer fields, infant churches often help each other a great deal, because all are weak and need help. As churches grow in age, size and wealth, many come to feel … [Read more...]

Develop Cluster Churches

              In Latin America, some regional associations of young churches remain limited to an area small enough so that they could meet together regularly and conveniently. This limitation allows them to take common action, implement community development, keep pastors accountable and ward off wolves. Their leaders meet often to share needs, opportunities and advice. Church members also enjoy regional celebrations where they share testimonies, energetic teaching and plenty … [Read more...]

Ruth, a Moabitess, Comes to God Through A Pathway of Love

Book of Ruth  POY! SKIT GUIDELINES: In a small group, participants might simply read their lines, or glance at their lines to get the idea so they can speak in their own words. Most POY! skits require no practice in advance. Have any small children play a brief part. Most scripts have an optional part for children, listed last under Participants. Most scripts have a Narrator who should read the script beforehand to see how to keep moving the story along. It is not necessary to employ … [Read more...]

Go Make Disciples of All Nations

  A.    Help your church obey all of Jesus’ final commands. The four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), as well as the Book of Acts, record various aspects of Jesus’ Great Commission. a)    Its Disciple-maker’s curriculum consists of all that Jesus commanded. “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all … [Read more...]

Bible Reading Index

For daily family devotions and small group discussions             Bible readings are arranged under duties that God requires of His followers, on three levels: (1) Beginning, (2) Growing, and (3) Maturing.             Asterisks * indicate stories to recount or act out. Some important stories are listed more than once, since many folk, especially children, learn better by repetition.             Before reading a text or telling a story, tell hearers what to … [Read more...]

Let Children Participate Actively in God’s Work

                Before Jesus fed thousands of hungry folk who had gathered to hear him in a wilderness, He asked his disciples what resources they had. Andrew replied that a boy in the crowd had offered to share his five loaves and two fish. Jesus took this boy’s offering and fed the crowd (John 6:9-10). Early church writers reported that this boy later became a Christian leader.               Children who serve actively in God’s work develop spiritually … [Read more...]