Let Bible Translation Foster A Movement

  The term Bible Translation Movement (BTM) was first described to me by a colleague in a nearby country where the largest turning of Muslims to Christ in history is happening. What can we learn from what the Lord is doing there? BTMs and CPMs both see rapid multiplication of God’s Word in various languages. Thus, rapid refers not only to numbers of new translations and churches but also to rapid obedience to the King. A BTM happens when new churches start to multiply in an unreached … [Read more...]

The Golden Boat, Buddha’s Prophecy Of Christ

[Excerpted from Salvation: Your New Relationship with God, pages 25-27. Author, publisher and date unknown. From http://bibleprobe.com/buddhatoldofjesus.htm, accessed 14 September 2008. Edits in square brackets by Galen Currah, 14 Sept. 2008.] Permission was granted to copy these Buddhist Scriptures regarding the prophecy of the Holy One (Jesus) from Wat Phra Sing in Chiang Mai Province. The one who gave permission was Phra Sriwisutthiwong in Bangkok. It is guaranteed that this copy is accurate … [Read more...]

Bonding With Autocratic Leaders In Hierarchical Societies

  Dutch researcher, Geert Hofstede, found several cultural traits that help to define a company or society. One of those traits he called “power distance,” which includes how strongly leaders believe that the efforts of their followers are a result of the leaders’ decisions. “Distant” leaders feel that they alone have the right and might to make decisions. Their followers either agree with them or are afraid to differ with them openly. Where both leaders and followers agree that … [Read more...]


This is a test of the emergency brad casting system.... … [Read more...]

Seven Dynamic Factors that Sustain Spontaneous Church Multiplication

Let your church multiply daughter and granddaughter churches in any neglected field, by implementing seven dynamics that God consistently blesses. Even if you are not a church planter, you can help prepare church planters by forming a small group that equips them. Let new church-planting workers practice church planting skills in your group. When missionaries first arrive in a field, they do not put into practice what they had read or heard in lectures; rather they imitate what they used to do … [Read more...]

Summary of Church Multiplication Guide

Available from www.wclbooks.com Authors George Patterson and Richard Scoggins are field practitioners, experienced in movements where churches and cells have multiplied spontaneously. George Patterson, having planted churches in Central America, coaches church planters in different countries. The authors’ main premise is that churches can multiply in a normal way by their God-given power, not relying on money, academic degrees, institutions or unusually gifted leaders. Ordinary people … [Read more...]

Expose Myths about Multiplying

Coaching church planters over several years helps one replace common myths with facts. Myth #1: “To start a new church or cell, church planters must leave an existing church.” Fact: Most church planters do not permanently leave their ‘home’ church or cell. Peter’s church planting team in Acts 10, as well as Paul and Barnabas, did not change their membership to the new churches. They maintained their relationship with their mother church. In movements, most workers evangelize … [Read more...]

Shift Fearlessly from No to Yes to Multiply in the West

Can churches and cell groups keep multiplying rapidly in the West? YES! Just focus on positive, fearless action. Stop dabbling in negative reasons for failure. People Of Yes! lead fellow believers to shout “Yes!” in Jesus. 2 Corinthians 1:20 SHIFT FROM “NO!”* TO “YES!”** Authority: dominating, questioned and resisted Authority: visionary, compassionate and complied with Baptism: a public profession of faith Baptism: receive newborn believers … [Read more...]

Twenty-one Biblical “Musts” to Multiply

Raise up willing workers: Focus on neglected people-groups that are receptive to the gospel. Matthew 13:3-10; Acts 18:1-4, 24-28; Romans 15:20; Revelation 7:9 Send your church's God-given “apostles” to plant churches in new areas. Matthew 10:1-2; Ephesians 4:11; Acts 13:1-3; Romans 1:5 Form temporary, apostolic task groups that train local workers. Matthew 9:37-38; Colossians 1:7; 4:12; 1 Corinthians 12:28 Agree to saturate people groups and regions with reproducible churches. Matthew … [Read more...]

Good And Bad Routes That Churches Take To Grow

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