All Ages Join In Worship And Joyful Holidays

All Age Groups Participate in Worship. They enjoy Holidays, Together. Yes, Lord, with Your help, we will arrange for adults and children to participate in worship activities, together, so that all voice your praises and edify one another, as your Word requires. Yes, new leader, you are free to follow New Testament norms for worship. May the tears of repentance and the laughter of liberation flow freely! Balance quiet contemplation with spontaneous dialog, to strengthen, exhort and … [Read more...]

Heed Commands Of Our King Before All Else

Heed the Commands of the King of Kings Above and Before all Else   Yes, new shepherd, you and your flock are free to obey all the commandments of the King of Kings. No higher authority can forbid you to baptize, serve Communion, pray in His name or proclaim His Word. He affirmed this authority in His final Great Commission. Yes, Lord, we will train disciples from the start, as you said, building on the Rock by heeding your commandments. Shield us from programs that overlook such … [Read more...]

Work Within A Specific Social Network

Work Within Existing Social Networks  Yes, fellow harvesters, we will reap in the field to which God has led us, as Naomi told Ruth to do; we will not let Satan dilute our focus by making us jump from one social venue to another. [To avoid saying that Satan does the jumping.] Yes, Lord, we will let the Gospel flow freely among friends and relatives of new believers, as Your apostles did. Grant us power and courage to serve where we are not in control, so that seekers can meet Jesus in their … [Read more...]

Learn Key Truths, Share Them With Friends

Let New Disciples Pass on Key Truths to Friends Yes, new follower of Messiah, you can tell your loved ones about Him at once. Tell them what He has done for you and for them. We will help you start. Yes, Lord Jesus, we will show apprentices workers how to tell friends what You’ve done for them. Grant us Your Holy Spirit’s power to witnesses for our risen Lord. Go with new believers and show them how to tell their friends and family about Jesus and about what He has done for them and … [Read more...]

Experience The Risen Christ’s Presence And Power

Experience the Risen Christ’s Presence and Power Yes, dear seeker, Jesus your Savior is here beside you! Let God’s Spirit open your eyes of faith to receive Him into your heart. Yes, Lord, we sense your joyful Presence. Help us lift you up for all to see. Free us from powerless teaching that leads to hearing without doing, learning without communing with You. Let seekers sense Jesus’ presence in meetings. Let everyone experience Christ’ presence and not merely learn truths about … [Read more...]

Choose Training Materials that Fit a Spreading Movement

Choose Training Materials that Fita Spreading Movement Yes, beloved apprentice, you can begin now to shepherd new believers. We’ll help you learn just what you need for instant action. Yes, Lord Jesus, we will free up new shepherds from paralyzing abstraction as we train them in the way You and Your apostles did. Help us choose materials that fit the urgent needs of new churches, of new leaders and of new mentors. Equip new leaders in the way Jesus and His apostles did, training them … [Read more...]

Keep On Amid Setbacks And Opposition

Keep on Amid Setbacks, Opposition and Persecution Yes, fellow workers, we will endure, with God’s help, as thousands have done before us, no matter what ordeals Satan thrusts upon us. Yes, Lord Jesus, we are shouldering your cross; we will not surrender it except to death. Grant us the grace that you gave Paul and to a myriad of others, to endure victorious amidst torturous trials. Face setbacks and criticism from fellow believers, and persecution from hostile authorities. Cultivate … [Read more...]

Bond With Local Folk And Their Culture

Bond with Local Folk and their Culture; Learn their Language whenever possible Yes, dear folk to whom our Lord has sent to serve you, we’re here to join with you in your suffering and in your joy. Yes, Lord, we see the field you’ve made ripen for us to reap. Lead us to your persons of peace. And, since we’re to few, please thrust forth more workers. Find “persons of peace” who can introduce you to those in their social network. Like Cornelius, Zacheus and Lydia, these local … [Read more...]

Gather A Temporary, Apostolic Task Group

Gather a Temporary, Apostolic Task Group Yes, fellow workers, we’re free to aim for a highly effective task force, liberated from shackles of inertia and fear of newness. Yes, Lord, we step out together to follow your model. Help us provide the nuclei of new task groups that multiply exponentially, as your Twelve did. Form a band of spiritual 'midwives' who enable churches or cell groups to multiply. Seek out committed “apostles.” God gives apostles (sent ones in Greek) to … [Read more...]

Let old Churches and Agencies Add a Second, Non-traditional Track

Let old Churches and Agencies Add a Second, Non-traditional Track Yes, new workers, you are free to do all that Jesus and His apostles commanded. Our King of Kings has all authority in heaven and earth, so you need not question whether you should obey him. Simply do it. You must not even vote on it, because to give higher authority to “majority rule” than to God is rebellious disobedience. Yes, Lord, we boldly release workers to add a new track to multiply churches or cells among receptive … [Read more...]