Let old Churches and Agencies Add a Second, Non-traditional Track

Let old Churches and Agencies Add a Second, Non-traditional Track

Yes, new workers, you are free to do all that Jesus and His apostles commanded. Our King of Kings has all authority in heaven and earth, so you need not question whether you should obey him. Simply do it. You must not even vote on it, because to give higher authority to “majority rule” than to God is rebellious disobedience.
Yes, Lord, we boldly release workers to add a new track to multiply churches or cells among receptive people. They will do what you commanded, unencumbered by human traditions.

Leaders of churches or denominations, whose members’ average age is climbing ominously, may agree to launch a second track outside of their current social venue.

Clarify to church members why their church or agency needs a “second track.”

God never intended all congregations to be identical in form. Paul’s letter to the Galatians offers a striking example of two diverse tracks; he scolded them for practicing circumcision, but in Lystra, only a few miles away, he circumcised Timothy. The reason was the same for both practices ? Paul respected local culture. As he told the Corinthians, “where the Spirit is there is liberty”.

Nearly anywhere that traditional institutional churches have prevailed, the younger generation and poorer, less educated people often benefit from a second, different track with church practices that attract and hold them. In many cities and foreign fields, churches fail to multiply because they follow methods that do not appeal to a growing segment of the population, instead of starting another track.

Step out and lead boldly, as reformers have done with God’s help throughout history.

For most churches or agencies, a second track is not thinking outside of the box, but stepping out of it. Jesus and reformers throughout history have stepped outside of institutions and traditional practices to spark dynamic movements for Christ.

Explain the second track to your congregation.

You might say, “If people won’t come to our church with its traditions and forms, then we will take the church to them,” and then do it. Invite those who are willing to participate in start-up meetings to establish a beachhead among receptive people, in the settings where they ordinarily spend their time.

Orient the new workers.

Gather in a home, restaurant or some other natural social setting, with the people that you plan to reach, to accustom them to serve in the different environment. Let younger believers plan activities and impart a party atmosphere. Provide food, games or whatever will make a festive gathering such as Zacheus and Levi had to let friends meet Jesus. Many seekers will prove willing to attend this type of gathering.


 Resources For While You …

Delve into more detail about launching a second track. This vivid description shows why and how to step out of the old box:

Launch a 2nd track

Remove barbed wire from around your gatherings. Avoid the offensive practices that discourage many from attending traditional church worship:

Many seek non-institutional, relational community

Design the blueprint for a second track that lets churches multiply rapidly:

Big and little churches, contrasts

Common Traps To Avoid

Let a new group of new believers become a mere Bible study.

Your primary focus at this stage is not Bible study, but active obedience to Jesus. Extensive Bible study will come later. Avoid workers who cannot adapt to a dynamic body of new believers, for they have not grasped the biblical place of Bible study.

Complaining about traditional churches’ shortcomings.

Satan uses such grumbling to abort new movements in embryo. Remind complainers not to attack the traditional church that God  used historically to bring them to where they are now. We love our Christian brothers, even though they do things differently, even fruitlessly. Let both tracks continue, with mutual support.

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