Bind Your Agreement to Multiply

Bind Your Agreement to Multiply Yes, new believer, you can start a church in your home, as many did after Pentecost. We will coach you as the apostles coached new leaders then, to make your task as easy as possible. Yes, Lord Jesus, we will gather in your name so that you are present as you said, and that you bind our agreement in heaven. We pledge to you and to each other to accept nothing less than a movement born of the Holy Spirit’s power. Help us discern the “good soil” that … [Read more...]

Ask, What Kind Of Group Will Multiply?

Verify the Kind of Church or Cell that Will Multiply Among those God Has Given you to Serve Yes, new worker, you are free to start a church or cell group without money or restrictive educational requirements. Just do what Jesus and His apostles said to do, in the way they did it. Yes, Lord, we will worship as you modeled, and speak to one another to strengthen, exhort and console, as Paul instructed. Envision the kind of church body that can easily multiply by God’s power among the people … [Read more...]

Discern Fields Ripe For Harvest

DISCERN A RIPE FIELD THATYOU CAN HARVEST NOW Yes, bold servants of Jesus, you’re free to step beyond all restraints of tradition or society into a new, ripened field of receptive people whom God has prepared for you to harvest for His Kingdom. Yes, Lord Jesus, like Joshua and Caleb who went ahead to reconnoiter Your Promised Land, we will venture out in faith. Grant us eyes to find that white field that is ready to reap. Discern receptive, neglected people, nearby or afar, whom God has … [Read more...]

Bible Story Dashboard

These are so easy to do, click here to see a simple video .... DIVINE TRUTH In the Old Testament In the Gospels In the Acts, letters & Revelation 1 God creates good things from nothing 1 The Almighty created the heavens and the earth 1 Christ calmed a storm, proving He is Lord over nature 1 Jesus will destroy Satan and he will create a new, eternal heaven and earth 2. God breathes His Spirit into men and into churches 2 God made Adam in … [Read more...]