Paul-Timothy (Chinese)

Paul-Timothy (Chinese)

  Paul-timothy "Mature & Multiply" (Chinese)
Updated in June 2012


Paul-Timothy has beenadapted toChinese culture and translated into Mandarin.
If you employ this version, then,please, report any mistakes: Contactus

Prior to version 11.2, WinZip does not support Unicode characters infilenames.
Attempting to unzip files named with Chinese characters using a WinZipversion
earlier than 11.2 (purchased before 2009) will result in an errormessage:
“Warning: Could not open for reading: …”
You may also employ a program like the free 7-Zip for PC from or
or the free Unarchiver forMacIntosh from
(The Unix/Linux native .zip supports Unicode characters.)


P-T Methods
Archive name: Methods_used_in_Paul-Timothy_June-2012_Chinese.doc
(File names are in Chinese. 900 kb)

MethodsUsed in Paul-Timothy (English) June 2012
Archive name: Methods_used_in_Paul-Timothy_June-2012_English.doc
(File names are in Chinese. 800 kb)

?????????????????? .7z ??? (?????2012?06????
Archive name:Paul-Timothy_Mature_&_Multiply_Discipleship_Training_Chinese.7z
(File names are in Chinese. 26 mb)

Paul-Timothy”Mature & Multiply” (English) June 2012
Archive name:Paul-Timothy_Mature_&_Multiply_Discipleship_Training_English.7z
(File names are in English. 26 mb)


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