This document presents thirty small group activities. Begin practicing them in any order. Consult the Index below as a menu or checklist, to select activities that meet current needs. Mark off an activity when the small group is practicing it well, or if it does not apply.
A. All Ministries Are Built on the Rock, Jesus Christ
1. Lay the one foundation by obeying the commands of Jesus before all else
2. Obey, and teach others to obey Jesus’ command to repent, believe and receive the Holy Spirit
3. Obey, and teach others to obey, Jesus’ command to confirm conversion with baptism
4. Obey, and teach others to obey Jesus’ command tobreak bread(the Lord’s Supper, Communion)
5. Obey, and teach others to obey Jesus’ command to love God and man in practical ways, including the needy, enemies (forgive)
6. Obey, and teach others to obey Jesus’ command to pray
7. Obey, and teach others to obey Jesus’ command to give
8. Obey, and teach others to obey Jesus’ command to Make disciples (evangelize, shepherd, train leaders, and send missionaries)
9. Establish the authority for your group’s work (enthrone Jesus through your obedience in love)
B. Base Agreement on What your Christian Community Is and Does
10. Covenant to agree on aims, work out differences
11. Practice relevant small group worship
12. Install your leaders in the biblical way
13. Base your aims on the Word of God
14. Balance and blend different ministries
15. Look upon the field that God has given you to harvest
16. Keep the vision alive and growing
C. Crops Are Reaped
17. Organize and plan for harvesting
18. Prepare to relate the good news
19. Let the good news flow through a social network (donot extract converts from among their friends)
20. Balance evangelism with mercy ministry
D. Dutifully Serve One Another Within the Family of God
21. Keep groups small enough for edifying interaction and total participation
22. Build loving fellowship one with another (in and between groups)
23. Serve one another (in and among groups)
24. Cultivate unity one with another (in and between groups)
E. Each OneServes with Spiritual Gifts and Natural Talents
25. Practice gifts listed in Romans 12:6-8
26. Practice additional gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, 27-30
27. Practice additional gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11
F. Follow up All Essential New Testament Ministries
28. Review and do these ministries
G. Group Leaders Constantly Train New Leaders
29. Practice the 2 Timothy 2:2 training chain reaction
30. Practice trouble-shooting
A. All Ministries Built on the Rock, Jesus Christ
- Lay the Foundation, Obeying the Commands of Jesus before All Else
Jesus said that His disciples are to obey all His commands in love. These include serving one another and neighbors in love. This requires forming, developing and reproducing relational churches and small groups. To develop Christian community, practice New Testament church body life withinyour group and between groups. Carry out those disciplines that transform a group of individuals into a living, loving, serving body energized by the Spirit of God.
Discussion assigned to (volunteers): _____________________________
Read or simply tell the parable of the wise and foolish men in Matthew 7:24-27.
Before reading, ask everyone to listen for how to build their life and ministry.
Ask: Since both men heard Jesus’ words, what was the difference between them?
Answer: (Let them answer; if they cannot, then explain.) The wise man obeyed Jesus’ words.
Ask: Who is the Rock? (Let them answer.)
Answer: The rock is Jesus. Your relationship to Him is the foundation for everything else.
Ask: How does your group build on the Rock Jesus Christ?
Answer: By obeying His commands.
Read: Listen for how to make disciples according to Jesus, in Matthew 28:18-20.
Ask: How will you make disciples Jesus’ way?
Answer: By baptizing them and teaching them to obey all of Jesus’ commands. All discipling begins here; loving, childlike obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ is its only foundation. Believers become disciples by obeying all of Jesus’ commands, and make disciples by teaching others to obey all of His commands.…Read All.
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