Avoid Conflict Over Naming Elders

Based on Acts 13:1-3 &Titus 1:5-9 POY! SKIT GUIDELINES: In a small group, participants might simply read their lines, or glance at their lines to get the idea so they can speak in their own words. Most POY! skits require no practice in advance. Have any small children play a brief part. Most scripts have an optional part for children, listed last under Participants. Most scripts have a Narrator who should read the script beforehand to see how to keep moving the story along. It is not … [Read more...]

God Gives Five Types Of Leaders To Churches

Based on Ephesians 4:11-12 POY! SKIT GUIDELINES: In a small group, participants might simply read their lines, or glance at their lines to get the idea so they can speak in their own words. Most POY! skits require no practice in advance. Have any small children play a brief part. Most scripts have an optional part for children, listed last under Participants. Most scripts have a Narrator who should read the script beforehand to see how to keep moving the story along. It is not necessary … [Read more...]

God Chose Jacob Over Firstborn Esau To Carry On The Messianic Line

Based on Genesis 25:19-34; 27:1-45 POY! SKIT GUIDELINES: In a small group, participants might simply read their lines, or glance at their lines to get the idea so they can speak in their own words. Most POY! skits require no practice in advance. Have any small children play a brief part. Most scripts have an optional part for children, listed last under Participants. Most scripts have a Narrator who should read the script beforehand to see how to keep moving the story along. It is not necessary … [Read more...]

Philip Baptized An Ethiopian Official Without Delay, In Private

Based on Acts 8: 26-40 POY! SKIT GUIDELINES: In a small group, participants might simply read their lines, or glance at their lines to get the idea so they can speak in their own words. Most POY! skits require no practice in advance. Have any small children play a brief part. Most scripts have an optional part for children, listed last under Participants. Most scripts have a Narrator who should read the script beforehand to see how to keep moving the story along. It is not necessary to … [Read more...]

Highly Edifying Alternatives To Monologue

  Why offer alternatives to monologue preaching done from behind pulpits? After all, monologue is the only style that many teachers know. Few realize that the Word of God sets forth several different styles of teaching that have proven to be consistently effective, and often far more effective than monologue sermons. The monologue has its place, and many will improve their teaching and preaching by bringing a healthy balance between monologues and more relational methods of … [Read more...]

What To Do In Cell Or Home Church Start-up Meetings

By Rex Green   Church planters often follow Scripture texts such as Acts 2:42-47 and 1 Corinthians 14:24-26 in deciding on activities to introduce into new cells and home church gatherings. Choose from activities like the following, in any order, that meet urgent needs and teach loving obedience to Jesus. 1. Have Fellowship Gather friends or relatives, even if they are not yet believers, for refreshments and fun, or for a meal. Plan simple meetings with activities in which your friends or … [Read more...]

To Train Christian Leaders, Compare Coaching And Classroom

  To multiply healthy churches or cell groups, educators provide coaching as well as classroom training, according to current needs. When to do either becomes apparent by comparing the two training methods as they relate to a large number of factors. 1.  Physical Factors Time Required Coaching as Jesus and Paul did it takes time. Just as newborn babies need personal attention, coaches train new leaders of new flocks as long as they need it. Classroom schedules, degrees and semester … [Read more...]


Everyone present, including tots, help tell this story Copyright © by George Patterson, 2012 (may be copied freely) Have some good laughs during parties or family gatherings while keeping Christ in Christmas. The story takes about 10 minutes. Prepare: Participants merely shout a brief phrase whenever they hear their assigned name. Assign one or more parts to everyone. As you assign parts, let participants practice shouting their response. Parts for individuals Dr. … [Read more...]

What To Do With Children During Worship?

  Westerners who start home churches or cell groups often ask how to deal with their children during gatherings. The answer is simple. Replace Western traditions with the biblical way to deal with all believers during a meeting, including children. Let all believers express their spiritual gifts and natural talents, by enabling all to participate in some way, and helping those in different age groups to work closely together. 1. Let children participate actively, doing more than simply … [Read more...]

Jesus Blessed Marriage By Turning Water To Wine At A Wedding Feast

John 2:1-12 POY! SKIT GUIDELINES: In a small group, participants might simply read their lines, or glance at their lines to get the idea so they can speak in their own words. Most POY! skits require no practice in advance. Have any small children play a brief part. Most scripts have an optional part for children, listed last under Participants. Most scripts have a Narrator who should read the script beforehand to see how to keep moving the story along. It is not necessary to employ … [Read more...]