Practice Stewardship And Self-Support

Practice Stewardship and Self-support Yes, brothers in Christ, you can invest in eternity by returning to God what He has lent to you to glorify Him, that is, your time, treasure and talent. Yes, Lord, like Paul, we use your gifts to complete the ministry to which you called us, under any circumstances, even if it entails pain or death, whether or not it brings us earthly benefit. Be good stewards of all that God has given us. Jesus taught often and forcefully to give sacrificially. … [Read more...]

Stay Filled with the Holy Spirit, Bearing His Fruit

Stay Filled with the Holy Spirit, Bearing His Fruit  Yes, struggling believer, you will prevail in your soul’s battle between your new spiritual nature and your old corrupt nature. We will stand with you, and God will give you the victory. Yes, Lord Jesus, we yearn for Your Holy Spirit’s fruit in our lives. Prune us, fill us and guide us. Grow in grace, knowledge and Christ-like character, even though it entails bumps. Keep confessing all your sins to God, turning away from … [Read more...]

Show Practical Love To Sufferers And To The Needy

Show Practical Love to Sufferers and to the Needy Yes, caring brothers gifted to serve the needy, you can combine your work with a church’s other vital ministries, helping it fulfill Jesus’ Great Commandment. Believers do not normally require a relief or development agency to perform humanitarian work in their place. Yes, Lord, we will obey your most strongly emphasized commandment by showing compassionate, practical love to the needy and suffering. Help us balance and combine your … [Read more...]

Develop And Integrate Gift-Based Ministries

Develop and Integrate Gift-Based Ministries Yes, fellow elders, we are free to organize in a New Testament, synergistic way, so that every believer can serve seriously. Yes, Lord, we’ll arrange for all believers to use the gifts You give them to serve one another and their neighbors, doing the ministries that You require. Develop all ministries that the New Testament requires of a body of believers. A church is not fully planted until its members are doing the ministries that God … [Read more...]

Train Apprentice Leaders As Jesus And Paul Did

Train Apprentice Leaders as Jesus and Paul Did Yes, new shepherd, you can coach newer shepherds of daughter churches or cells, just as new pastors [elders] did in New Testament times. Just keep a step ahead of them while your own coach coaches [follows] your progress. Yes, Lord Jesus, we’ll keep your Kingdom expanding by training new leaders, as you modeled. We will avoid education programs that boast “high standards of excellence” while  disdaining Your guidelines for training new … [Read more...]

Practice The NT “One Another” Commands; Enjoy Communion

Practice the NT "One Another" Commands; Enjoy Communion Yes, my friends in Christ, you are free to speak up, to console, correct and encourage one another, as Scripture requires. Yes, Lord, we will avoid excessive monologue. We will encourage all believers to use the gifts you have given them to edify one another. Develop loving, edifying relationships with other believers, by keeping Jesus in your midst. You must pay constant attention to sustain edifying relationships, because, from … [Read more...]

Call Folk To Repent And Confirm It With Baptism

Call Folk to Repent and Confirm it by Baptism Yes, coworkers, you’re free to baptize the repentant, do not delay it to please others who put their tradition above God’s order. Yes, Lord Jesus, we will evangelize as You said, calling folk to turn from their sins. We will confirm their repentance by baptism, as the apostles did, to avoid discouraging them by delays or by legalistic demands. Help us smother babes in Christ with loving acceptance within the bosom of a caring body, just when … [Read more...]

Let Jesus Heal The Sick And Free Satan’s Victims

Let Jesus Heal the Sick and Free Satan’s Victims Yes, timid servant of Christ, He has delegated to you His power to heal. In His name, lay hands on the sick boldly as He said and as His apostles modeled, and leave the results to Him. Yes, Lord, we make healing an integral part of evangelism, as You and Your apostles did, using Your delegated authority to heal the sick. Please, help us bring Your healing grace to the suffering and oppressed. Boldly apply Jesus’ delegated authority to heal. … [Read more...]

All Ages Join In Worship And Joyful Holidays

All Age Groups Participate in Worship. They enjoy Holidays, Together. Yes, Lord, with Your help, we will arrange for adults and children to participate in worship activities, together, so that all voice your praises and edify one another, as your Word requires. Yes, new leader, you are free to follow New Testament norms for worship. May the tears of repentance and the laughter of liberation flow freely! Balance quiet contemplation with spontaneous dialog, to strengthen, exhort and … [Read more...]

Heed Commands Of Our King Before All Else

Heed the Commands of the King of Kings Above and Before all Else   Yes, new shepherd, you and your flock are free to obey all the commandments of the King of Kings. No higher authority can forbid you to baptize, serve Communion, pray in His name or proclaim His Word. He affirmed this authority in His final Great Commission. Yes, Lord, we will train disciples from the start, as you said, building on the Rock by heeding your commandments. Shield us from programs that overlook such … [Read more...]