Paul-Timothy #1

Paul Timothy 1.Get started

Instructions.User menu. Coaches’ and learners’ guidelines.

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Allstudies onthis page were revised Summer of 2017
View thecontents of a study by clicking onPreview.
Studies areformatted US letter size. Re-format these for your ownneeds.
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Read #1 first.

#1 Howto use Paul-Timothy studies.  Preview.  Word. Pdf.

A printable version of thePaul-TimothyUsers’ Menu

#2 User’sMenu for coaches and children’s teachers. Preview. Word. Pdf.

Coachesshould also read #3.

#3 11 guidelinesfor those who coach shepherds. Preview.  Word. Pdf.

#4 15guidelines for shepherds being trained. Preview.  Word. Pdf

#5 11guidelines for children’s teachers and helpers. Preview.  Word. Pdf

#6 10 tasksof coaches. Preview.  Word. Pdf

Supplemental guidelines

#7 2 ways by which tohelpa congregation’s body life. Preview.  Word. Pdf

#8 9 guidelines to planand lead group worship. Preview.  Word. Pdf

#9 12 basic topics to teach when studies are notavailable. Preview.  Word. Pdf

#10 10 b asicprinciples to introducePaul-Timothy. Preview.  Word. Pdf

Assignment checklist

#11 Checklistof studies assignedandcompleted. Preview. Word. Pdf.

#15 Bibleinsert: Gospel, Commandments, Coaching. Preview.  Word. Pdf.

#119Supplement: ChurchReproductionCycle. Preview.  Word.  Pdf.

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